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Salary / IRP5 Posts in Tax Q&A

Explanation of source codes 4040, 4020 and 4022

  Written by Alicia  

Can you explain source codes 4040, 4020 and 4022 on the tax return.

Why is my refund a lot less than the calculator

  Written by Alicia  

Have submitted my tax with TaxTim, but just want to check if it is better to submit including expenses (Fuel, oil, etc) as I left it blank?
Why is my travel allowance tax return on Taxtim calculator very high, but when I did the calculation on SARS it works out a lot less?

Can I fole if I am unemployed?

  Written by Alicia  

Hi I was retrenched last year in August and got another job in November the 1st and resigned in January. I have been unemployed since then, can I claim tax return even if I'm unemployed?

How do I submit my tax return if I have changed jobs within the tax year?

  Written by Alicia  

How do I submit my tax return if I have changed jobs within the tax year? It gets quite confusing. . . New salary, new employer paying for half of my medical aid contributions whereas my old employer was not. . .

3805 calculation

  Written by Alicia  

Is the renumeration factor referred to in the formula to calculate free or cheap accomodation as a fringe benefit equal to pensionable salary, or does it include other remuneration as well?

Can you claim for travel (log book) as well as depreciation on the car?

  Written by Alicia  

I receive a travel allowance and keep a logbook accordingly. Am I able to claim for the travel as well as depreciation on the car?

Employer contributions to provident funds

  Written by Alicia  

Do I get taxed on my employer contributions to my pension/provident fund?
My Salary is R21400 and I don't contribute directly to the fund. My employer contributes R2140. How much tax should I be paying?

Tax on standby allowance

  Written by Alicia  

I receive a standby allowance every month that is being taxed on. It is a fixed amount of 14% of my salary to basically be on standby for any breakdowns. Can I claim tax back?

Source codes 3701 and 3702

  Written by Alicia  

I am busy with my 2017 salary structure. My HR department is offering me both codes 3701 and 3702. Will that be allowed in 2017 tax year. Somewhere I read that your cannot do this anymore and must take either the one or the other.

Do construction workers pay tax?

  Written by Alicia  

if working in the construction company,do they have to deduct my monthly tax returns from my salary?

Where else can I get my IRP5 from?

  Written by Alicia  

Need IRP5. Company liquidated

Deductions against rental income

  Written by Alicia  

I have moved from CPT to JHB. I own a house in CPT which is now being rented out to tenants. In JHB I am currently renting. From a SARS perspective, do I need to declare the rental income as I only own one property and its not a second property bringing in an extra income? What I receive as rental income in CPT immediately covers my rent here. So I do not gain anything. In face what I am asking as a rental is the same as what I pay for my rent here.

Where can I claim tax refund

  Written by Alicia  

I was paying tax now im unemployed so how can I claim an where?

How does ringfencing for rental income work?

  Written by Alicia  

I have a question, regarding if you make a loss from rental income i. E What if the expenses exceed the rental income? How exactly does this work? please provide an example of how and when it is offset against other income and what does the ring fencing mean? Its difficult to understand the document. Please explain in lay mans terms. What is the best way to make this work for you?

"Should the expenses exceed the rental income, the loss should be available to be off-set against other i...

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Medical Insurance - Do I put that on my tax return?

  Written by Alicia  

I have been submitting my tax returns for many years and use to include my Medical (which is a hospital plan with Liberty but not viewed as a medical aid, which I found out in 2015). I contribute to this on a monthly basis and pay my own medical bills i. E. Doctors visits, dentists, optometrists, etc. Only medical procedures in a hospital is covered by my hospital plan. As it is not tax deductible seeing as it is not a medical aid, do I now even bother to mention it on my tax return although the...

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How many "Trade and Professional Income" sections on an ITR12 does a freelancer need?

  Written by Alicia  

I'm a freelance creative in the television industry. I work with many clients throughout the year, some deduct PAYE and some pay me the full amount on the invoice. The first question is for those clients who don't deduct tax. I've been working on my tax return on the SARS E-Filing. On my ITR12 I've added a "Local Business, Trade and Professional Income" section to the form, do I create a section per client or per job type? As I'm trading different services for different clients, but I may have 3...

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May I deduct medical aid contributions as a non-principal member

  Written by Alicia  

I am listed am listed as a dependent on Discovery health with my wife as the principal member. However I pay the contributions for my wife, my son and myself. She doesn't earn an income and is therefore not liable to pay tax. The tax certificate from Discovery is in her name, can I claim the medical expenses and premiums as medical deductions on my IT12. I reference these articles and would like to know if the information in these is still valid as at June 2016

1) South African Institute of Accounting Professionals article from 2012:...

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How do i claim travel expenses if I used 2 cars

  Written by Alicia  

I moved from one employer last year at the end of November. I used a company car, on which I attracted fringe benefit tax. In December 2015 I started with another company, and received a car allowance. I am able to claim business km's for which I am reimbursed at a rate of R3. 29 p/km (subject to monthly logbook submissions). What are my likely tax implications for this filing season based on this, and will I able to file in way to accommodate both scenarios?

Tax on backpay

  Written by Alicia  

Im supposed to get a back pay at the end of June owed to me from September 2016. The total amount im expecting is 63000 before tax. Exactly how much will I be taxed?

Fringe benefits for sale proprietors?

  Written by Alicia  

Does a Sole trader who uses his vehicle for personal and business use have to pay a fringe benefit tax himself as he is not classified as an employee.

Is it necessary to inform SARS of additional income received?

  Written by Alicia  

Hi TaxTim

I am a full time salaried employee but I also sometimes get tutoring jobs and I run a lift club. Will I need to declare what I earn for the latter 2 items?

How to calculate travel expenses?

  Written by Alicia  

I will be claiming tax back on travel for business use for the first time. I have maintained a logbook since starting my new job in the middle of the current tax year 2015/16. Please advise what the "fixed cost" is, and how I can calculate what tax rebate I should expect to receive from SARS in July.

Multiple IRP5's received for one tax year

  Written by Alicia  

I received two IRP5. The second is for the Lump Sum I received after retrenchment, however no tax was deducted. I tax directive number was provided. Should I enter the information as well when submitting my tax?

Tax implications if one receive a subsistence allowance

  Written by Alicia  

We travel for work purposes, and are considering getting a daily allowance paid instead of submitting our expenses. What is the amount allowed per day / other amounts subsistence amounts, and are there tax repercussions on this method.

Is all income taxable together?

  Written by Alicia  

If I earn a salary and then also bring in extra monies for side jobs, do I add up all the money I earn and then calculate how much tax to pay or do I keep the two amounts separate. So I pay PAYE on the salary and then work the percentage of tax separately for yhe monies. Please clarify this for me. Thank you
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