Can Tax Tim help with previous years returns not filed on our behalf?

Written by Alicia
Posted 14 July 2016
We found out from SARS after resetting SARS efiling passwords that Returns that we thought had been submitted by a practitioner we used for my Husband for 2014 & 2015 can Tax Tim go back that far and help with tax returns?
Can i submit a dispute after the first assessment?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
We were audited and received a second IT34. The amount reflected is less than half of the original amount. We want to dispute this amount. My questions: how long does it take once we've disputed and what does disputing mean?
Portion of retirement annuity contribution gets coded as 3808, why?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
Last year my employer added a RA to our benefits. The deal was that the employee pays 5% of salary towards the RA and the Employer would pay 7% to total of 12% of salary towards RA. On this years IRP5 there is a big amount listed as code 3808 (Payment of Employee Debt if the policy is owned by the employee) and it seems that this amount equates to the 7% portion that the employer paid. This has a negative effect on my returns as it seems that I now get penalised by SARS for this amount. Should t...
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Can I claim my monthly expenses, can I get a refund on monthly regular day-to-day expenses?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
I have properties jointly with my wife (Community of Property) and getting rents which covers all my payments towards my bonds, Rates & Taxes, Levies and Refuse accounts. Little extra amount is surplus. My question is: Should I need to pay Tax on my monthly Rental Income?
I pay for my Groceries, Fruit & Veg, Rents, Electricity, Gas, Domestic Maid, School Fees, Kids Sports Fees, Transportation, Petrol, Bank Charges, Personal Loan (Absa) Credit Card Fees & Financial Charges, Telkom & Vo...
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Where to declare foreign inheritance on the ITR12 form.

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
Is there a place to declare the amount of inheritance I received from my parent who died in the UK on the ITR 12 form. I am a SA resident who pays SA tax. I know I don't have to pay tax on this amount in SA but I dont know where to declare the amount apart from in the foreign assets box.
What expenses can I deduct on my Forex earnings?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
I am a full time employee, earning a salary every month. I recently started trading Forex and understand that the profits will be added onto my existing income for the year and taxed accordingly. I would like to know what kind of expenses can be deducted from tax that is paid on the profits for that year. Can I deduct my "office space", adsl / fibre internet (full monthly subscription), % of municipal bill, interest on bond, etc as all of these items are used to generate or assist in gen...
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According to SARS criteria, I dont need to sumit ITR12. But do I still submit IRP6 twice yearly?

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
I'm a provisional taxpayer. According to recent communications from SARS, I no longer need to submit ITR12 any more as I match all their criteria. My question is: Do I still need to submit the IRP6 twice yearly?
Tax liability on profit of 9000 per month on my business

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
If I get R9000 as a profit on my business how much tax do I supposed to pay
Log book app

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
I would like to use your services. If I send you an ABSA fleet sheet report do you build a logbook?
Do you do income tax submissions for businesses?

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
Do you do income tax submissions for businesses?
I need someone to do my income tax returns for my business. Can you help?
Will my refund be issued if I have old returns outstanding?

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
I have completed my income tax, and there is a refund owed to me. Will this be paid out if I have not done the assessments for the years 2011 and 2012. But I do not have any documentation from those years
SARS is verifying my assessment

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
Dear TaxTim. I have completed my Efiling early in July 2016 and shortly after were asked to supply supporting Documents which I did. Then a few days later Sars send me a correspondence reading: " Verification if Assessment" under the heading Completion Letter. What is suppose to happen now? Since then its been a few days but no refund or any news since ?
New tax number

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2016
I took out a retirement policy for my domestic worker and she has now reach retirement age where do I get a tax number for her
Type of supporting Documents to provide SARS for Laptop Depreciation?

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2016
i submitted my 2014/2015 Tax tax returns and included depreciation of my personal laptop I used for work from February 2014 to June 2015. My company did allow me to use my laptop. SARS wants proof of usage. (I said Work: 80%-Personal:20%) Not sure I even understood it correctly. What exactly should I provide to them?
Medical expenses for children

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2016
My children are on my ex husbands medical aid, but I am paying half of all their medical expenses in cash. Can I claim for it
What are the allowable deductions for a consultant?

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2016
What expenses can I claim for as a consultant

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2016
How do I know if I get money back from SARS
Assets in the form of Cellphones, Laptops, Cameras - Are these tax deductible as I use it for work

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2016
I bought a new Personal Computer (Laptop) for both work and personal use in November 2014 as the 2nd hand ones were always breaking down or crashing. Also bought a new Photographic Camera in 2014 for both uses as well. I also invested in a new Cellular Phone last year as the one I had was 2nd hand and very unreliable. This I done just before embarking on an arduous film shoot in KZN where I would be very dependant on it for communication purposes as to the ever changing schedule. Long story short. . . I have never claimed for wear and tear and as I use it for work purposes too I would like to find out whether its possible as a tax deductible and how I should go about it...
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What do I need to complete returns for the past 3 years

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2016
What do I need at hand to complete tax returns for the past 3 years
Notice of assessment from SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2016
I submitted my tax on the 1st July after which SARS requested my documents which I submitted the very same day. Then I received a notification stating my income tax has been assessed and SARS will issue a Notice of assessment. My question is how long does it take to receive the (updated) Notice of assessment from SARS.
Are IT3B's required in document verification for a refund?

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2016
My interest from local sources (4201) is less than the maximum annual limit allowed by SARS. I was selected for document verification. Do I need to submit my IT3B's for the document verification since this document doesn't affect my refund?
claiming for raising grandkids

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2016
We are raising our grandchildren can we we claim
Why do I pay tax

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2016
Why do I pay tax every year even my annual income is less than R350 000?
Can company expense bond related expenses for property owned by director but used & paid by company?

Written by Alicia
Posted 7 July 2016
I bought property in my personal name and started a B&B which is registered as a PTY. Can the PTY expense the interest on the bond and the bond installments since it utilises the property and pays for it even though it is registered in my name?
TAX Return for Dental specialist?

Written by Alicia
Posted 7 July 2016
Hi, I had to take my son to a dental specialist to have a check up on his jaws and teeth for braces, but had to pay R1554, which medical aid does not cover. Can I claim tax back on it?
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