Rebates on 740000

Written by Marc
Posted 25 January 2016
I have been taxed 740000 on pension lump sum. Will I get something when I claim tax this year?
Statement of account issued but still under audit

Written by Marc
Posted 25 January 2016
I recently did my tax return for the first time as this is my second year been employed, my tax return showed -R2133 I was than asked for additional documentation I submitted my IRP5 and Medical aid certificate. After that I was selected for an audit and after about a week I received my statement of account but I still have not received my refund does this mean the process is complete? I noticed that on the statement of account under audit it says "yes". Whats does that mean and how long does th...
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Paid by SARS

Written by Marc
Posted 25 January 2016
I was dismissed from work due to loss of voice, was working in a call centre. UIF declined my application and I have to resubmit, now I can't cause I have a new born. I was paying tax, is there a way that I can be paid through SARS until I get a job?
Tax rebate

Written by Marc
Posted 25 January 2016
I did not reconcile my 2014/2015 taxes due to misplacing of IRP5. I now have it. Can I stil reconcile? I received a backpay in Jan 2015 for backdating of promotion
the backpay was taxed quite a large percentage of it..... Will I get a tax rebate/refund?
Unemployed tax payer-Do I inform SARS

Written by Marc
Posted 22 January 2016
I was a 1 year contract worker and a tax payer but my contract ended and I'm nolonger working. I am still in the first month being unemployed and looking for a new permanent job. Do I need to visit a SARS branch to inform them to avoid pernalties and if yes what documents do I take along?
How do you know I am still under audit after ITSA was issued?

Written by Marc
Posted 21 January 2016
I opened my SARS eFiling and saw that a ITSA was issued 2 days ago, stating that SARS owe me an specific amount. I knew I was under audit, and all relevant documents for the audit was submitted 2 months ago, does this mean I passed the audit, or how do I know I`m still under audit?
No reply from SARS

Written by Marc
Posted 21 January 2016
I still have not received feedback from SARS on my tax returns. Please follow up.
I worked less than 12 months during the tax year

Written by Marc
Posted 20 January 2016
If I only worked for 10 months and 10 days continuous for the same employer what effect does this have on my tax payable. I was unemployed for the balance of the tax year (ie 1 month and 21 days unemployed)
Will my dad be taxed as his income if I pay his gap cover for medical aid?

Written by Marc
Posted 20 January 2016
I want to pay GAP cover for my dad - he is the main member of the scheme and I the payer. Will he be taxed on the premium of the gap cover as income?
Vehicle Finance - should I be noting my monthly vehicle installment on tax return

Written by Marc
Posted 20 January 2016
Finance / Other Costs - Travel Allowance
just to confirm the vehicle I current use for business travel is financed - would this be where I enter my monthly finance installment or is this not supposed to be noted on a tax return?
Tax return to SARS

Written by Marc
Posted 20 January 2016
I submitted my tax return 16 November 2015. And from that time until now im waiting for payment. I have been calling SARS twice a week since then and every time I call them its a different story. I'm currently out the country working in Ghana and is difficult to call all the time. All my paperwork is handed in and correct. They keep on telling me I'm under audit and they will escalate it for me. What can I do?
Tax Refund for taxpayers?

Written by Marc
Posted 19 January 2016
SARS Haven't paid me my refund for 2014 / 2015 both was audited. They say I must summit my 2008 IRP5 and the company that I worked for at that time doesn't have any record of it now. They say I must get an Affidavit at a police station and summit to them. What must be written in the Affidavit?

Written by Marc
Posted 19 January 2016
If you are self employed and pay provisional, can we use the SARS tables or are we required to give actual costs.... I. E. Fuel repairs...,,
If we are required to give actual cost can we claim back finance repayments or the interest only, aswell as 20 % depreciation...
Tax rules for foreign income for SARS?

Written by Marc
Posted 19 January 2016
Please advise the tax rules for working outside of SA? No income is earned in SA only abroad.
Exceeding 8000km for 3703 code

Written by Marc
Posted 18 January 2016
Hi Tim. Each month, my payslip has indicated payment of non taxable reimbursement of travel expenses to me. Having exceeded the 8000km, should my tax return indicate the 8000km reimbursement as tax free (3203) and the excess as taxable (3702), or does the entire amount become taxable (3702).
My employer has put my full
Am I supposed to pay tax?

Written by Nicci
Posted 15 January 2016
I am a foreign student studying in South Africa, I got a part time job earning about R20,000. I resigned after 2yrs 8months. I was informed there is a provident fund I was to collect. The company was deducting tax from me every month. Was I supposed to pay tax? And will this affect the tax directive for me to receive my provident fund
Salon tax

Written by Nicci
Posted 15 January 2016
I own a small salon. It's doing pretty well. It's been 6 months since it opened. It has its own business account. I have 3 employees, 1manager (7k) and 2 casuals (3k monthly). Problem is I don't knw where to start; how should I go about with SARS and my business, what should I bring? I contacted an audit company and they requsted 12 bank statements. I have 6months. is it early for my business to do SARS....? And my employee who earns 7k and me should I tax our salaries by where to pay?
Tax Deduction from Provident Fund

Written by Nicci
Posted 15 January 2016
I had R300 000 tax deducted from my late husband's provident this year - will i qualify for a tax refund? I am unemployed i was dependent on my husband fully
Turnover tax

Written by Marc
Posted 14 January 2016
My husband and I are architectural draughts persons, in a partnership and provisional taxpayers. Can we switch to turnover tax?
Tax Returns - process?

Written by Marc
Posted 14 January 2016
What and when is the procedure for claiming tax returns?
Vehicle repayments

Written by Marc
Posted 14 January 2016
Hi Tim I am a solely commissioned based earner for one company can I claim vehicle repayments
Is there a penalty when SARS is late in payment to a taxpayer?

Written by Marc
Posted 13 January 2016
Hi there,
Is there a penalty when SARS is late in payment to a taxpayer? If so, what is the penalty. Hopefully this works both ways. I'm eager to know. It would be much appreciated. Kind regards
Are pension contributions deductible even if it doesn't apear on the IRP5?

Written by Nicci
Posted 13 January 2016
Am I able to claim my pension contribution if it doesn't appear on my IRP5 for the 2014 and 2015 tax years?
Commission earner

Written by Nicci
Posted 12 January 2016
What expenses can a commissioner earner claim (he is office based but does travel to clients using his own car and petrol. No refundable expenses)
How to get a IRP5 if employer have closed and SARS have do not have one?

Written by Marc
Posted 12 January 2016
SARS requested my 2012 tax return and on eFiling no IRP5 for this period have been uploaded. I have lost my IRP5 received and the employer at that time have closed and I do not know how I can get the IRP5. What should I do?
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