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How much tax do I get charged on a R10000.00 salary?

I would like to find out on a R10 000 salary, how l much tax would be deducted and would I be eligible to claim tax in the future?

TaxTim TaxTim says:
1 October 2012 at 8:55

Assuming you have no deductions for medical aid, pension fund or other items then the PAYE on R10 000 would be - R846.66 per month and to that R100 for Unemployment Insurance Fund would also come off. So your nett amount per month is - R9 053.34

All rebates have been taken into account in the working out this PAYE amount unless you have medical expenditure or other expenses which you can claim as a deduction such as pension fund, retirement fund, income protection, donations made to a PBO and some minor other allowances.

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