IS there a special code that I should capture on my IRP5?

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 October 2016
What code should I use on my IRP5 if I am a sole proprietor providing management and labour law consulting services?
Am I required to pay tax if my employer is a non profit organisation?

Written by Alicia
Posted 3 October 2016
I am working for a non profit organisation and earn R6400, do I have to pay the tax over to SARS directly or does my employer do this?
Can I claim for depreciation on my vehicle?

Written by Alicia
Posted 27 September 2016
Can I claim for wear and tear on my personal vehicle and how do I do it? I kept a logbook because I am getting a non taxable allowance for the km driven for business purposes.
Can I claim my business travel expenses against source code 3703 if my km travelled exceeded 8000km?

Written by Alicia
Posted 27 September 2016
Can I still claim travel expenses as my employer pays for the km I drive with my personal vehicle, the Km exceeded 8000km but on my IRP5 it is under source code 3703? I also kept a logbook.
Travel Expenses Code 4015

Written by Alicia
Posted 20 September 2016
I did my SARS eFilling tax return through TaxTim and I completed the Travel Expenses Section, 4015, as R72902. I am being audited and I am not quite sure anymore what that amount includes, they only thing I can think of to get to such a high figure would be my car payments per month? Please advise what deductions are allowed under this code and what proof I need to send SARS to support this?
Will I be taxed on an international bank transfer?

Written by Alicia
Posted 18 September 2016
I need to make an international bank transfer into an overseas account one similar to PayPal.
The bank is however asking me for my tax number before proceeding, I understand one can take up to R1 million per annum offshore and therefore by asking for the tax number it falls under a purchase/discretionary allowance and not a gift because I am transferring to my own account similar to PayPal.
My question is will I be taxed on the purchase if I give my tax number? There is also an optio...
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What does code 3698 refer to?

Written by Alicia
Posted 18 September 2016
I have a code 3698 on my IRP5, must I complete this amount under 4006?
At 82, are you still required to pay PAYE and UIF?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 September 2016
If you are 82 years of age, do you still pay PAYE and UIF?
Do my employment income and freelancing income get taxed together?

Written by Alicia
Posted 30 August 2016
I would please like help in calculating my total tax for the year, as I am employed and also a freelancer. Do you just add both income together and then tax a personal income tax percentage for that bracket? Furthermore, I know my employer pay tax monthly but can I also pay tax monthly or should I just reserve the total tax for year-end when I file.
Code 3808, where can I complete i ton my tax return?

Written by Alicia
Posted 15 August 2016
I have an amount reflecting on my return under code 3808 which is employee debt but this relates to income protection, previously we would have captured this same amount under code 4018 which is income protection insurance contributions but now this isn't found anywhere, is there somewhere else I can enter this or what do I do with the figure under 3808?
When do I use code 3616 and 3601?

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 August 2016
We have a few sub-contracting individuals. Some of them provide ad hoc services to us when we call on them. They often work remotely or at a clients offices, they provide their own laptops, and they are specialists and generally get asked to fix a problem, and then they get on with it. Then there are others that are identical to the above, except they contract to us on a medium to long term, where their main income comes from us, as they work for us 5 days a week, for months or even years at a t...
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Can I deduct salaries paid to my helpers from my sole proprietor income?

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 August 2016
I am "unemployed" but make money with blogging. I have 5 bloggers/writers who help me but are not formally employed by me. I pay them every month. If I earned R150,000 and paid them all 40% of my earnings, would I then only be taxed on the remaining 60% I keep? Am I considered a sole proprietor and am I responsible for formally hiring them? The money I make is earned via an overseas source, not South African.
IRP5 Form for new tax year, can I claim back the tax I paid now already?

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 August 2016
I worked for a firm March to July 2016 as a temp and according to them I only need to submit my IRP5 Form next year 2017. They advised me that they will only process their IRP5's again next year 2017 and that the next tax season is 1 March 2016 to 28 February 2017 and I must submit in 2017. Is this correct. They took 25% tax off my salary as a temp for these 5 months and I need to claim these monies back.
What is the SARS source code for compulsory purchased annuity?

Written by Alicia
Posted 4 August 2016
I have purchased a compulsory guaranteed annuity from a life insurer with funds which were transferred from a living annuity with another life insurer. The living annuity was also due to a compulsory annuity purchase. The SARS source code being used for the monthly income from the compulsory guaranteed annuity is 3611. Is this correct as is this code not only applicable for the taxable interest from a voluntary annuity? If the source code is incorrect, what should it be?
What should I do with the IT3(a) and IT3(b) I received?

Written by Alicia
Posted 2 August 2016
I received it3a and b from GEPF what can I do with it?
Can i split the amount on the medical tax certificate?

Written by Alicia
Posted 1 August 2016
My dad is retired, in November his medical aid stopped coming off his payslip, and he has to pay it out of his bank account. So my question is,On his IRP5 there is an amount under 4005 for medical aid deduction. But this is only till end October. So I want to know, do I put the rest of the medical aid amount that he paid out of his back account under 4040?
Tax paid for small business owner, PAYE and or Individuals tax?

Written by Alicia
Posted 25 July 2016
Hi Tim, I am a small business owner, my company is registered, I have no other employees at the moment. Should I pay myself a salary so as to avoid withdrawing from the business account for personal use. Should I register for PAYE? Do I have to pay individuals tax too if I am registerd for PAYE? The business income is my only source of income?
Why am I registered for income tax

Written by Alicia
Posted 21 July 2016
Hi I was working last year earning R3000 a month. I got an sms this year stating that I have been registered for tax accompanied by a tax number. I want to know why this happened?
No IRP5's

Written by Alicia
Posted 20 July 2016
I worked for a company. They were liquidated and did not give me IRP5's or upload them to SARS. I don't have salary slips either. How do I submit my tax returns?
Tax due on extra income

Written by Alicia
Posted 20 July 2016
I receive an extra income of R3640 per month - for the year it was R43 680. 00
What is the tax implications for this? I am not taxed monthly, but will it make a huge difference on my tax return for 2016?
Can i claim back the tax I paid while earning commission income?

Written by Alicia
Posted 20 July 2016
I earned R50 000 commission for the year and paid R6000 tax, can I claim perhaps?
I then started a new job November last year, for which I have my IRP5.
Tax on loyalty rewards

Written by Alicia
Posted 19 July 2016
If a company gave an employee the right to use the company credit card for purchases at specific brands stores. If the employee has a loyalty card, and the company credit card purchases resulted in him earning a significant amount of reward points, what would the income tax implications be for the employee and their employer.
Due date for ITR12 2016?

Written by Alicia
Posted 18 July 2016
What is the due date to submit my IRP5 to SARS for 2016, is it before 25 November 2016?
Tax on disability grant

Written by Alicia
Posted 17 July 2016
I earning disability I am not getting IRP5 how would I know how much I am owing SARS
Portion of retirement annuity contribution gets coded as 3808, why?

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2016
Last year my employer added a RA to our benefits. The deal was that the employee pays 5% of salary towards the RA and the Employer would pay 7% to total of 12% of salary towards RA. On this years IRP5 there is a big amount listed as code 3808 (Payment of Employee Debt if the policy is owned by the employee) and it seems that this amount equates to the 7% portion that the employer paid. This has a negative effect on my returns as it seems that I now get penalised by SARS for this amount. Should t...
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