Would a non-resident get S6A and S6B rebates as well?

Written by Marc
Posted 15 October 2015
Would a non-resident get S6A and S6B rebates as well?
Do I need to declare investments outside SA?

Written by Marc
Posted 15 October 2015
I have been living outside of South Africa for longer than 2 years. I have been investing money outside of SA. The currency is USD. Do I need to declare this investment in my tax return. The money was earned outside the country, and I have not yet tax returned to SA.
Two medical aids

Written by Marc
Posted 14 October 2015
For the first four months of the tax year I belonged to a full medical aid deducted from my salary as part of cost to company. After that I was retrenched and joined a medical aid fund on my own. It is a hospital plan and not a full medical aid - does this still get filled in as a medical aid on the tax form (even though it is just a hospital plan)? If so, would I add the two amounts together to fill in as my medical aid deduction on the tax return or or they separate? - I know the work one has ...
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Send me a tax certificate

Written by Marc
Posted 14 October 2015
How can I get tax certificate from my medical aid?
Non medical aid claims

Written by Marc
Posted 13 October 2015
How are medical claims to be handled for a taxpayer who does not contribute to a medical fund?
Medical costs that medical aid didn't pay for?

Written by Marc
Posted 13 October 2015
I have R5200 worth of medical expenses to claim for. Will I get any of it back?
My medical aid is only deducted after PAYE. (i.e. Income - PAYE) = x less medical aid

Written by Marc
Posted 12 October 2015
My company insist that their calculations are correct. They only deduct my medical aid contribution after PAYE. As a result instead of my deduction being R10 000 to R11 000 odd I end up with at least R15000 plus deductions. Then they are adamant that when I do my tax returns I should get all that is due to me which is not true.
Does disability influence the tax calculation on lumpsum pension fund payout?

Written by Marc
Posted 9 October 2015
If I have been really receiving a disability income from my place of work, how does this affect my pension fund lump sum payout? Is disability taken into account when the lumpsum is taxed?

Written by Marc
Posted 9 October 2015
1. I am retired and a deduction for my Medical Aid Contribution is made from my monthly pension. My Tax Certificate displays a basic Tax Credit (R257 x 2 x 12) which does not include the extra Tax Credit for claims submitted to, but not paid by, my Medical Aid Fund. My neighbour, on the other hand, who also has a deduction for his Medical Aid Contribution from his monthly pension, received his Tax Certificate which reflects a Tax Credit taking into account a basic Tax Credit (R257 x 2 x 12) as well as his claims submitted but not paid by his Medical Aid Fund...
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What are those supporting documents that I need to submit

Written by Marc
Posted 8 October 2015
I have received an email from SARS saying my income tax has been identified for verification and I must submit my supporting documents on my SARS eFiling. What are those supporting documents that I need to submit, if I don't have invoices,medical certificate or travel book. Is it the IRP5 still a supporting document?
Meaning of tax credit ?

Written by Marc
Posted 8 October 2015
What is a tax credit?
Calculation of PAYE

Written by Marc
Posted 7 October 2015
Calculation of PAYE. Earnings include allowances(standby, acting, travel and cellphone). UIF, medical aid and pension fund are deducted.
I am paying to much tax, what now?

Written by Marc
Posted 7 October 2015
I did the tax calculator and my company is subtracting 5 times the amount of tax that I should pay from my salary each month. When I asked them About it they said they have a system that works it out and didn't want to help me. What should I do now?
Can I submit receipts after SARS has already done my tax for 2015?

Written by Marc
Posted 6 October 2015
I went to SARS and they did my 2015 tax. They said they owe me some money. But what I would like to know is can I submit my medical receipts and RA tax certificate still? I forgot to take it with me and submit them. Is it too late?
Concerned about source codes that appear on IRP5 but not prompted by TaxTim

Written by Evan
Posted 2 October 2015
Hi there
I had 3 IRP5s for the 2009 tax year. I have just completed your questionnaire but am concerned as I was not prompted to punch in some source codes that appear on two of these IRP5s. The outstanding codes are the following:
- 3695
- 3699
- 4103
- 4473
- 4474
- 4486
- 3808
- 3810
- 4001
- 4005
- 4472
- 4474
- 4486
- 4103
Many thanks in advance.
Battling to get 2008 IRP5 certificate from ex-employer.

Written by Marc
Posted 1 October 2015
I am battling to get my IRP5 certificate for 2008 from an ex-employer and SARS is asking for it. At the time I did not submit the tax return because I recall that in that particular year if you earned under a certain annual income, you did not have to submit and therefore I did not. How can I remedy the situation? I have called SARS SARS eFiling help desk and we tried to see if the information would populate on SARS eFiling but it did not.
63 old, interest income R13500/mon and will contribute R2640/m towards medical.Tax payable?

Written by Marc
Posted 30 September 2015
I'm 63 and retirinmg with an interest based income of R13500. 00 /month. I'm contributing R2640 towards medical aid. How much SARS tax will I be liable for. Thank you
Need help with my medical aid tax cerificate

Written by Marc
Posted 30 September 2015
I need help with getting my medical aid tax certificate which has not reached me.
Statement of Tax invoicing

Written by Evan
Posted 28 September 2015
Hi, I submitted a tax return via SARS eFiling which tax returned an assessment that I owe SARS R2500. Puzzled by this I asked a friend and she advised that I had entered the number of dependents for Medical Aid incorrectly. I filed a correction and SARS now owes me R2700. The statement, however reflects an amount of R200 and reflects the incorrect R2500. Surely that shouldn't count or am I missing something?
I called SARS and was told they focus only on the original assessment. I am ...
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Request for Supporting Documents but I have not been employed for 3 years

Written by Marc
Posted 27 September 2015
SARS is asking for supporting documents related to my tax return but I have been unemployed and living abroad for three years! I don't have any of the documents they are requesting. I still pay provisional tax and submit that tax return dutifully. I read that I must swear an affidavit at a police station but I am currently not in the country and won't be back for several months - they need these supporting documents in 21 days. What must I do? (I did email them, asking them what to do, but they ...
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Could I claim all contributions and additonal medical costs for a dependant parent of 73?

Written by Marc
Posted 23 September 2015
This question is about medical tax credits. I am a 73 year old pensioner. I thought that if I was a dependant on my son's Discovery medical aid, then he could claim form his tax the full contribution for me (being over 65) and also any additional medical costs I incur which are not covered by the medical aid (the full amount). Am I correct?
And I will tell my sons about this terrific service. Thanks
Money not deposited

Written by Marc
Posted 23 September 2015
I make my returns 2wks back and now if I check my efiling account there is -R20 323 reflecting on my statement account the problem I dont know what makes my money not deposited, and in status it says (waiting for supporting documents )what does that mean
I have no medical aid.

Written by Marc
Posted 22 September 2015
I do not have a medical aid. Can I claim for my medical expenses?
SARS wont refund my medical?

Written by Marc
Posted 16 September 2015
I have taken out medical aid for my wife and kids, wife being the principal member. All premiums were debit from my bank account as my wife is unemployed. SARS wont refund me because the medical aid certificate is in my wife's name. Never had this problem with previous tax returns, audited this year. What can I do, SARS told me to submit 12months of banking statements for prove (march2014-feb2015) at my nearest branch???
Can you get a refund on that money that you pay to the dentist?

Written by Marc
Posted 16 September 2015
What if you were at the dentist and you send you're medical the code of the dentist and they say they will pay the cost and after a few weeks you have to pay additional money that you have to pay it out of your own pocket
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