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Travel Allowance Posts in Tax Q&A

What are those supporting documents that I need to submit

  Written by Marc  

I have received an email from SARS saying my income tax has been identified for verification and I must submit my supporting documents on my SARS eFiling. What are those supporting documents that I need to submit, if I don't have invoices,medical certificate or travel book. Is it the IRP5 still a supporting document?

Did the employer calculated my PAYE correctly?

  Written by Marc  

Please assist with these calculations:

I earn 31650 pm = 379800 pa (no other benefits). On resignation an amount of R14240. 31 was due to me for leave days. A further bonus amount of R28 485 was to be paid plus R 1360 for travel claim. My payslip reflects a PAYE amount of R20691. 76. Is this correct? I think the employer got it wrong.

Business travel expenses for individuals vs. businesses

  Written by Marc  

Hi Tim, I'm considering taking a contract position. I live in Durban and the position is in Johannesburg. Which means I will be commuting weekly to Johannesburg and spending the weekend in Durban with my partner. Including the travel expenses and extra accommodation in my hourly rate drastically increases the tax that I will have to contribute, which means the opportunity is not that lucrative. I end up losing. Would it make more sense for the business to cover the cost of my weekly flights and ...

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Calculation of PAYE

  Written by Marc  

Calculation of PAYE. Earnings include allowances(standby, acting, travel and cellphone). UIF, medical aid and pension fund are deducted.

What are the requirements to claim vehicle depreciation?

  Written by Marc  

What are the income requirements to claim vehicle depreciation?

If commission forms about 25% of my yearly income, and my vehicle is used extensively to travel between clients (core part of the job), can I claim depreciation of my vehicle against my income?

I don't receive any travel allowance or fuel etc. I keep a logbook and can prove travel % to work/personal. Thanks.

Travel expenses self-employed

  Written by Marc  

If I am self-employed - how do I claim for travel expense when completing my Tax tax return?

Register Yes or No for a company?

  Written by Marc  

I am a bit undecided if I want to register a new Pty Ltd due to all the tax requirements. For the moment there will be no employees as it will be a part time business for myself in which I will provide financial services and consulting. Please assist in advising me if I will need to register for PAYE and also income tax, even though the business will be very small and start off with less than R50 000 income per annum?

Difference in tax treatment if employee went on Business visa

  Written by Marc  

Dear sir,

If an employee goes to South Africa on business visa and receiving allowance there only, tehn what will be the tax implication on that income in South Africa

Car Allowance Cap Limit

  Written by Marc  

To whom this may concern. I have a question regarding car allowance. If the allowed car allowance based on value of the car, total mileage and business mileage comes to R100,000 but the car allowance claimed for the entire year is only R66,000, does that mean SARS will only authorise (CAP) car allowance of R66,000 or R100,000

How much tax is required if you earn R17500 per month

  Written by Marc  

What is tax figure if you earn R17500 monthly and you contributing R810 provident fund

Subsistence Allowance

  Written by Marc  

We give our employees a subsistence allowance of R 120 per night spent away (Meals and incidental) from home. From my knowledge, I know that this this allowance is not taxable thus no employees tax may be deducted from the subsistence allowance regardless of whether the deemed amounts have exceeded or not. Is this correct?

Micro Business

  Written by Marc  

The First R200 000 dividends paid during the year of assessment by the micro business is exempt from dividends tax. The Micro Business cannot deduct any business expenditure. What does this mean, can I then not deduct vehicle expenses, donations, etc..

What value to use in wear and tear calculation - vehicle

  Written by Marc  

What to include in the price when calculating wear and tear on a company vehicle? Service plan, window break-in protection, VAT, Finance initiation charge, interest?

Can I claim travel expenses without having a travel allowance?

  Written by Evan  

Can I submit a travel log book with my tax return if I do not have a travel allowance and if my commission is less than 50% of my monthly income?

Car Deductions on Commission

  Written by Marc  

Hi Tim, I am a Commission earner and I claim back on my vehicle usage on depreciation and logbook. When I claim back on my car usage, I keep a logbook as well. But my question is, can I claim back on a paid up vehicle? or do I have to still be paying monthly towards finance. Does the finance amount help with increase my tax return from SARS. Eg if im paying R2500 or R2000. Which will yield a higher tax return?

Depreciation for Commission Earner

  Written by Marc  

Hi TaxTim, I have a lot of questions lined up. I hope its ok. The first one. I am a commission earner and claim back usage of my vehicle for business use. 75%
when calculation deprection over the 5 year straight line method. When does this begin? when I took ownership of the vehicle? or when the vehicle was registered?
2. I bought a vehicle in 2011 and only starting working on commission in 2013. When does my depreciation stop on this vehicle? 2016? or 2018?

VAT on new vehicle for commission earner

  Written by Marc  

As a Commission earner and using my vehicle for business purposes. Can I claim the VAT back on purchasing a new vehicle?
also what can I claim on the interest portion?

Can a sales representative claim on car installments?

  Written by Marc  

I just started a new position as a sales representative, and the car I am currently using is quiet old. As I will be travelling a lot to see clients I would like to buy a new reliable car. Would I be able to make a claim on the monthly installments for this new car, as it will be used mainly for work? If so, what percentage can I claim?

How do I dispute an Additional Assessment issued by SARS that is not correct?

  Written by Marc  

Hi Tax Tim

I am very pleased with the work that you are doing here. Keep up the great work!!!

I submitted my tax return to SARS about a month ago and they selected me for verification/an audit because I had a refund payable to me. I submitted all the documentation they required (logbook, receipts etc), but they have recently responded with an addditional assessment stating that I owe them money - which cant be the case, as I am a 100% commission earner (with no basic salary) and I dont have a tax directive...

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Request for Supporting Documents but I have not been employed for 3 years

  Written by Marc  

SARS is asking for supporting documents related to my tax return but I have been unemployed and living abroad for three years! I don't have any of the documents they are requesting. I still pay provisional tax and submit that tax return dutifully. I read that I must swear an affidavit at a police station but I am currently not in the country and won't be back for several months - they need these supporting documents in 21 days. What must I do? (I did email them, asking them what to do, but they ...

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Can I claim a fixed cost travel deduction if I receive a reimbursive travel allowance?

  Written by Marc  

I am needing to do tax returns going back to 2010!! If I received a reimbursive travel allowance (reflected under code 3702 on my IRP5), can I claim a travel deduction based on the fixed cost method?

Tax on additional incmome from a private owned company.

  Written by Marc  

I run a small business on the side line apart from my normal Job at a Big Company. Must I declare any money I use from that company as the company director as part of my personal income tax?

Does my Statement of Account indicate that I am being audited?

  Written by Marc  

I started with a new employer on 1 March 2014 and a full company vehicle is included in my package. Previously I neither had a company car, nor did I receive a travel allowance. My refund this year, as per my ITA34, is much more than in previous years. It seems that the company I work for also deducted almost R1000 per month too much fringe benefit tax from my salary if one compares the SARS calculation to the actual tax paid. I also did not log many private kilometres, since I am not office bound, as a sales rep, and often work from home...

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Can I claim a lump sum financial lease installment settlement as a deduction for tax purposes.

  Written by Marc  

If I am currently paying a finance lease for a vehicle and then subsequently decide to request a settlement figure from the bank and pay the remainder of the finance debt off to the bank can I claim the lump sum settlement as a deduction for tax purposes?

Can I used the deemed cost option for vehicle expenses

  Written by Marc  

Does the option Deemed cost for vehicle expenses apply for the 2015 tax year?
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