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Audit / Verification Posts in Tax Q&A

Corrected IRP5

  Written by Neo  

My employer had to fix the tax period on my IRP5 and it has now been resubmitted to SARS. I would like to know if I am able to get TaxTim to reload this new IRP5 document for me? Also, please note that there are some amount changes as well which were made and this needs to reflect before I can agree to submit the final details. Is there perhaps a process whereby TaxTim can import the IRP5 before commencing to the submission state?

Earnings of a teacher and tax

  Written by Neo  

I would like to find out if I should submit a tax return as a teacher that earns R300 000 per annum. Would this be required of me?

Two incomes and tax calculations

  Written by Neo  

I am 51 years old and I receive a monthly taxable salary and a monthly pension. How do I calculate my tax on both incomes?

Backpay and bonus taxed in same way?

  Written by Neo  

Can a bonus and an arbitration award backpay be added on one source code?

The employer added the arbitration award backpay for 2014 to 2017 august under one source code of bonus. What is the impact are the two taxed in the same way?

Leave days and tax

  Written by Neo  

How are the leave days calculated when an employee resigns from a company?

Compiling IRP6

  Written by Neo  

I am a first time IRP6 Provisional Taxpayer and I am looking to complete and submit my tax return through TaxTim. Would you be able to assist me with my tax return? I would also like to find out whether Provisional Taxpayers would need to submit documents and other expenses later in tax season again? Also, will I have an opportunity to submit other expenses later if I accidentally leave out something or over estimated on my IRP6 P1. And finally, how accurate does my IRP6 need to be considering t...

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Underestimated tax paid (IRP6)

  Written by Neo  

I am a provisional taxpayer. I have not yet received my final payslip, but I will be receiving it quite soon. On my IRP6 tax return, I have indicated that the total estimated on the taxable income and actual tax paid is an estimate as of today and not the accurate amount. So, what I would like to find out is, when the final payslips are available and ready for me to use, what will happen if I have underestimated the actual tax paid to date? Will I perhaps still be eligible for any refund?

Relocation expenses

  Written by Neo  

I got a new job and the new company is paying me one month's salary as relocation allowance. I understand that this is taxed, but can I have any tax deductions if I can prove actual relocation expenses?

Time to lodge a dispute

  Written by Neo  

How long do you have to lodge a dispute on an assessment?

SARS does not want to pay me the money it owes me.

  Written by Neo  

Good day, SARS owes me money, had to go through the ombudsman to prove this, successfully did so however, SARS now requires that I prove that I actually did pay an amount I owed 2 years back before they refund me. My question is: is that even legally allowed/required of me or is it foul play from SARS? Thank you for your assistance


  Written by Neo  

Kindly advice me on tax deductions regarding RAF maximum amount that ca be

If a person is on Salary range of 280 000 to 300 000 p.a.

The employer and contribute each 7.5 % of the basic salary p.a to pension

The employee currently contribute R405 per month towards retirement
annuity fund per month

The question is how much can be deducted or get refunded from SARS annual
or how much can contributed to RAF to ensure that he/ she is not paying too...

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Old 2009/2010 efiling returns

  Written by Neo  

SARS say they upgraded their system and have now seen i did not file a tax return in 2009,2010 and have fined me for each year. Both years i was under the threshold but they are insisting i file these returns. I do not have the IRP5 anymore and the company no longer exists. They advised that I open the return on efiling and can then submit as it should have all the info, I have done this but there is no earning/medical aid information etc.
How do i resolve this now as both returns are now sitting open on efiling and i am getting fined R250 per month now that i do not resubmit....

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Registration Verification

  Written by Neo  

I've received this message each time I make the request: "The tax type cannot be moved because the registration of the holding taxpayer is awaiting registration verification".

Are amounts of separate IT3b documents added together?

  Written by Neo  

I have two IT3b documents from different sources. Should I add them together?

This query relates to question 6480 "Please enter the total interest amount earned here. If you don't have an IT3(b) you can also add up the interest amounts appearing on your bank statement. This should appear next to source code 4201 on your certificate. " in the Interest & Investments (IT3b) section.

Penalty for non-submission

  Written by Alicia  

I received a notification from SARS indicating that I have admin penalties
indicating that ITS outstanding tax returns for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
What does this mean and can you help rectify?

I received two assessments from SARS

  Written by Alicia  

I submitted my tax return and received a refund outcome, I later received another assessment with a different refund amount, can you explain this to me please?

View already submitted ITR12 on TaxTim

  Written by Alicia  

Where can I find my SARS tax return I submitted for 2017 via Tax Tim to go and validate the info I captured?

Saving the TaxTim Logbook

  Written by Neo  

I need to submit my logbook to SARS, I used the TaxTim logbook. How do I
save the logbook so that I can upload it?

Previously unemployed: Should I still file?

  Written by Neo  

I wasn't employed from May 2013 till July 2015. Should I still file my tax return even if I don't have an IRP5 as I wasn't working?

SARS Verification Audit

  Written by Neo  

With regards to tax returns, if SARS does a verification audit can TaxTim assist with this too?

Business Tax Return

  Written by Neo  

I just wanted to find out if you deal with business tax? I've recently started a company and would just like to know what SARS will want to see in respect to my accounting when I file a tax return? Essentially, what is the bare minimum if they audit?

Deleting banking details

  Written by Neo  

I've submitted my tax return and I'm due a refund, without any audit done. However, SARS said I need to delete two of my three banking details as they wouldn't know where to pay the refund. On the correct banking details it has a status 'Outgoing', is this fine or should I continue to delete the old banking details?
And will this delay the refund due to me?

Can I claim medical aid premium costs

  Written by Alicia  

Can I claim for the medical premium that I pay for my parents? We help them financially with medical aid and other costs on a monthly basis. They are not dependents of our own medical aid - we just pay their Discovery medical aid premium.

Depreciation on a cellphone

  Written by Alicia  

I have a pay as you go cellphone that I bought cash. Thus I unfortunately do not have monthly statements to determine an exact break between business and personal use. I spend about R300 pm on airtime and I receive a cellphone allowance of R750 pm from my employer. How do I calculate and show the depreciation amount and do I need a letter of consent if the allowance is shown on my salary slips?

Bond repayment tax deductible?

  Written by Alicia  

Does my monthly bond payment qualify as a expense against my rental property? Currently my rental income is R6500pm and my bond payment, including rates, taxes and levies about R8000pm indicating a loss for tax purposes?
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