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Home Office Calculator

Calculate the home office expense you can claim in your tax return

    Please enter in your home office-related expenses for the full tax year below.

    Please note if you moved during the tax year and you worked at two different properties
    then you need to do a separate calculation for the time spent at each property.

    Tax year
    Please choose your tax year.
    2023 and after   2022 and before
    Do you own or rent your property?
    Rent   Own
    Total household costs
    @{ sumTotalHouseHoldCost | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Square meterage of your home office
    Use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of a room. Multiply together to get the square meterage e.g. a room that is 4 meters by 3 meters equals 12 square meters.
    Square meterage of your total property
    This is the total area of your residence including any outbuildings and the area used for trade in the residence.
    Percentage household costs you can claim
    @{ (percentageOfPropertyClaimableCosts * 100).toFixed(2) } %
    Breakdown: (@{ parseInt(this.homeOfficeSquareMeterage) } / @{ parseInt(this.propertySquareMeterage) } x 100)
    Oops! It seems our calculator took a vacation to Bermuda without telling us. We're sending it a stern email and some virtual sunscreen. In the meantime, please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience – even calculators need a break sometimes!
    Total Home Office Deduction:

    @{ homeOfficeDeduction | formatMoney | currencySymbol }

    This is how you work it out:

    Square meterage of your home office @{ homeOfficeSquareMeterage }
    Square meterage of your total property @{ propertySquareMeterage }
    Percentage household costs you can claim @{ (percentageOfPropertyClaimableCosts * 100).toFixed(2) } %
    Apportioned expenses ( breakdown: @{ (percentageOfPropertyClaimableCosts * 100).toFixed(2) }% x @{ sumFirstTypeOfCosts() | formatMoney | currencySymbol } ) @{ apportionedExpense | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    @{ } @{ cost.value | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Total expenses to apportion @{ sumFirstTypeOfCosts() | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Low value equipment @{ additionalCosts[0].value | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Wear and tear @{ additionalCosts[1].value | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Other (@{ additionalCosts[2].specified }) @{ additionalCosts[2].value | formatMoney | currencySymbol }
    Total Home Office deduction @{ homeOfficeDeduction | formatMoney | currencySymbol }

    You must include the Home office deduction under the "Other deductions" section in your ITR12, in the block for Home Office expenses.

    For further clarification, please refer to our home office blog Deduction of Home Office Expenditure.

    Impact on Capital Gains Tax:

    While people are eager to claim the home office tax deduction in order to reduce their taxable income (and ultimate tax liability), it's important to understand that claiming this expense may increase capital gains tax you will need to pay on your property when you dispose of it one day. For further clarfication, please read our blog here.

    Get a PDF record of the above sent to your inbox:

    If you are audited, SARS will ask for this exact calculation.