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Business Code Table

List of business source codes

Please choose the category of your business:



Pig farming 0102 0103
Livestock farming 0104 0105
Crop farming 0106 0107
Production of milk 0108 0109
Bee keeper 0110 0111
Mixed farming (no more than 50% in any of other) 0112 0113
Poultry farming 0114 0115
Ostrich farming 0116 0117
Breeding of non-food producing animals (excluding horse breeder) 0118 0119
Horse breeder 0120 0121
Agricultural services (excluding veterinary services - see 2956) 0122 0123
Vegetable farming 0124 0125
Wine farming 0126 0127
Fruit farming 0128 0129
Flower and seed growers 0130 0131
Forestry and logging (plantations) 0132 0133
Sugar farming 0134 0135
Fish breeder 0136 0137
Tobacco farming 0138 0139
Wool farming 0140 0141
Game farming 0142 0143
Any foreign farming operations 0192 0193


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