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PAYE & UIF Posts in Tax Q&A

Is there a limit on the contribution towards PAYE for tax on perks such as fuel?

  Written by Neo  

As part of my package I receive the benefit of a fuel card and car allowance (but I do not do any business travel). However, on my tax return for 2020 I had to pay almost R9k because of this benefit. I had thought that our Human Resource Department would have made adjustments to my PAYE so that I would be paying 100% of the applicable tax so that I do not have anything to pay when I do my tax return once a year. Our Human Resource person said that he was not able to set the PAYE so that I could in future pay 100% of the fuel and car allowance benefit, but was limited to set it at 80%. ...

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SARS discrepancy sms

  Written by Neo  

I got a sms from SARS reviewing discrepancies identified between 3rd party (TaxTim) and my last Income Tax tax return. Also they are advising me that I should ensure that the information is captured correctly. My information is captured by Sanlam and assume it is correct. Please advise what the discrepancy could be? And why do they mention the word "discrepancy"?

What does SARS mean by auto-assessment?

  Written by Neo  

I saw something in a news article about SARS issuing auto-assessments this year from 1 August. I tried to research but couldn't find much and this is all very new to me. Please can you explain what this is? Are there any new changes which I need to be aware moving forward? I have been filing my own tax return for the past years, but I hear that I might not need to do so this year.

Why am I being auto-assessed on SARS eFiling?

  Written by Neo  

I received an auto-assessment from SARS. My husband did not receive the SMS but my friend also received an SMS saying she has been auto-assessed. Why have SARS introduced this new process? Why are there some being auto-assessed and not others?

SARS sent me an SMS about auto-assessment? Is this legit?

  Written by Neo  

I received an SMS from SARS which mentioned something about an auto-assessment. I have not heard of this before. I don't trust anyone these days, and because of that I just want to ensure that this is legit - do you think this is a scam?

Income tax on drop-shipping

  Written by Neo  

I am currently doing drop-shipping, the products which come from over sea, so I would like to know what income tax would I need to pay. What do I need to know about this if I am doing it for the first time? Could you kindly share tax material with me which I can use to also work my way through this.

Individual Tax Consultation

  Written by Neo  

In January 2018 I stopped working as a full time employee and for the 2018/2019 tax year I did various things (including foreign travel and work) and earned different kinds of incomes. I did not register as a provisional taxpayer as at that stage I really did not know how the year was going to pan out and if I was going back into full time employment again. I would like to settle any tax I may owe for the 2018/2019 year, however with my different incomes, working out the country for more than 18...

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Foreign Employment and Tax Implications

  Written by Neo  

I am a South African resident currently employed full time. I earn a monthly salary of R23000 (before tax). I have recently started consulting part time for a foreign company that will pay me in dollars. On average $2000 every 3 months.

Outstanding Provisional Tax

  Written by Neo  

I think I needed to submit my last tax return for year ending 29 Feb 2020 as a provisional taxpayer. I have now unfortunately missed the two provisional opportunity windows, but am hoping I can submit and if I need to, pay all the money/penalties owed in the third and final window. Will I be able to do so even though the time has passed? And if yes, would there be any other information which I would need to know before I begin with my filing process?

Provisional Tax and Annuity Income

  Written by Neo  

At the start of the 2021 tax year I will be earning a monthly income from my living annuity [LA], however as I understand from the provider of the LA, that tax will be deducted by them before I receive the monthly amount. I am registered as a provisional taxpayer and will be earning additional income on top of the LA income. So, I therefore assume that I can continue being a provisional taxpayer and declare the additional income only in the IRP6, or would I have to declare both incomes and then ...

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New company and tax forms

  Written by Neo  

I have a new consulting firm and I completed an IRP6 twice, for the two SARS documents, as provisional tax. Note that on the said form there is no provision for any deductions of expenses to set-up my company.
I am not sure what to do next.

Do I need to complete a ITR12 form?. If so, where can I get this form? Currently, it does not show on my SARS e-filing, only the two completed IRP6 form are indicated.

Tax on living annuity

  Written by Neo  

What type of a taxpayer am I if I receive a living annuity and I am 42 years old? My monthly living annuity income is just over R10000, I also receive money from my children's investments which ranges between R1000 and R8000.

