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What happens to previous late/incomplete tax returns after a penalty has been paid in full?

Foreigner said:
7 July 2020 at 9:21

I have been working abroad permanently for more than three years and I reside outside of South Africa. I have never fully understood the tax rules and see that I have some penalties (fines) for late/incomplete submissions. I do not have any way of receiving all information needed to submit old tax returns, so I want to know what will happen when I pay the penalties? Will it just start racking up again for the same infringements or will I have a clean slate to do things the right way going forward?

TaxTim Neo TaxTim Neo said:
7 July 2020 at 17:18

The penalty is imposed only for non-submissions of tax returns therefore if you do not submit the tax returns the admin penalty will reoccur for every month the tax return(s) remains outstanding. It is advisable to submit the outstanding tax returns to stop further admin penalties.
Please note that if you are you registered on SARS eFiling your IRP5 and any other data will import automatically, but that is only if the data is available on SARS eFiling.

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