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Deductions Posts in Tax Q&A

Can I get a tax refund?

  Written by Alicia  

In 2014 I was working on campus, and I recently found my payslip from 2014 December showing that I had earned a gross payment of 6540, whereas I only got paid 4340 in my bank account... Could this mean I was taxed? and is it still possible to get refunded?

How much tax for R100,000 sign up bonus?

  Written by Nicci  

I joined a company which agreed a sign up bonus of R200 000 of which 50% (R100,000) would be paid in first month. And this sign up bonus is taxable, so how much tax would be deducted on my first payment of R100,000?

Does SARS have a right to deduct from my salary for SARS debt related to previous employment?

  Written by Nicci  

Does SARS have the right to take money from my current employer for my previous employer SARS debt?

provisional tax due

  Written by Alicia  

I am now an au pair. Dont know if I need to pay tax. I am getting a monthly salary of R7000. However if the family go on holiday I do not get paid. I also do not get paid on a specific day. Will be before or just after the last day of the month. What must I do?

Estate duty and tax on a property held within a company

  Written by Alicia  

What taxes are due on a property owned by an individual when the person dies?
What taxes are due on a property owned by a company when a shareholder dies?

How to claim your vat if you are unemployed

  Written by Alicia  

I'm a female 20 years of age, married and currently unemployed.
I want to know how to claim my vat from my grocery slips shopping slips etc.. Would you be able to help me?

SARS has not paid my refund due since 2013

  Written by Nicci  

SARS has still not paid me my credit since 2013 and also not the credit built up for the following years. They do add interest to the outstanding balance but do not give any reasons why they do not pay out the credit despite all our requests. What could be the reason for this and what other avenues can we try to expedite this problem?

Must employer refund tax to me?

  Written by Nicci  

Employer deducted tax from my month's pay as if I had worked only one week instead of four. Must the employer refund the over-deducted tax to me?

I will not earn above the tax threshold this year as I am now a full-time student, so how do I get my money back?

Can I claim back the tax paid on my late mother's retirement fund?

  Written by Nicci  

After my death claim on my mothers provident & pension fund, is the tax paid claimable?

Can I dispute a claim from a few years back?

  Written by Nicci  

I believe I qualified for a exemption on my tax a few years ago (around 2011/2012) - out the country for more than 183 days with one trip more than 60 consecutive days all for work purposes. My tax consultant at the time said he submitted all the documents, but when I went to SARS they said they had not recieved them. I handed them in at SARS and they requested further information which I submitted. They then requested further information which I then got so frustrated I decided to give up on th...

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SA pension taxed in Mauritius

  Written by Nicci  

According to the SARS website if you are a resident of Mauritius you can apply for a directive to have your income from a South African pension to be taxed in Mauritius provided you supply proof of being a registered tax payer in Mauritius (part of the DTA agreement). Please can you confirm this as the difference in tax rates between the 2 countries is huge.

Earning R1339.56 and pay tax of R685 every week

  Written by Nicci  

I'm earning R1339. 56 per week so that they deduct 685 every week - is that normal?

tax liability on a small business income

  Written by Alicia  

My turnover for my small business was R2 610 525
my loss after expenses was -R793 994
how much tax must I pay?

tax liability

  Written by Alicia  

Is it possible to pay 25% TAX on a R8 500 salary when you are not employed on a permanent basis as yet?

I haven't received my refund for 2014

  Written by Nicci  

My original 2014 assessment showed a refund due but it was never made. How do I go about requesting SARS for the refund?

Medical deductions

  Written by Alicia  

I am not the policy holder or on the policy as the dependent, however I pay for the contributions in full from my bank account. It is my parents medical aid policy. Can I claim from SARS for this expenditure? If yes, what information would I need to support this claim from SARS?

Forex trader tax allowable deductions

  Written by Alicia  

I want to become a Forex Trader and would like you to advise me on how do I go about? (do I need to form some sort of form from SARS for tax or the money/profit that I will be receiving from overseas would be already taxed and if so what is the name or type of that Tax)

tax refund and deductions

  Written by Alicia  

Hi I have never submitted anything for tax so need to find out if there is something to claim I've been full time employed from 2007 and never submitted anything should I have done and what is the procedures, I do pay tax on my payslip and pay half of my medical fund?

Source Code Travel Allowance

  Written by Alicia  

Can a company included both tax codes 3701 and 3702 on the IRP5? How will this affect the tax payable on the income?

Foreign employment income

  Written by Alicia  

Please advise the tax application on the following

1. SA residents living and working in South Africa for a overseas company. 2. Receiving a salary from the overseas company-paid in ZAR to the employees. 3. Should the foreign company deduct PAYE or should the employee be responsible for it when
submitting their Income Tax in SA.

Tax due on ccma award

  Written by Alicia  

Hi there I am due to receive R97000 from my ex employer for unfair dismissal was awarded from the CCMA how much tax would one pay on this amount thank you in advance.

Club membership costs tax deductible?

  Written by Nicci  

As a director of a company can I claim golf or boating membership fees as a tax deduction?

Delay of payment of tax refund for 2015

  Written by Nicci  

I submitted my tax return to SARS via SARS eFiling for 2015 on time. The Tax Calculator indicated that the amount of R7584. 18 was due to me. This was confirmed by the SARS Notice of Assessment dated 2 February 2016. I quote from the correspondence as part of the Notice of Assessment: Your assessment has been concluded and reflects an amount refundable to you of R -7584. 18. Please note that this amount only reflects your income tax assessment and does not reflect tax payable under any previous assessment or any other balances on your account. The current balance on your assessed account is R -7729. 80. ((I am unsure of the full meaning of this))...

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PAYE unaccounted for

  Written by Alicia  

I've been working for a company for the past 2 and a half years. I've been paid a monthly salary of R6500 before deductions. I was recently asked by our company's HR assistant, for my tax number. I was under the impression that I'd already been registered - on my payslip it states that I've been paying R45 tax. I contacted SARS gave in my details and they informed me that I wasn't registered. I've asked the HR assistant what the PAYE was and she mentioned it was R7000. I'm just really concerned ...

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How much will my tax refund be?

  Written by Alicia  

Joe turned 65 in June 2015. He earned R240 000. 00 during tax year, and there was no other deductions from salary. He contributed R6 000. 00 during the year to private medical aid. And R30 000. 00 of other medical expenses. What is the amount he can claim on his tax return.?
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