Claiming retirement

  Written by Neo  

I am confused and I need some clarity regarding money I am contributing into a pension fund. I am making monthly contributions into someone else%u2019s pension fund. I was wondering whether I can deduct my contributions from my income for tax purposes. Can I claim these contributions back? I am not certain whether this is doable and would appreciate your help.

Provisional Tax on Rental Income

  Written by Neo  

My wife and I are South African and we are currently based in East Asia. I work here as a teacher and my wife is not employed. We are married in community of property. So, back at home in Durban, we own two properties, one is residential and the other an office space. We receive rental income of about R6000 and R7500 respectively. Both properties are mortgaged and they are part of a sectional title scheme. Should we register as provisional taxpayers and how would we go about doing this?

Submitting a tax return and foreign income

  Written by Neo  

I have been living abroad for a while, since February 2018 to be exact. I filed my tax return for the 2017/2018 financial year, as it reflected my income for the previous year, during which I was employed in South Africa. I would like to maintain an unbroken record with SARS, but I'm not sure how to file for income earned abroad. My current income is well below the R1 million limit impostor in South Africans working abroad. I will be tax returning to SA in March 2019. So, I would like to know wh...

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Tax on foreign employment

  Written by Neo  

I was living in Dubai from March 2014 up until December 2016, I however did not earn any income while living there. I then moved to Namibia, where I am currently employed and getting an income, I am a registered taxpayer in Namibia. Also, I am a registered taxpayer in South Africa because I worked there before moving to Dubai. I've received no income from South Africa since moving out of the country. I'd like to find out if I still need to submit a tax return to SARS?

Compiling IRP6

  Written by Neo  

I am a first time IRP6 Provisional Taxpayer and I am looking to complete and submit my tax return through TaxTim. Would you be able to assist me with my tax return? I would also like to find out whether Provisional Taxpayers would need to submit documents and other expenses later in tax season again? Also, will I have an opportunity to submit other expenses later if I accidentally leave out something or over estimated on my IRP6 P1. And finally, how accurate does my IRP6 need to be considering t...

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Tax when selling the shares

  Written by Neo  

I previously received an opportunity to invest in shares through my company. I invested a portion of my income every month and every six months shares were purchased on my behalf at a 14% discount. The shares are US based and tax was deducted locally off my payslip. I would now like to sell off my shares, but I don't fully understand how I'd be liable for tax. We were able to sell them as soon as we had them. They were part of an ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plan) and were purchased by deduction from salary and taxed (nothing given out-right). On the platform, they do seem to be classified as short/long term but I think this is geared up for US rules of capital gains....

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Underestimated tax paid (IRP6)

  Written by Neo  

I am a provisional taxpayer. I have not yet received my final payslip, but I will be receiving it quite soon. On my IRP6 tax return, I have indicated that the total estimated on the taxable income and actual tax paid is an estimate as of today and not the accurate amount. So, what I would like to find out is, when the final payslips are available and ready for me to use, what will happen if I have underestimated the actual tax paid to date? Will I perhaps still be eligible for any refund?

E-filing query and TaxTim

  Written by Neo  

I am a provisional taxpayer and would like to make use of TaxTim. However I
am not registered with E-filing. Therefore, must I be registered with SARS
E-filing in order to be able to make use of TaxTim's services? Or can
TaxTim submit tax returns directly on my behalf (note I will pay any added
costs if necessary) to SARS?

Thank you,

Registration Verification

  Written by Neo  

I've received this message each time I make the request: "The tax type cannot be moved because the registration of the holding taxpayer is awaiting registration verification".

Penalty for non-submission

  Written by Alicia  

I received a notification from SARS indicating that I have admin penalties
indicating that ITS outstanding tax returns for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
What does this mean and can you help rectify?

Declaring other income to SARS

  Written by Alicia  

I am full time employed but I have earned additional income by lecturing a couple of hours during the year at a different employer. This employer did not deduct any PAYE. The employer has paid me according to the hours that I have invoiced them. Should I answer the question about whether I'm an Independent Contractor as "Yes"?

Provisional Tax on property sold

  Written by Neo  

I sold property in March 2017 and it's an income earning property. Do I need to prepare a provisional tax return in August? Will I just include profits on the property?

UIF on maternity leave

  Written by Neo  

How do I declare Maternity UIF payments and the dates off work during the leave?
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