Medical: 10 most popular posts
Can construction workers claim a tax refund?

Written by Nicci
Posted 30 April 2024
I work as a bricklayer on a building site. Do I need to submit a tax return and are construction employees allowed to claim a tax refund?
Overseas income

Written by Neo
Updated 9 May 2022
I have been working overseas and will be doing so for the whole of 2022 tax year making me provisional:
a. What average exchange rate will I use?
b. When is the first Provisional tax return due and, if necessary payable?
c. Can I deduct my overseas pension and medical from my gross income or is this only if I have a pension/RA and medical in South Africa?
d. I know that R1. 25 mil is exempt so how would I work out the tax on that as I know that I cannot claim all overseas tax...
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Claimable medical expenses

Written by Neo
Updated 4 May 2022
I would like to find out whether I can claim antenatal multivitamins and non-script items as part of medical expenses not covered by medical aid? I have been buying these since the beginning of the year and I was just wondering if since I use them for medical purposes would I be able to claim them. Kindly assist as I am very much confused. I heard somewhere that one is able to claim medical expenses from SARS, but I am not sure which expenses can be claimed. I tried looking for the list of medic...
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Why am I getting auto-assessed? Where is my tax return?

Written by Neo
Updated 3 May 2022
I received an auto-assessment from SARS but I am confused what this means. Why have I been selected by SARS and how did SARS get my data? Can I still submit a tax return if I want to?
I received an auto assessment sms from SARS

Written by Neo
Updated 28 April 2022
SARS has sent me an SMS saying they have calculated my assessment tax and I can accept or edit this. I have done an early tax return with TaxTim and I'm not sure what to do now as I cannot submit that tax return until 1 Sep 2022
Claim tax on Affinity Health Medical Scheme?

Written by Neo
Updated 27 April 2022
I have a hospital plan with Affinity Health Medical scheme. Does that fall under medical insurance or medical aid? Please note that the plan pays for in-hospital expenses only. I already gave them a call and they advised me they cannot provide me with a tax certificate, they are a medical insurance company. So do I still proceed under the medical aid section if I have pathology expenses and prescription medication that I paid for which I want to claim?
Medical Aid claims and Dependents

Written by Neo
Updated 25 April 2022
I was the principal member of my medical aid plan for part of the tax year end Feb 2022 and my husband was an adult dependent. My husband incurred several medical expenses, which were not reimbursed by the medical scheme while he was a dependent on the medical plan. What I would like to find out is, that if a person does not contribute to a medical scheme, like my husband (who was a dependent), he/she is therefore not able to claim a deduction for any medical expenses incurred, correct? And if t...
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Obtaining an IRP5 form from an old employer

Written by Marc
Posted 8 April 2022
I am having a problem with obtaining my IRP5 form from 2010 from one of my employers.
I was still in school this time and I worked as a waiter back then, so I was clueless when it came to submitting tax and all. I did my 2013 return, and now SARS have asked me to do it from 2010?
You will need to contact your employer and ask them to send you a letter explaining why they are unable to provide you with the IRP5.
In most cases, your employer migh...
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Medical Aid and Pension contributions on IRP5

Written by Nicci
Updated 7 April 2022
I struggle to understand how the (The total deduction - code 4497 on IRP5) is calculated. I have a medical aid fund, pension fund and retirement annuity. My employer (the church) is contributing to all three of these funds. This question is for the 2021/2022 tax year with the new T-day implications. In the income section, the following IRP5 codes are used. (This I understand)
3810 - Medical aid benefit
3817 - Pension fund fringe benefit
3828 - RA fringe benefit
In the deductions/contribution section. These are the only items Payroll shows. ...
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What happens once I've submitted my tax return form?

Written by Marc
Posted 6 April 2022
One of the questions most asked when it comes to tax season, is “what happens now that I’ve submitted my income tax return, when do I get my refund?”’
If you’re due a tax refund then you will probably get the money deposited into your account within a few days. SARS will also email or SMS you telling you that an IT34 (Summary of your return and refund) and ITSA (Income Tax Statement of Account) have been issued. They will detail your tax refund (tax back) if any. So look forward to that deposit into your account. ...
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What does code 3801 and 3810 on irp5 stand for? If fringe benefits why wont they appear on payslip?

