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Changing banking details

  Written by Neo  

I would like to find out the following information regarding my banking details. I have recently changed my banking details from Capitec bank to Nedbank. My salary is paid into my Nedbank and debit orders are also connected to this bank. I still use my Capitec bank account and intend to keep it active. I would like to enquire if I need to notify SARS of the change in banking detail and would I also need to go into the SARS branch to make this happen?

Takehome salary?

  Written by Marc  

If my take home is R34000 What will my salary be before?

What does 'Due to you' mean on my SARS assessment?

  Written by Marc  

I just don't understand this "due to you" thing it is been 3 working days since I have been to SARS and I have not received anything. I don't know if I owe them or they owe me, even though my assessment says "due to you"

Married in Community of Property

  Written by Neo  

My wife and I got married last year on the 26th of March 2018. We got married in community of property, so when it comes to tax what I would like to understand is whether we will both need to do our tax differently this year and also, I would like to find out what would the implications on our tax returns be like?

Code 3713 Implications?

  Written by Marc  

I have been paying PAYE on a site/home allowance which I get because I work on a site away from home. Can I get a tax deduction on this. My employer put it as a code 3713 on my IRP5.


Calculate salary pro-rata based on a basic salary of R18000 per month - days worked 14

  Written by Marc  

Calculate the pro-rata salary based on the basic of R18000 - 14 days worked on VIP payroll. Calculate the PAYE on the pro-rata salary as well. How does VIP calculate PAYE on a pro-rata salary?

What is an ITA34 form and where do I get it for credit card applications at a bank?

  Written by Marc  

Hi Tim I applied for a credit card at a certain bank and they want me to submit an ITA34 form because I do not have a payslip as I am self-employed.

Please explain this form to me and where best I can obtain it? Thanks

Severance pay and tax exemption

  Written by Neo  

My severance pay was taxed normal tax after I got retrenched even though my employer informed me that they applied for a tax exemption. Is this correct because I am confused about this? It was the first time an exemption was requested on my behalf and it was the first-time I got retrenched too. The amount of my severance pay was R370 000 and it was taxed normally. What recourse do you perhaps have for me regarding this matter please?

Deceased Relative and Savings

  Written by Neo  

I have a relative that has unfortunately passed on and I am the dependent that will receive all the savings from this relative- these savings are coming from an international bank account, in Norway. This would be my first time having to claim this and making sure that I do it correctly. What I would like to find out is, what would I need to do on my side to ensure that I am safe and clear with SARS and the laws of the country?

CIT Documents

  Written by Marc  

Q: What are CIT documents

How do I change my physical residential and postal address on eFiling.

  Written by Marc  

Q: How do I change my address on eFiling

What are CIT documents that SARS requires?

  Written by Marc  

Q: What are CIT documents

Divorce payout of approximately R850,000.00. How much would SARS tax?

  Written by Evan  

My husband needs to pay me R850 000 maintenance as part of our divorce settlement, seeing as he does not have the funds all at once so he will be paying it to me in as a lump sum of R600 000 and the rest will be monthly payments for 3 years. What will the tax be on it?

TaxTim says:

There should be no tax due on the R600 000 if it's maintenance paid from your husband to you, you are however required to declare this income to SARS under the n...

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I don't know what is s12e, can you help please?

  Written by Alicia  

I don't know what is s12e

This query relates to question 4862 "Please enter the S12E accelerated depreciation allowance which the company can claim. Use our handy SBC calculator to help with your workings." in the Income statement section.

What is the difference between Pensionable and non-pensionable salary?

  Written by Marc  

Q: Please explain the tax calculation between pensionable and non-pensionable salary

Do I have to add VAT when selling a company car?

  Written by Marc  

Hi there :)

My service-based company is VAT registered. When we bought our first car I was very disappointed to find out I may not claim back the VAT we paid on the car back, since we are not a motor dealer. Now a couple of years later we want to sell that same car. My question is do we have to add VAT to our selling price as we do on all our services?

I hope not, because if we sell to a private non-VAT registered individual, then he or she will lose out on the 15% I have ...

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Obtaining an IRP5 form from an old employer

  Written by Marc  

I am having a problem with obtaining my IRP5 form from 2010 from one of my employers.
I was still in school this time and I worked as a waiter back then, so I was clueless when it came to submitting tax and all. I did my 2013 return, and now SARS have asked me to do it from 2010?


You will need to contact your employer and ask them to send you a letter explaining why they are unable to provide you with the IRP5.

In most cases, your employer migh...

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Medical Aid and Pension contributions on IRP5

  Written by Nicci  

I struggle to understand how the (The total deduction - code 4497 on IRP5) is calculated. I have a medical aid fund, pension fund and retirement annuity. My employer (the church) is contributing to all three of these funds. This question is for the 2021/2022 tax year with the new T-day implications. In the income section, the following IRP5 codes are used. (This I understand)
3810 - Medical aid benefit
3817 - Pension fund fringe benefit
3828 - RA fringe benefit

In the deductions/contribution section. These are the only items Payroll shows. ...

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VAT103 Certificate

  Written by Nicci  

Q: VAT103 certificate

Self employed, how do I pay my tax to SARS?

  Written by Alicia  

Q: Self-employed and tax payable to SARS

Tax calculation on Bonus

  Written by Alicia  

How is one taxed on your bonus? If my bonus is R133 000, what amount should I expect to get out after Tax?

SARS asked for calculation for depreciation on laptop

  Written by Evan  

I completed my tax return through TaxTim. SARS asked me now to show them how we calculated depreciation on the laptop I use for work. Can you help me with this as I don't know what to give them?

Please provide an eFiling password example?

  Written by Marc  

Q: Provide an example of a Strong Password.

Can you show me what my eFiling password must look like????

How is profit on sale of private vehicles taxed?

  Written by Evan  

I bought a used bakkie from a friend at his book value and sold it soon after at a good profit. Will it be taxed under capital gain?

Confused between the ITA34 and ITSA

  Written by Marc  

Q: What is the difference between an ITA34 and an ITSA

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