No travel allowance tax claim help

Written by Marc
Posted 25 August 2015
I am using my vehicle for business purposes and I kept a Skytrax logbook. I traveled about 40% of my KM's for business. I do not have a travel allowance and my commission was less than 50% of my income. Can I still claim my travel expenses? My Employer is not willing to amend the IRP5 to include a travel allowance. I still feel that I am out of pocket and I was not advised by my Employer when I started that I should structure my salary with a travel allowance. Please advise if there is a way...
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Medical refund from SARS - made a mistake?

Written by Marc
Posted 25 August 2015
Good day, I submitted my tax return on Saturday only to find out on Monday that I left out some medical stuff I need to claim for, can I resubmit my tax return after I already got a refund from SARS?
Can my husband use my medical aid slipt that he paid for for his tax return

Written by Marc
Posted 25 August 2015
Will you please assist me, me and my husband and kids are on a different medical aid plan, but we pay everything together. Can he use my medical aid slips that he paid for to do his tax return?
Your assistance will be much appreciated
Contributing to Botswana medical aid scheme, is it tax deductible?

Written by Marc
Posted 25 August 2015
I am a tax returning resident to South Africa. Been working in Botswana for the last 16 years and tax returned to work in RSA from June 2014. I have been contributing monthly to a medical aid scheme in Botswana(BOMAID), will this be deemed tax deductible to SARS?
Tax for pensioners

Written by Marc
Posted 24 August 2015
I am helping someone with their tax. The person is 66 years old and has an monthly retirement annuity payout of R7000 and monthly interest (from investments) of about R4000 that gets paid out also monthly to them. Should a tax return be filed,or are there exemptions? I know the over 65 year olds get exempt of certain amounts for interest earned,but im not sure if that is the only excemption,or is there a total amount of income they are excempt of? Or must you add the two excemption amounts toge...
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Provisional Tax Calculation

Written by Marc
Posted 24 August 2015
how do i work out the estimated profits for provisional tax payment to be effected end of august?
Is TAX deduction calculated from your gross salary only or from gross salary plus benefits

Written by Marc
Posted 24 August 2015
I earn a gross salary of R26000. 00 plus I have company benefits of R3881. 00 (being medical aid). When working out the TAX deduction on my salary, is it calculated from R26000. 00 or from R26000 R3881? I see that my current TAX deductions are TAX R5491. 94 UIF R148. 72 and I am just wondering how that was determined. Thank you
Levies for medical expenditure on my tax return?

Written by Marc
Posted 24 August 2015
Im on chronic medication I have to pay a levy every month on my repeats
What to do during audit process

Written by Evan
Posted 24 August 2015
Selected for audit. What do I do?
How is it possible that I have never received a tax refund since 2005?

Written by Marc
Posted 21 August 2015
How is it possible that I have never received a tax refund since 2005?. I employed by a corporate (approx 40 000. 00 employees) that pays my tax for me.
Can I add a medical expenditure after I have eFiled?

Written by Marc
Posted 20 August 2015
I have been doing my mom's tax return. She had hearing aids which her medical aid did not pay for last year. She gave me the paperwork and asked me to submit. Which I did. She now just told me that she forgot about the hearing aids and would like to have them claimed back. Is this now possible? According to the SARS eFiling website the claim is done (she owes nothing and will get back nothing). Can I do something to submit this?
Can I put mom's medical contributions on my tax return?

Written by Marc
Posted 20 August 2015
I pay monthly amounts from my bank account for a medical aid for my mom. The medical aid is in her name though. Can I put these contributions on my tax return. If yes where will it be entered on SARS eFiling?
What other documents are needed to hand in with IRP5 at branch or efiling?

Written by Marc
Posted 19 August 2015
Hi, what other documents is requiered at the SARS branch whith my IRP5? And do I need it for SARS eFiling as well? Thanks
Medical contribution codes

Written by Marc
Posted 18 August 2015
If my contribution towards medical aid is R1000, deducted from my salary, and the company pays the other R1000 (50/50) is the code 3810 then supposed to be R24,000?
My understanding is that code 4005 plus 4474 equals code 3810 or have I got it completely wrong?
Out of pocket medical aid expenses from prior years.

