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Is a golf membership tax deductible?

  Written by Neo  

Can I claim tax back on my golf membership fees? I play golf with clients there, have meetings and network new clients. I own a lighting and electrical importing and wholesaling company

Paypal and tax submissions

  Written by Neo  

I'm permanently employed and I plan on making extra money through surveys and Paypal. How would I submit this to SARS? I've not done anything like this before and I wouldn't like to make an error with my tax return. And, would I have to declare the money if I don't actually take it from my Paypal account?

Tax calculations on returns not previously submitted

  Written by Neo  

If I didn't submit tax for more than 3 years. How is tax calculated?

Incorrect Tax Code

  Written by Neo  

My employers incorrectly submitted my 2016 tax return with a code of 3601 instead of 3616. I'm a contractor with a fixed term contract and end dates and receive no company benefits. They refuse to submit an EMP601 correction which SARS has asked for, I think they are concerned they will be audited. I am therefore having to pay a tax bill. Is there anything I can do?

Is salary paid to secretary tax deductible

  Written by Neo  

I'm a commission earner and I employ a secretary whom I pay R5000 p.m. - can I deduct this amount from my income when I do my tax return?

Is the Package Correct?

  Written by Neo  

I'm filling out my 2017 tax return for Individual Return. My income is covered in part by an IRP5, and in part by a foreign deposit. Can I declare both on TaxTim?
I also just bought the TaxTim Ultra package because of the foreign income, but the email says I should only use the voucher on July 1st. Have I bought the wrong product?

Mail Received: IT34

  Written by Neo  

I received a mail from SARS: "An IT34 notice for the taxpayer listed below has been issued by SARS. Please log into the SARS eFiling system to view the IT34".

I'm not sure what this means.

Cruise Ship employee and Tax Laws

  Written by Neo  

I'm a SA resident and work on a cruise ship as a waiter for a company that travels all over the world. Most of my income is derived through gratuity from passengers. How would this relate to the new tax law for foreign income mentioned in the latest budget speech affect us? Will I be subjected to pay tax on the gratuity I earn?

Working from Home

  Written by Neo  

I work from home and make approximately R25000/month. I don't do much traveling and I
manage everything from my desk. I service one company only- I'm basically working for myself. They don't cover any tax etc. and I receive this
payment monthly. What's the best way to deal with the Tax?

Resubmitting A Tax Return

  Written by Neo  

On my 2016 tax return SARS says that I owe them money. I think that this isn't accurate as I was with a full time employer and I'm sure that they took care of all my tax issues. Is it too late to resubmit a tax return for 2016 via TaxTim?

Overtime Earnings and Tax

  Written by Neo  

I work for a well established company I earn approximately R4163.00 per month. When I work overtime, lets say, for R700.00 they tax it all. Why do they do that because I earn a small salary?

Provisional Tax and REIT Income

  Written by Neo  

I'm a stay at home mom. The only income I get is from interest ( - R10000.00), dividends (-R15000)and REIT Income ( -R25000). I file only 1 tax return per year. Should I be registered for provisional tax due to the REIT income?

Forgot to submit travel details

  Written by Neo  

I have submitted my tax return, but I forgot to include the details for my travel allowance (3702), i.e. vehicle details and logbook details. An ITA34 was issued. How do I submit a revised tax return?

Income earned by a minor from a tax free investment?

  Written by Neo  

Do I have to declare income earned from a Tax Free Savings Account opened for my minor child on my tax return? I've contributed in my personal capacity to my own Tax Free Savings Account and I've also opened and contributed into a Tax Free Savings Account for my minor child.

Application for Tax Suspension

  Written by Neo  

How do I make an application for suspension of tax after filing an objection? I MISSED THAT OPPORTUNITY WHEN SUBMITTING MY OBJECTION. Is there any way that I can now submit an application by SARS eFile or email?

Assistance with Company Tax Submissions

  Written by Neo  

I would like to know if you assist with company tax submissions as well as employee UIF/Tax/PAYE? We need to do our fist tax returns and staff UIF etc

CCMA settlement taxable

  Written by Neo  

Does a CCMA settlement for unfair dismissal get taxed?

Efiling shared access

  Written by Neo  

I'd like to add another tax practitioner to get access to my SARS
eFiling. How do I remove TaxTim's access?

Registering as a Provisional Tax Payer?

  Written by Neo  

I had freelance jobs and although I don't own my
own business/am not registered as a business. All but one of the freelance
jobs were taxed.
Should I register as a provisional tax payer? If so, how do I go about
doing this and what deductions can I make? e.g. Can I claim for Uber trips,
cellphone bills, wear and tear on my equipment (computer, camera) etc? If I
can claim for things like this, how do I go about doing it?

IRP5 submission dates

  Written by Neo  

When must the IRP5 be submitted this year?

Query Audited Tax Returns

  Written by Neo  

SARS has audited me and it was found that I owe them money. My tax is a mess and I'm wondering if it can get sorted out. I barely receive any money back from SARS. Something seems to be wrong with my tax returns.

Set-off: Tax loss of different trades

  Written by Neo  

As an individual can I set-off a trade loss from a trade (such as a coffee shop, which I am trading as a sole proprietor, 1st year of trading) against my other taxable income being a salary and rental income.

How will I be taxed?

  Written by Neo  

How much will I get if I'm earning R1000.00 and I'm being taxed 10%?

Why Register for an Income Tax Number

  Written by Neo  

I earn R6000.00 a month. My employer told me that everybody has to register and have a tax number, regardless if you earn under the threshold and don't pay tax. What's the reason that we all have to register for an income tax number, is this correct?

Children receiving gift money

  Written by Neo  

My brothers wish to gift my children money. Which I will be using on daily expenses and school fees. Will I be liable for tax for these incomes? Or will my brothers be liable for this? Is there a taxable limit? And are there any tax avoiding measures for single moms?
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