Copy everything from the tax return generated by TaxTim onto your blank ITR12 / ITR14 on eFiling.
Fill in the missing personal information (see our security policy).
File your tax return on eFiling and it will be sent to SARS.
Await feedback regarding the status of your tax return and any applicable refunds.
METHOD 3: Manual submit in person
Print the tax return that TaxTim generates for you.
Ask SARS to generate an ITR12 / ITR14 tax return for you (contains a personalised barcode). They can send to you by post or you can get this in person from your nearest SARS office.
Copy the information across from the printed copy to your tax return. Fill in the missing personal/company information (see our security policy).
Either post your tax return or deliver in person to your nearest SARS office. If you deliver in person, you will get a confirmation number (a good idea).
Wait for notification of any refund if applicable.