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Small Business Income Tax Calculator

Work out Tax Payable on your Small Business Taxable Income

Use our Small Business Corporation Income Tax calculator to work out the tax payable on your business taxable income.

We have the SARS SBC tax rates tables built in - no need to look them up!

Financial year end fall within the following period:  
Taxable income:   R

Oops! It seems our calculator took a vacation to Bermuda without telling us. We're sending it a stern email and some virtual sunscreen. In the meantime, please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience – even calculators need a break sometimes!

This is how you work it out:
Taxable income: @{ taxableIncome | formatMoney }
Tax = @{ calculationDescription }
Tax = @{ tax | formatMoney }
Profit after tax: @{ profitAfterTax | formatMoney }

Do your Tax Return in 20 minutes or less!

TaxTim will help you:

 Do Your Tax Return Easily
 Avoid penalties
 Maximise your refund

Tim uses your answers to complete your income tax return instantly and professionally, with everything filled in in the right place.

Let Tim submit your tax return direct to SARS in just a few clicks!

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