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Travel Allowance Posts in Tax Q&A

Travel deduction for an on older car

  Written by Nicci  

I'm a commission earner and I can claim travel expenses. When I complete TaxTim 'Travel Deduction Optimiser' it will only let me choose the date of the purchase of my car from 2017 onwards. My car was purchased in 2007. Does this mean that I can't use the 'deemed cost' method and can only use the 'actual cost method' - or is there another way to enter the correct year of purchase as 2007?

Tax on my travel allowance

  Written by Nicci  

My employer is satisfied that only 60% of my travel allowance will be for business purpose, do I only include the 60% in my monthly payslip for PAYE purposes or do I revert back to the 80/20 rule?

I work two jobs - can I claim internet for both?

  Written by Nicci  

I work two jobs as an independent contractor in addition to my full-time salary. I use the same fibre internet connection for both these jobs which is debited on a monthly basis. Am I correct in saying I can only claim for it once on my tax return, and not twice for both jobs?

Then I also want to know if my TaxTim payment is deductible? 

My seafarer exemption was rejected. What do I do now?

  Written by Nicci  

I received a SARS assessment after submitting my tax return via TaxTim. During the submission, there was no payment to SARS expected. However I then received an assessment for a large (R2m) balance owed. At the time I assumed it was a mistake or a premature assessment before my documents had been processed, but I've now received an email from SARS stating Outstanding Debt. Please could you assist me with understanding the significant discrepancy between the TaxTim calculation and the SARS assess...

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Accepted auto assess forgot my travel logbook

  Written by Neo  

What will happen if I already accepted my auto assessment, but I have done so without submitting my travel logbook, am I able to fix this myself, what should I do? Am I correct in saying that I would need to request some sort of correction on eFiling and how would I go about doing this? How and where on the eFiling system should I go to get the request for correction?

I received an auto assessment sms from SARS

  Written by Neo  

SARS has sent me an SMS saying they have calculated my assessment tax and I can accept or edit this. I have done an early tax return with TaxTim and I'm not sure what to do now as I cannot submit that tax return until 1 Sep 2022

Auto Assess and Travel expenses

  Written by Neo  

I have received an SMS, stating that my tax has been assessed automatically and that a refund is due of R7000,00 however I do not know if my travelling has been taken into account as I have not sent anything yet. Could you help me in clarifying this matter? Should I accept it as it is, would this not have an impact on my tax return to SARS when I do finally submit it?

Can a sole proprietor claim for vehicle maintenance?

  Written by Neo  

Can a sole proprietor (extra income, working from home) claim for vehicle maintenance (I do most maintenance myself, but have invoices for the parts) and insurance if he did not keep an accurate logbook?

Are Share Options taxed on date of them vesting (eligible but not exercised) or only when exercised?

  Written by Neo  

I have the option to participate in an employee share option scheme, but I'm a little unclear on the tax implications. I high-level view is as follows:

Options will be granted at an agreed price (e.g. R1)
The options will vest over a four year period (annually)
Once vested, I would be able to exercise the right to purchase and retain shares or sell to a willing buyer because the company is private, it may not always be easy to find a willing buyer (e.g. At the end of each year), and I may also not have funds available to purchase the shares myself. My main question is around when would I become liable for tax?...

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Code 3713 Implications?

  Written by Marc  

I have been paying PAYE on a site/home allowance which I get because I work on a site away from home. Can I get a tax deduction on this. My employer put it as a code 3713 on my IRP5.


I don't know what is s12e, can you help please?

  Written by Alicia  

I don't know what is s12e

This query relates to question 4862 "Please enter the S12E accelerated depreciation allowance which the company can claim. Use our handy SBC calculator to help with your workings." in the Income statement section.

What is the difference between Pensionable and non-pensionable salary?

  Written by Marc  

Q: Please explain the tax calculation between pensionable and non-pensionable salary

How is profit on sale of private vehicles taxed?

  Written by Evan  

I bought a used bakkie from a friend at his book value and sold it soon after at a good profit. Will it be taxed under capital gain?

What happens once I've submitted my tax return form?

