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What are the requirements for a new company tax clearance certificate?

David says:
7 October 2015 at 11:30

What are the requirements for a new company tax clearance certificate?

TaxTim TaxTim says:
7 October 2015 at 15:46

If all your tax filings are up to date (i.e corporate tax, VAT and PAYE) you can apply for a Tax Clearance online via SARS filing.

David says:
7 October 2015 at 16:11

I have a newly registered company, a new company that has not done any trading yet. What are the requirements for a tax clearance certificate?

TaxTim TaxTim says:
7 October 2015 at 17:12

If you have a tax reference number and a SARS SARS eFiling logon, you can apply for it online.
If the company has done no trading, then by default it should be up to date with its taxes and you should be able to obtain a tax clearance certificate easily.

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