PAYE payable calculation differences

Written by Marc
Posted 30 July 2015
I would like to find out the PAYE payable on a person receiving R16636. 60 monthly, no pension fund or any other deduction except SDL, UIF and PAYE. This person is 74 years of age, turning 75 in November 2015. I calculated the amount to R1390. 87 but the system calculates it as R1067. 11. I cant seem to figure out why the calculation result differs. For the 2016 tax year.
Can I get IRP5 documents that were destroyed in fire?

Written by Marc
Posted 30 July 2015
I worked for a retail company from 2006 - 2009 and I paid for my Tax. When they retrench us they gave us our IRP5. Mine got got burned in my shack and I lost them. In that way I was never able to claim for my Tax. How do I go about to obtain them again. Does my company have them on record as I am working for another company now and they told me to have my previous employer IRP5 if I need to file for Tax Return purposes.
Can I claim retirement annuity in wife's name?

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
My wife is not working. She used to work but resigned in 2007. I kept on paying her retirement annuity policy. Can I claim it from SARS???
Which tax rates apply to lump sum withdrawal after transfer from provident to preservation fund

Written by Marc
Posted 29 July 2015
I'm over 55 years of age and was retrenched at the end of March 2015. Following retrenchment I chose to transfer my provident fund to a preservation fund. Now, four months later, I'd like to withdraw the full benefit (more than R1 050 000) as a lump sum from the preservation fund. Will I still be taxed for the lump sum withdrawal as a retrenched person (i. E involuntary termination of employment) or will I now incur the higher rates applicable to persons who terminate employment voluntar...
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Treatment of legal costs in CCMA

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
Was unfairly dismissed and at CCMA employer agreed to retrench me. I received the correct tax directive. How do I claim the legal costs incurred to fight my employer? I am unemployment but received rental income from my properties during the tax year.
What tax do you pay for lump sum before pension if you are retrenched?

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
I am getting a retrenchment package. I am under 55 what tax will I pay on my pension R300,000 if I get it paid out?
How much post-tax funds will I have after retrenchment?

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
How much tax will I pay on R1,030,935 severance package due to retrenchment? This excludes my provident fund, which I will move to a preservation fund or RA.
Transfer of funds between RAFs

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
I transferred funds between Retirement Annuity Funds during the course of the year. An IRP5 has been issued by the old fund. Is there any deduction that can be claimed as the funds were transferred directly into another RA and not to myself?
Is there a tax return on pension fund resignation?

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
I resigned in October 2013 and a certain percentage tax was deducted. I was never able to claim any return from this. Am I not supposed to get a tax return from my pension money?
Do I have to enter my IT3A certificates manually on my tax return?

Written by Evan
Posted 29 July 2015
Hi, I transferred my entire provident fund into a retirement fund & a preservation fund. I received 2 IT3A certificates from the administrator indicating the amounts sent to the fund groups. These certificates do not come up automatically on my tax return, do I have to type them in manually or are these documents just indicating what has gone to the funds and I don't have to worry to put anything on my tax return?
One entry for 3698?

Written by Marc
Posted 29 July 2015
For the section:
Please enter the amount for "Gross Non-retirement funding income" - source code 3698. It only gives space for one entry, I have two forms from two employers. Must I combine the amount or?
Directives - issues with SARS.

Written by Marc
Posted 29 July 2015
I have already submitted but sars couldn't calculate because of directives did my employers not supply sars with directives by the time they retrench me. I need assistant please.
Investment return tax

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
How much tax will I pay for my investment returns?
Where on the tax return do I put in my retirement annuity?

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
I have received my tax certificates from my financial institution. Where do I put the figures down in my tax return for retirement?
Do I qualify for return on the tax I paid?

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
I was retenched in 2013 January and collected my provident funds in 2014. I collected R50,000, total was R80,000 and paid tax of R30,000. Do I qualify for a return?
How do I de-register as a Provisional Tax payer?

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
I am registered a Provisional Tax payer, but I am now retired and will not earn enough to pay provisional tax any more. Do I have to de-register or can I simply stop doing provisional returns? The last one showed zero tax due.
Is the widow`s pension suppose to be taxed?

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
I always told that I am owing SARS because of my widow pension, can you advice because SARS does not know how much must be taxed from my widow`s pension as is not enough to be taxed.
Claiming for elderly dependants medical aid contributions - Supporting documents

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
My parents are both pensioners and dependent on me financially. I pay for their medical aid, while I am on another medical aid. I have included both medical aids on my tax return, with the appropriate number on dependents noted every month.
SARS has asked for supporting documents to be submitted. I submitted: yearly contribution summaries from both medical aids, monthly invoices from my parent's medical aid addressed to me with my bank account details on them, debit order statement from my bank showing both being deducted every month as well as a covering letter explaining the situation. ...
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Are contributions towards GEMS and the GEPF tax deductible for government employees?

Written by Evan
Posted 28 July 2015
Are contributions towards GEMS and the GEPF tax deductible for government employees?
Income protection policy contributions

Written by Evan
Posted 26 July 2015
I have contributions to an income protection policy. The policy belongs to my employer due to the fact that we used be on basic plus benefits but we have now moved over to cost to company. Are these contributions deductible by myself or not. If not what code should they be under in my IRP5?
How much tax due?

Written by Evan
Posted 25 July 2015
My mother in law is a 94 year old railways pensioner and wants to know if she must pay tax?
Must I complete a provisional tax return?

Written by Evan
Posted 25 July 2015
Hi my husband and I are married in community of property and our rental house is in both our names. The income generated is R72,000 k per annum. I am 64 yrs old and complete a separate tax return as I also receive a pension of R5700 pm. My husband is still employed and earning a salary
We have been completing provisional tax returns for a number of years now. Must both my husband and I complete provisional tax returns?
Percentage tax on provident fund

Written by Evan
Posted 25 July 2015
How much deductions on provident fund of R61,000?
Tax deduction from pension payout

Written by Evan
Posted 25 July 2015
I have been employed since 1992. I took a departmental transfer to SAPS in 1995. I did not receive my pension paid from 1992 so I have 23 years service. I want to resign end October 2015. The sum to be paid is R125,9374.40. How much will I be taxed and how much will I get out after tax?
Doing tax return for first time - what do I need?

Written by Evan
Posted 24 July 2015
What kind of information is required to do a tax return for the first time?
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