  Written by Marc  

One of the questions most asked when it comes to tax season, is “what happens now that I’ve submitted my income tax return, when do I get my refund?”’

If you’re due a tax refund then you will probably get the money deposited into your account within a few days. SARS will also email or SMS you telling you that an IT34 (Summary of your return and refund) and ITSA (Income Tax Statement of Account) have been issued. They will detail your tax refund (tax back) if any. So look forward to that deposit into your account. ...

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Car vs car allowance tax

  Written by Marc  

From a tax perspective which is more beneficial to an employee: a car allowance or a company provided vehicle? What would the impact be on either if the employee does not travel sufficient business kilometres on both?

Shareholder Loan and own company

  Written by Neo  

I have a loan with my company (payable from the company). I would like to know what the effects are that we need to consider regarding interest-free loans? I am aware that we can create a tax deduction for the company and I will have the interest exemption, but I feel there is something I'm missing?

Also if the shareholder already exceeded his R23k exemption, will it be fine if we do not levy any interest on this loan? Will there be any unknown tax consequences for that?


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What does code 3801 and 3810 on irp5 stand for? If fringe benefits why wont they appear on payslip?

  Written by Marc  

I am currently completing my 2 daughters, my son in law, my husband and my tax returns for the 2015 tax year and I am unsure of code 3801 and 3810 on my daughter's tax return. What could these fringe benefits be? I don't see it on her payslips? Her salary structure is that her salary as a cash amount and travel allowance on her payslip as well her medical aid, disability, provident, Income protection insurance and ancillary fee but her IRP5 does not show the above on her IRP5?
Confused! Doe...

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Calculation of fringe benefit tax on use of a company car. / deduction claim

  Written by Alicia  

Calculation of fringe benefit tax on a company car. Car owned by the company used for business purposes and a small amount of private (home to work etc) Codes 6020 and 6035 are used. One is for the value of the vehicle and the other is the amount taxable. Does this get added to the taxable income? will code 6035 be the one that contains the taxable portion?

What is Gross Remuneration?

  Written by Nicci  

How is 3699 Gross Remuneration arrived at?

Should source code 3699 reflect on your cost to company?

  Written by Nicci  

Does source code 3699 include all employment income, so it should it reflect your cost to company?

Can I claim against the use of my vehicle if the only code on my IRP5 is 3703?

  Written by Nicci  

I have used my vehicle for official travel - there is only code 3703 on my IRP5. Can I claim travel expenses in my return?

Is there a limit on the contribution towards PAYE for tax on perks such as fuel?

  Written by Neo  

As part of my package I receive the benefit of a fuel card and car allowance (but I do not do any business travel). However, on my tax return for 2020 I had to pay almost R9k because of this benefit. I had thought that our Human Resource Department would have made adjustments to my PAYE so that I would be paying 100% of the applicable tax so that I do not have anything to pay when I do my tax return once a year. Our Human Resource person said that he was not able to set the PAYE so that I could in future pay 100% of the fuel and car allowance benefit, but was limited to set it at 80%. ...

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Why am I being auto-assessed on SARS eFiling?

  Written by Neo  

I received an auto-assessment from SARS. My husband did not receive the SMS but my friend also received an SMS saying she has been auto-assessed. Why have SARS introduced this new process? Why are there some being auto-assessed and not others?

What happens to previous late/incomplete tax returns after a penalty has been paid in full?

  Written by Neo  

I have been working abroad permanently for more than three years and I reside outside of South Africa. I have never fully understood the tax rules and see that I have some penalties (fines) for late/incomplete submissions. I do not have any way of receiving all information needed to submit old tax returns, so I want to know what will happen when I pay the penalties? Will it just start racking up again for the same infringements or will I have a clean slate to do things the right way going forwar...

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Individual Tax Consultation

  Written by Neo  

In January 2018 I stopped working as a full time employee and for the 2018/2019 tax year I did various things (including foreign travel and work) and earned different kinds of incomes. I did not register as a provisional taxpayer as at that stage I really did not know how the year was going to pan out and if I was going back into full time employment again. I would like to settle any tax I may owe for the 2018/2019 year, however with my different incomes, working out the country for more than 18...

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