Medical aid premium
Posted 24 November 2015
Where on your website do I enter my medical aid premium? I paid it myself not through my employer. Your website only asks for expenses that I have incurred outside of my medical aid.
When am I getting the refund for late husband's deceased estate?
Posted 24 November 2015
In August I submitted my late husband's IRP5 and I was told that I am going to receive R2100 for the year 2015. They told me that its still going for an audit.
What should I do because I am still waiting for that money. And when you call them you keep on holding until the airtime is finished without being helped. What do I need to do?
Deduction for travelling to work
Posted 24 November 2015
Where do I enter my deduction for travelling to work as an independent contractor?
All I find is this:
"Did you spend any money on business travel which you do not get a travel allowance or reimbursement for? You must be a commission earner to answer Yes. Look for source code 3606 on your IRP5. Your Commission MUST also be more than 50% of your total income as stated on your IRP5. "
And this:
"Do you receive a travel allowance from your employer? Click Yes if source codes 3701 or 3702 appear on your IRP5, AND if you kept a vehicle logbook. "...
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Any tax on inheritance of a house
Posted 24 November 2015
My daughter will inherit my primary residence. Are there any tax implications for her and/or for my estate? Like CGT for example.
Income from consulting
Posted 24 November 2015
Where do I indicate my income from freelance consulting? I was not employed and thus did not receive an IRP5/IT3a from an employer.
What to do with medical slips if not member of medical scheme?
Posted 24 November 2015
If I am not a member of a Medical Scheme; but keeping the slips of Medical Expenses, can I fill that amount to my Tax Return form. If yes; where to fill it?
Declaring financial derivative gains on the ITR12
Posted 24 November 2015
I earned income as the result of trade in financial derivates. I am not a professional trader and do this in my spare time. How do I declare this on the ITR12 and how do I claim expenses against this income? Is this defined as a business or as investing and capital gains? I used my home office and own equipment for financial research and online trading. In a previous answer you stated that this type of income can be declared on the ITR12 but somehow I missed it in the TaxTim Q&A process. When I ...
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Medical aid claim for claims submitted after year end
Posted 23 November 2015
Hi. I submitted a medical aid claim after the tax year end for a procedure which was done in February 2015. Medical aid only paid a portion of the claim due to the nature of my medical aid plan. The amount not paid for by the medical aid is not reflecting on my medical aid tax certificate for 2015. I do have the original invoices. Can I add it on my tax return for this year or only next year?
Over the counter medication vs prescription medical claims
Posted 23 November 2015
Why can I not claim for over the counter medicines that I have to purchase and is then cheaper than going for a doctor's consultation and still pay for prescriptions?
Can you assist with complicated tax return, involving extra income, provisional tax etc?
Posted 23 November 2015
My situation is pretty complicated. I am a provisional tax payer. I earn extra income for 3 properties, but also from a side business. All goes through my own personal bank account, so it is personal tax all of it. I am fully employed, however I was retrenched in 2014 June. I have an income protector and claimed from it for 2 months, until I started work again in September 2014. I have retirement annuities, medical aid etc.
Am I able to use your services effectively and accurately in...
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Tax on Receiving Foreign Funds over R100 000
Posted 23 November 2015
My mother is moving to RSA and wants to transfer an amount of R250 000 into my account to 'hold' for her until she sets up her RSA bank account. The amount is in EUR. I spoke to SARS who claim that I can declare it as 'non-taxable income/gift' in my tax returns. I asked them to clarify donations tax but they insist, it will not be counted as a donation unless I file an IT144?
a) is this true; every person and website I have checked with refer to donations tax @ 20% (on amounts > R100 000) ...
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Where do you include deductions in terms of a business as a sole proprietor?
Posted 23 November 2015
I know a medical practitioner who in addition to working at a hospital, started their own private medical operations in Jan. As a sole proprietor, I understand that the profit/loss should be included in their personal tax return.
Where on their tax return should they fill in deductions of expenses incurred in the production of income ito the practice?
Verification of income tax declaration
Posted 23 November 2015
I have submitted my tax returns and they called for my 2013 tax return which I did, they then called for verification of income tax declaration for the PAYE amount. I then went to SARS to submit my IRP5 from 2013 to show them proof of my PAYE amount. This isn't a real complex case all they need to verify is my PAYE amount.
How long will it take them to pay out my refund with regards to the above case?
Out of pocket medical expense of R3920. Will that help my refund?
Posted 23 November 2015
Out of pocket medical expense of R3920. Will that help my refund? I have no medical aid.
Tax on allowance for laptop?
Posted 23 November 2015
Is there tax on laptop allowance?
Does the employer and employee both pay PAYE?
Posted 23 November 2015
Is PAYE deducted to both the employer and employee? In the books of the employer is it 2x like the UIF or any other contributions?
Business Expenses - categorisation
Posted 23 November 2015
When declaring tax for my business I'm finding it hard to fit my business expenses into one of the SARS categories.
My expenses for the web hosting business mostly revolve around renting servers and software. What category would that fall under?
Is Occupational Interest received declared as interest or as rental income on your tax return?
Posted 22 November 2015
Is Occupational Interest received declared as interest or as rental income on your tax return?
Out of pocket medical expenses deductions not showing on assessment
Posted 22 November 2015
I have completed my tax return via SARS eFiling and entered R10,200 rand worth of out of pocket medical expenses. When I click on "calculate" results I don't see any SARS reimbursements and the value SARS owes me doesn't change if I add and remove the out of pocket medical expense value. I don't see medical expenses on the calculated results on PDF it creates. Why is it being ignored?
Married couple rental income
Posted 22 November 2015
Regarding rental income as a married couple married outside of communion, do I list it as a partnership with 50 percent share or do I enter only half of the income and expenses and then don't list it as a partnership?
For rebates which are apportioned for year of death, do you include the day the person died?
Posted 22 November 2015
For rebates which are apportioned for year of death, do you include the day the person died?
Can I offset my rent paid against my rental income derived?
Posted 22 November 2015
I own an apartment that I let out. However I also rent an apartment for me to live in. Can I offset my rental expense against my rental income on my primary residence?
Medical aid supporting documents
Posted 22 November 2015
SARS requested supporting documentation with reference to my medical expenses. Are you required to have the actual claims and payment receipts for medical expenses that were already covered by your scheme and appears on your tax certificate already (claims not recovered from the scheme)? For example, if SARS asked me for supporting docs would the tax certificate do? I don't have any other expenses - I submitted all my claims through my medical aid.
Declaring Dual listed company dividends
Posted 22 November 2015
I own Richemont and Billiton shares that are dual listed on the JSE. On my IT3b:
- Richemont dividends are shown as "foreign dividends" and 35% tax is deducted as "foreign tax paid".
- BHP Billiton dividends are shown as "foreign dividends" but the normal 15% witholding tax is deducted.
Do I need to declare both of these under foreign dividends and foreign tax credits or are they different?
Medical Gap Cover - claimable
Posted 22 November 2015
I changed from a medical aid with gap cover to a hospital plan with gap cover. I don't have the gap cover tax certificate nor the expenses we paid cash for when on the hospital plan. Is this important to obtain? I think I may be able to get both.
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