Written by Marc
Updated 1 April 2022
I am currently completing my 2 daughters, my son in law, my husband and my tax returns for the 2015 tax year and I am unsure of code 3801 and 3810 on my daughter's tax return. What could these fringe benefits be? I don't see it on her payslips? Her salary structure is that her salary as a cash amount and travel allowance on her payslip as well her medical aid, disability, provident, Income protection insurance and ancillary fee but her IRP5 does not show the above on her IRP5?
Confused! Doe...
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Tax on Lump Sum payment - Provident Fund

Written by Nicci
Posted 16 March 2022
A friend received a lump sum payment from her provident fund to pay for a family members medical bills. Is she able to claim back some of the tax paid over to SARS for the additional medical expenses? She had previously received a lump sum payment on retrenchment, so this is the second lump sum recieved from the fund. She has no other income.
What does SARS mean by auto-assessment?

Written by Neo
Posted 27 July 2020
I saw something in a news article about SARS issuing auto-assessments this year from 1 August. I tried to research but couldn't find much and this is all very new to me. Please can you explain what this is? Are there any new changes which I need to be aware moving forward? I have been filing my own tax return for the past years, but I hear that I might not need to do so this year.
SARS sent me an SMS about auto-assessment? Is this legit?

Written by Neo
Posted 20 July 2020
I received an SMS from SARS which mentioned something about an auto-assessment. I have not heard of this before. I don't trust anyone these days, and because of that I just want to ensure that this is legit - do you think this is a scam?
Tax deductions exceeds the tax paid

Written by Neo
Posted 28 May 2020
What happens if my Allowable Tax Deductions exceeds the tax paid in the same year. Logically I should only be able to claim back the actual tax paid? It will be Additional allowable Medical claims which will not be covered by the medical aid. These amounts plus smaller deductions will push the claims to over and above the tax payable amount.
Learning disablity claimable from SARS

Written by Neo
Posted 28 May 2020
I pay for a scriber to assist my daughter that has a learning disability, I would like to know whether I will be able to claim this expense from SARS. I did not register my daughter with SARS or SASSA. So, I do not know what process to follow regarding this matter would be.
Claiming retirement

Written by Neo
Posted 25 July 2019
I am confused and I need some clarity regarding money I am contributing into a pension fund. I am making monthly contributions into someone else%u2019s pension fund. I was wondering whether I can deduct my contributions from my income for tax purposes. Can I claim these contributions back? I am not certain whether this is doable and would appreciate your help.
Earnings of a teacher and tax

Written by Neo
Posted 5 June 2019
I would like to find out if I should submit a tax return as a teacher that earns R300 000 per annum. Would this be required of me?
Doctor's fees deductible if not on medical aid?

Written by Neo
Posted 19 July 2017
Good Day. During 2016/2017 my wife stayed with me before we got married. We both had doctors visits but I did not have a medical aid yet. Can the doctor's fees be deducted from my tax? She also got pregnant with my child and we had monthly check ups.
Old 2009/2010 efiling returns

Written by Neo
Posted 17 July 2017
SARS say they upgraded their system and have now seen i did not file a tax return in 2009,2010 and have fined me for each year. Both years i was under the threshold but they are insisting i file these returns. I do not have the IRP5 anymore and the company no longer exists. They advised that I open the return on efiling and can then submit as it should have all the info, I have done this but there is no earning/medical aid information etc.
How do i resolve this now as both returns are now sitting open on efiling and i am getting fined R250 per month now that i do not resubmit....
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Claim on Pharmacy Bills

Written by Neo
Posted 14 July 2017
I didn't keep my pharmacy receipts, may I still claim for these amounts? They do reflect on the my medical aid statement.
Submit a return with medical aid claims on

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2017
I wanted to enquire approximately how much it would cost for me to do my Tax Returns?
Just an estimation.
It would be just for me. Straight forward Gross Salary plus medical aid. No other claims such as commission, mileage, petrol etc.
Edit an already submitted return

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2017
I submitted my tax on the 03/07 and a couple of days after that I got a new
tax statement
from my medical aid stating that the previous one is incorrect.
This regards the amount that is an additional medical expense
not covered by the medical aid, the initial amount was overstated.
How do I resubmit my tax with the new amount as I don't want any issues
later on.
Medical Aid Expenses for previous tax years

Written by Alicia
Posted 6 July 2017
I was retrenched April 2014 but continued paying for my medical aid in my
personal capacity. I only claimed for out of pocket medical expenses and
not what I paid in my private capacity. I'm not sure If I could claim for
that and if I can now with 2017 submission claim for 2014 / 2015 medical
Can I claim medical aid premium costs

Written by Alicia
Posted 5 July 2017
Can I claim for the medical premium that I pay for my parents? We help them financially with medical aid and other costs on a monthly basis. They are not dependents of our own medical aid - we just pay their Discovery medical aid premium.
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