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How to capture EMP501 and IRP5 values

Roy says:
18 May 2016 at 9:00

When capturing an EMP501 on Easyfile, under Liabilities, do I capture the payroll values exported from my payroll system for payment every month or do I capture the actual payments made to SARS for that month under liability?

TaxTim TaxTim says:
18 May 2016 at 10:55

You need to capture the actual payments made. The values from your payroll should automatically populate the reconciliation when you import the payroll file into Easyfile.

TaxTim TaxTim says:
18 May 2016 at 12:12

Apologies for the confusion.

You should enter the monthly totals from your EMP201 tax returns.. The last column should be actual payments made. The totals from the individuals' tax certificates should automatically pull through from your payroll import and populate the reconciliation at the bottom. So essentially its a three way reconciliation between EMP201 tax returns, actual payments, and then the IRP5s from your payroll system.

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