Written by Marc
Posted 18 August 2015
Previously I was a SITE taxpayer and did not have submit an income tax return but I was on a medical aid which I paid out of my own pocket. Currently, I have to submit my income tax return. Can I still claim for these qualifying medical expenses as it is within 3 years. I do have my medical certificates as well from my medical aid. If I can claim should I add this to my current tax return or is there additional forms that I need to complete?
Are Gap Cover monthly payments tax deductible?

Written by Marc
Posted 18 August 2015
Are Gap Cover monthly payments tax deductible? "Gap cover falls under the definition of %u20AC%u0153accident and health policy%u20AC, in the Short Term Insurance Act No. 53 of 1998, or the Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 and not the Medical Schemes Act, 1998. " My gap cover has said they are unable to give me a tax certificate because it is not tax deductible. Please can you assist.
Tax Clearance Certificate?

Written by Marc
Posted 17 August 2015
How long does it take to get a TCC renewal, over the counter at SARS? Can I send a representative? if so, what are the requirements/
Can I claim the contributions made to my GAP Cover scheme?

Written by Marc
Posted 17 August 2015
Can I claim the contributions made to my GAP Cover scheme under the "not paid by medical aid"?
I have not proof of income to verify my return for 2010

Written by Marc
Posted 14 August 2015
I just found out I need to submit my tax return for 2010. I have submitted it and I am due a refund for 2010. However they are wanting me to verify documents. I have not claimed for any medical expenses, RA's etc. I have never ever received an IRP5 form from my previous employers since I worked there. What documents do I send to SARS, as I do not have any payslips or proof for 5 years ago.
My refund is very low and my medical aid costs is high why is this?

Written by Marc
Posted 13 August 2015
I have submitted my tax return on SARS eFiling but the refund is way less then I expected as my medical aid cost was very high. Could Tax Tim help me to submit my tax again to see if the calculation is correct? Also SARS is auditing every one in my office who submitted their tax returns and no one has been paid yet is there a problem at SARS this year?
Can I correct an already sumbitted tax return?

Written by Marc
Posted 12 August 2015
I submitted my tax and was told how much of a R,,,, amount I will be getting back(great news). However straight after I submitted I realized there is a stack of receipts at home for medical bills that I did not enter. Is it too late to correct the already submitted tax return?
How long will it take to get assessed and refunded( it will definitely be more than the R,,, amount they gave me today). How long do I have to make a correction if I can?
SARS says submit my 2011/2012 tax returns but I wasnt employed nor did I have tax number

Written by Marc
Posted 11 August 2015
I emailed SARS to enquire why my 2015/2015 tax returns have not been paid to me yet and they replied saying my 2011/2012 tax returns were not submitted so until they receive that then they will be able to pay me. However I received my 2012/2013 tax returns with no problems as well as my 2013/2014 tax returns as well. I don't really understand this because in 2011 - 2012 I only had a casual job for 2 months in which my wages were way below a tax bracket and I had no medical payments of my own nor...
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Correction not amended on eFiling

Written by Evan
Posted 11 August 2015
Hi Tim. I submitted my tax through SARS efiling. I am claiming for medical expenses not covered by Medical Aid. The amount to be paid out to me was R5 700. I then had to make a correction as I found another slip which was a lot of money, so I filed for a correction. The amount they paid out in the end, still reflected the initial amount of R5 700. What should I do?
Amount not covered by medical scheme - do I owe SARS?

Written by Evan
Posted 11 August 2015
I got a letter from my medical aid saying "the amount not covered by scheme is R1092". Does this mean I owe SARS?
Beeing assessed after filing correction

Written by Marc
Posted 9 August 2015
Hi. Submit my tax return via SARS eFiling on the 1st of July. I work for saps. Submitted my tax return but then realized that I have made a mistake at the medical deductions and then filed a correction. After 3 weeks I went to SARS personally. The person assist me and after signing the document the computer showed that I am being assessed and the agent said sorry but there is nothing he can do. On the SARS eFiling website I tried to upload documents but without success. Remember I did take the...
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