Salary / IRP5 Posts in Tech support

How to refresh your import data on eFiling

  Written by Alicia  

If your employer, medical aid, retirement annuity, or investment fund has informed you that the tax certificate they provided is outdated and that they have sent a new tax certificate to SARS, but your tax return is still displaying old data, what steps can you take to fix this issue?

We've had a couple of taxpayers over the years contact us with this problem, and fortunately there is actually quite a simple way to fix it. 

Please follow these steps:

1.  Log ...

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Why is my IRP5 not being imported from eFiling?

  Written by Alicia  

The helpdesk has been inundated with questions asking why TaxTim is unable to import IRP5 details from eFiling and why taxpayers have to manually enter all the data that had usually been  imported in previous tax years.

Here's a few reasons, why you may be experiencing this issue:

  • The tax season usually opens 1 July each year -  if you are trying to complete your tax return early (i.e  from 1 March) your data will not be available on eFiling as all instit...

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