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PART TIME WORK - how do I disclose on my ITR12 Income Tax Return?
Posted 3 December 2013
I am retired and drawing a pension. I also do a bit of accounting work for a small engineering company and for that receive /- R3000 per month. The company is disclosing this as consulting fees in their accounts ie they are not providing me with an IRP5. My questions are (1) Do I disclose this information under the LBTP and ODED sections of my ITR12 and (2) do I have to complete the SOAL section of the return?
TaxTimsays: 9 December 2013 at 9:12
Yes the local business in mod section would be the way to go as you can then include all the related expenses as well to reduce the taxes payable. You don't need to complete the SOAL.