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Please clarify if I can get a tax directive and how they work

Daleen says:
1 April 2016 at 8:57

My estimated gross income R670 114. 00
My estimated expenditure R306 081. 00
Estimated taxable income R364 033. 00
Please show me the calculations to get a tax directive of 20%

TaxTim TaxTim says:
4 April 2016 at 8:21

Tax directives are just guidelines for the employer of what percentage to deduct as PAYE. However this may not be the full and final tax. Please make use of our SARS income tax calculator to see what your actual tax will be on this amount.

If your employer deducts 20% as PAYE and this is too little then you would still pay in tax or if it is too much then you will be refunded.

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