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Medical Tax Credit - 2015 Tax Year

2015 tax year.

I pay R150.00 per month toward a medical aid fund for myself and my daughter (6 years).
Do I qualify for the full monthly tax credit of R257.00 X 2 = R514.00 or will this be limited to my actual monthly fund contribution?

TaxTim Marc TaxTim Marc said:
19 March 2014 at 12:07

Your credit will be limited to your monthly contribution unfortunately.

TaxTim Marc TaxTim Marc said:
19 March 2014 at 12:08

Does your employer contribute to the fund at all?

Sannie DeNecker said:
19 March 2014 at 22:28

Thank you very much for your quick response.

NO - My employer does not contribute as I am self employed.

Could I asked you please to clarify this term - "Contribution to a medical aid (without regard to the quantum of the contribution) will qualify the taxpayer to receive a credit of fixed amount, based on the number of the taxpayer?%u20AC%u2122s dependents on the medical aid scheme." ?

I appreciate your assistance and must add : you are doing a great job.

TaxTim Marc TaxTim Marc said:
20 March 2014 at 14:39

Thanks for the positive words!

Essentially every taxpayer who contributes to a medical aid receives a set RAND amount as a credit (take off) from their tax payable. SARS allows a certain amount for the primary member and one secondary member and then any further members on the medical aid also receives a monthly credit of a different amount.

Have a look at our blog on Medical Aid 2015 rules for a better understanding.

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