I am in SA on BV for 3 months , I want to register for Tax number what are the charges

Written by Marc
Posted 26 February 2016
I am in SA on BV for 3 months, I want to register for Tax number what are the charges
Do I need to complete an IRP6?

Written by Marc
Posted 26 February 2016
You sent me a reminder to file my IRP6 Provisional Tax Return for 2016 however, I'm not sure whether I am still a Provisional Tax payer?
I did freelance work until Feb 2015, and from March 2016 I've been employed, paying PAYE through my employer. I haven't earned any additional income. Do I still need to complete an IRP6 as a Provisional Tax payer?
Company Registration on SARS eFiling

Written by Nicci
Posted 25 February 2016
How do we know that our company is registered with SARS e-filling,cause we have a login password and password name and we use it to the mobile app it doesn't want to login.
How much of a capital gain should I be including for provisional tax?

Written by Marc
Posted 24 February 2016
IRP6 2016-02: My income is trading income reflected through an IRP5. This year there is also a capital gain. On e-filing form I have to add the capital gain and fill in the total under "estimated taxable income". But then the full amount is taxed at my marginal income tax rate. How much of a capital gain should I be including in "estimated taxable income" for provisional tax?
Provisional tax vs Income Tax (Closed corp)

Written by Marc
Posted 24 February 2016
For a closed corporation on SARS eFiling - a Provisional Tax tax return and a Income Tax tax return comes up for submission. However is this not the same thing? Its basically tax on your profits. But now if you submit both, you pay double tax on your profits? Maybe I am understanding it wrong... Both is for submission due now 29 Feb correct?
Can you do dispute on my behalf via eFiling?

Written by Marc
Posted 24 February 2016
Hi Tim, I am an estate agent and SARS IT34 reflects I should pay them -R20k 2015 Taxyear.. I think I completed the forms incorrectly on e-filing. I now wish to request a dispute. I have all my receipts. Can you help me with it please? Do I need to buy the Ultra package? Please advise urgently as I know I need to get a refund. Regards Julie Bosch
Wrong tax reference number on my IRP5

Written by Nicci
Posted 23 February 2016
When I was preparing to submit my tax return I realized my tax reference number on my IRP5 was incorrect and its my first time submitting a Tax tax return, the IRP5 is from a previous employer and they are refusing to change the tax number on my IRP5 and SARS is charging me penalties for non submission.
Is medical aid contributions paid in full by employees tax refundable

Written by Marc
Posted 23 February 2016
I was the principle member of my Bonitas medical aid and was paying R2,076 of the total premium of R5,788. My company paid the difference. Now I resigned and my husband applied to be the principle member through his company but they deducted the full premium. Will he be able to get some of these premiums back when he fills in his tax return at the end of the tax year.
Tax Reference Number from overseas.

Written by Marc
Posted 23 February 2016
Hi there,
My name is Daryl Fortuin and I'm living in New Zealand for the last 11years.. I've applied for my pension fund in South Africa through The Building Industry Bargaining Council and have been in contact with them. They sent me all the required documentation to apply, but they are looking for a tax reference number, can please assist me.
Do I need a tax reference number?

Written by Nicci
Posted 22 February 2016
Do you need a tax number if you dont need to file a tax return, as per SARS tax threshold
How to get a tax number if unemployed?

Written by Nicci
Posted 18 February 2016
Hi there, my mom has not worked in 7 years and her partner has passed away. She is due a payout from the accident fund at his employer. They are insisting she needs a tax number to process any payment to her. How do you register to get a tax number when you have no income or job?
ITR 12 or IRP6?

Written by Marc
Posted 17 February 2016
First of all I do have a tax number after working for an investment company a couple of years ago. I then resigned there and for the last three to four years not needed to pay tax. Currently I work for myself receiving three to four different income streams. All under my own name from research to maintenance. My question is: I now have to start paying tax again. The taxing income started on 1 Sep 2016, thus the first six months goes to end Feb. Do I need to submit a ITR12 or IRP6? And which pack...
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Is necessary to be registered as taxpayer before I start a micro business?

Written by Nicci
Posted 16 February 2016
Can I start a small business like a tuck shop before I register as tax payer, or must I be registered as tax payer first?
Cellphone expenditure deduction code

Written by Nicci
Posted 12 February 2016
I receive a monthly cellphone allowance. Under what code do I deduct the actual expenditure on my tax return on SARS eFiling? The "other" category has not historically been available to me.
ITSA requested shows a refund, will I get a refund?

Written by Marc
Posted 11 February 2016
My SARS status is tax return assessed, and my SARS eFiling status correction filed. Therefore I requested a ITSA on 02. 02. 16, which shows a refund, but also shows selected for audit YES. Does this mean that I will get a refund or not please?
If our company makes a yearly loss of R9233899.00 . how is the tax refund is calculated?

Written by Marc
Posted 10 February 2016
If our company makes a yearly loss of R9233899. 00
how is the tax refund is calculated?
How to renew clearance certificate and how much it will cost?

Written by Marc
Posted 8 February 2016
I started a company last year and were I registered my company they also did tax clearance certificate,since I open the company it never worked the whole year and now certificate it's expired. I want to know if I can renew it my self and how much it will cost me to renew?
ITA34 - Where's my 'Letter containing further instructions'?

Written by Nicci
Posted 8 February 2016
After submitting my ITR12, I received an ITA34 in which 'a letter containing further instructions' is mentioned. "Please note, however, that the information provided by you in your income tax return does not match the information in the possession of SARS or your tax return has been selected for verification. Attached you will find a letter containing further instructions for you to resolve this. Please note that any refund which may be due will be withheld pending finalisation of this matter. According to the information you declared in your income tax return, you were liable to pay provisional tax for this year of assessment...
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Monthly provisional tax payment and foreign exempt income

Written by Marc
Posted 7 February 2016
Context: I am paid by a foreign employer in USD and will be processing tax payments in my own capacity. I understand from previous questions that I should register as a Provisional Tax Payer. I have two questions:
1) Is it possible to make monthly payments to SARS instead of at the 2 periods in time? If yes, how?
2) I will likely have to work outside the country for period of 183 days/ 61 days continuously - how do I go about getting the refund/ processing my tax given this?
Compulsary registration

Written by Marc
Posted 5 February 2016
When did everyone have to register for tax, regardless of their income?
Do I need to register as a provisional taxpayer?

Written by Marc
Posted 4 February 2016
I am permanently employed but have recently started a different business on the side as a sole proprietor ( but the "Company" has its own bank account). Please advise whether I need to register as a provisional taxpayer for this business, and if so, do I need an accountant to do the process and claim back any deductions?
All pay user have a tax number

Written by Marc
Posted 3 February 2016
Can all pay people have a taxnumber
How do I register tax for a sole trader business as well as a salary?

Written by Marc
Posted 3 February 2016
I earn a salary of R10 000. 00, My employer submits the paye. I have started a business sole trader in August 2015. Can I register for the business on my current tax number and what do I need to fill in.
So I can find my existing tax number via contact?

Written by Marc
Posted 2 February 2016
So I can find My existing tax number via contact?
Where do I find the SARS registration form?

Written by Marc
Posted 2 February 2016
I registered for SARS SARS eFiling and they sent me an email saying
"Please fax the SARS eFiling Registration form, together with a copy of your ID"
Which registration form is this? I can't seem to find anything on their site
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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