How to calculate the IRP6 and ITR14?
Posted 22 March 2016
My company was registered with CIPC last year in March 2015 and when I went to SARS to submit my ITR14 they say I must register online but before I submit the ITR14 I must firstly submit the IRP6. I would like to know firstly as to how do I calculate my IRP6 and when do I start to calculate since as I said my company was registered last year?
My PAYE deduction is way to high - how do I claim?
Posted 22 March 2016
I have calculated my yearly taxable earnings for the 2015-2016 tax year, and the PAYE deducted each month was significantly higher than needed as I was unemployed for the majority of the year, bar a few months. How do I go about getting this money back? Is the company liable to pay it back to me or must I claim it from SARS (the last month I worked was November 2015, and I started in August 2015).
Should there be a PAYE deduction from my sole proprietor invoice?
Posted 21 March 2016
I operate a sole proprietor providing services to various companies on an "in need" basis on short and medium tem basis. I operate at my client place of business however the latest client has started deducting PAYE from my invoice at a rate of 33. 3% although I am not on a fixed contract and will not derive more than 80% of my annual income from them. Are they entitled to do this and how do I reconcile these deductions as a provisional tax payer?
Is it the building size or stand size used for home office calculation?
Posted 21 March 2016
I have a home office and I want to know in terms of the calculation for the percentage of the home being for the office is it the entire stand size of the property or just the building size?
Is the tax refund date on statement accurate?
Posted 18 March 2016
My tax statement has a date of refund as 19. 03. 2016 is that the date I will receive the refund into my account
PAYE or Provisional Tax
Posted 18 March 2016
I own a small business - registered with CIPC as a private company. I am the sole director of this company and currently get paid a salary by the company. Should I be registered for PAYE, UIF and WCA for the income in the form of the salary or are provisional tax payments sufficient.
Offshore 60 day trip
Posted 18 March 2016
I am South African and I work offshore. I know I have to work 183 days offshore in total, with 60 of these being continuous. Would a 60 day trip that falls over February and March 2016 be applicable for the 2016 tax year, or do I have to do another 60 day trip to be tax exempt?
What is the tax on my incentive bonus?
Posted 17 March 2016
I am going to get R2,400 of incentive bonus and I want to know how much tax is going to be deducted from it.
I have received an ITA88 - what can I do?
Posted 17 March 2016
Hi, I earn under R125,000 a year. I have not filed my tax returns for the past 4 years - recently a huge amount was deducted from my salary (SARS ITA 88) what do I do? Can I get that money back?
Tax rebate for medical aid when not the main member
Posted 17 March 2016
I currently am paying medical aid for myself, wife and child however I am not the main member, it is my wife, I currently deposit funds into her account for the deductions. She is currently unemployed and does not claim for tax. This was the only way to come off the company medical aid as they were too expensive
I wanted to know if I can claim this as I am paying for the medical aid just that its not on my name, I am the dependent and she is the main member. Further more we are marri...
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Tax relief for Medical Aid
Posted 17 March 2016
I only realised this month (March) that I was due a tax (PAYE) relief due to a Medical Aid Fund, which was initiated in July last year. Would it be possible to claim the relief even though the PAYE period is closed?
Business mileage for off site visits
Posted 17 March 2016
Can I claim business mileage from home to another site (belonging to the company) which is not my normal place of work?
Medical rebate calculation not done unless claims exceed 7.5% of taxable income?
Posted 17 March 2016
Would it be correct to assume it is not worth doing the calculation for medical rebate if the amount paid out of your own pocket for medical services is less than 7. 5% of your taxable income?
What are business related expenses if you are a bookkeeper working from home?
Posted 17 March 2016
What are business related expenses if you are a bookkeeper working for several clients from home?
Tax deduction on bonus
Posted 15 March 2016
What percentage is taken from my incentive bonus of every three months.
Calculate my tax when I fund my own retirement annuity and the company pays half my Provident fund
Posted 15 March 2016
How can you calculate your tax when you have a voluntry retirement annuity and a compulsary Provident fund
How to calculate total for 4150
Posted 14 March 2016
How to calculate total in source code 4150 when completing IT3 a certificate
How do I calculate pension tax deduction
Posted 14 March 2016
How do I calculate the amount of pension that can be deducted when calculating taxable income?
Is an IRP5 form still valid after 6 years?
Posted 14 March 2016
Is an IRP5 form still valid after 6 years? I was suppose to claim in 2010 but I was still naive.
Medical practice tax return and deductions
Posted 14 March 2016
If you have a sole proprietorship, a medical practice that provides wound care for patients at home. There is only two employees. The owner (the nurse that does the wound care) and one person doing the financials and administration. The business is not registered, but the nurse has a practice number. How would you submit the tax return (as personal tax return/business?) and what deductions could you claim?
Amounts included in calculation annuity fund deduction
Posted 14 March 2016
I am retired and receive a monthly pension which is subject to tax. I make no contributions to a pension fund since I retired. I still contribute to a retirement annuity fund monthly. Do I include the total pension received together with investment tax returns for the year to determine the maximum amount allowed for annuity fund deduction
Travel allowance exceeding 8000km
Posted 14 March 2016
How is the travel allowance taxed if you do not receive a car allowance, use personal vehicle and exceed 8000km for business travel? Company pays the standard rate per km, and no other allowance is received in respect of travel.
How to claim tax back on a provident fund?
Posted 14 March 2016
How to claim provident fund tax back
What should be the deduction on R25,000 pm?
Posted 14 March 2016
Is it correct to deduct 25% tax on an employee pay say if he earns R25000-00 per month?
New tax law on pension funds
Posted 11 March 2016
How will I be taxed according to the new pension fund law? Salary R27,000 House subsidy R700 travel allowance R10,735 Alexander Forbes Provident Fund R2,077 Company contributes R5,004
New tax law 27. 5% pension rebate -Interpretation there of My contribution R2077 only or 2077 5004=R7081
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