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SARS & eFiling Posts in Tax Q&A

How do I go about renewing my company's tax clearance and is it possible to do it online?

  Written by Nicci  

I registered a private company and got my tax clearance done around this time last year and for the past 12 months the company has not made any income. How do I go about renewing my company's tax clearance and is it possible to do it online?


  Written by Marc  

I would like to know if I must register for tax? I do temp work for a company, one month I'll earn R5000. 00 and a other month I'll earn R300. 00 or I won't earn anything. Some months. There's not always work so I Just go in whenever there's work. Do I still have to register?

How to get my tax number?

  Written by Marc  

How can I get my tax number

Leaving SA - tax return

  Written by Nicci  

I have taxpayer that is leaving SA permanently on the 01 May 2016. According to the income tax act article 9H(2) the taxpayer must submit tax return on date of not being resident in SA as well as tax return on the end of the year 28 February 2017. The question however is how do we submit two tax returns in one year or what must we do to have this information for the year correctly carried over to SARS?

Tax Deduction from Provident Fund

  Written by Nicci  

I had R300 000 tax deducted from my late husband's provident this year - will i qualify for a tax refund? I am unemployed i was dependent on my husband fully

Tax Returns - process?

  Written by Marc  

What and when is the procedure for claiming tax returns?

Vehicle repayments

  Written by Marc  

Hi Tim I am a solely commissioned based earner for one company can I claim vehicle repayments

Is there a penalty when SARS is late in payment to a taxpayer?

  Written by Marc  

Hi there,
Is there a penalty when SARS is late in payment to a taxpayer? If so, what is the penalty. Hopefully this works both ways. I'm eager to know. It would be much appreciated. Kind regards

How do I get my IT 150 form online? I just want to check when I registered for income tax.

  Written by Marc  

How do I get my IT 150 form online? I just want to check when I registered for income tax. I am registered for SARS eFiling. Thank you

How to get a IRP5 if employer have closed and SARS have do not have one?

  Written by Marc  

SARS requested my 2012 tax return and on eFiling no IRP5 for this period have been uploaded. I have lost my IRP5 received and the employer at that time have closed and I do not know how I can get the IRP5. What should I do?

A transfer from a Practitioner to a taxpayer has been authorised what happens next?

  Written by Nicci  

I need to transfer a tax return from a Practitioner to the taxpayer. Authorisation has been given. Must I register the taxpayer again?
I am a senior citizen and need help. Thanks

What should I do with a message stating that SARS is compensating me?

  Written by Marc  

I received a message stating that SARS is compensating me with a certain amount from Annual Tax Returned service 2016, with a ref no. What should I do next?

Im looking for my tax number

  Written by Marc  

How do I get my tax number? I do have one but I dont remember it. Please assist me.

What to do after incorrectly claiming expenses?

  Written by Marc  

I incorrectly claimed my MPS fees back on SARS eFiling. I only realised this after submitting supporting document as requested. Since then I realised my mistake, I haven't heard anything sofar from SARS.. What do I do now?

I need tax number from SARS?

  Written by Marc  

I need a tax number.

How do I register for eFiling when it refuses all my attempts?

  Written by Marc  

For years now we have tried to use SARS eFiling but have never yet managed to get into the system.

Hi tim to claim my late husbands provident I was asked to obtain a tax number but I do not have one

  Written by Marc  

Hi tim to claim my late husbands provident I was asked to obtain a tax number but I do not have one as I was never employed in my life what type of tax form do I fill in to receive my late husbands provident fund

Efiling registration problem

  Written by Marc  

I tried to register for SARS eFiling yesterday, but the system says my information does not correspond with the information they have on their system. What do I do now? I really don't want to go and queue in one of their branches.

Supporting docs requested was uploaded, not sure what happens next for my returns to be paid

  Written by Marc  

I have received this letter from SARS and uploaded the requested supporting docs.

Thank you for submitting your income tax return for the 2015 year of assessment. Your assessment has been concluded and reflects an amount refundable to you of R -21375. 50"
I am not sure what is the next process for the money to be paid out?

Audit by SARS

  Written by Marc  

I was asked to submit supporting documents which I did at the SARS branch it has been more than 30 days is there a way that I can query the status of the audit? They don't owe me a lot of money only around R4500, why are they taking so long?

If I qualify for exemptions do I still have to register for provisional tax?

  Written by Marc  

If I am a director on a business that makes less than R30k per annum (not getting income from it) and am employed with a package of R500k per annum, am I still regarded a provisional tax payer? Is there an option to deregister?

Import IRP5

  Written by Marc  

We have realised that we do need to import a second IRP5. Can you help us to import it??

Open blocked account and merge 2 together

  Written by Marc  

Why does SARS close a new registered account after a few days?
Is it because we took to long to submit documents or is that normal. Why does it always says that your detail entered is incorrect. How can I merge the 2 accounts together which I have registered. I did not submit for 5 years and paying penalties but this must stop now. I need to submit today. Help

Provisional Tax vs Personal Tax?

  Written by Marc  

I've recently started working for myself. I've registered a business (which will start trading in 2016) but have been working through my own bank account (for the last 6 months) on the side (~ R6000/m) while getting preparations complete. I registered myself as a provisional tax payer, and I want to know if I can de-register myself for personal tax? Do I just submit a blank personal tax sheet since I filled in a provisional one for myself?

How to get a Tax Reference number from SARS

  Written by Marc  

I am a small employer of 5 people, all earning about R3000-00 pm. I have been told that all of my staff members need to submit to me their tax reference number. Is it correct that every person who has an ID number has already been issued a tax reference number by SARS? If this is the case what is the most effective way of getting the number. I have let my staff call SARS from my office on numerous ocasions to enquire without success. As I believe that there is a deadline for this looming immin...

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