Penalty for non-submission

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2017
I received a notification from SARS indicating that I have admin penalties
indicating that ITS outstanding tax returns for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
What does this mean and can you help rectify?
What are cost of sales in a consulting business

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2017
What would cost of sales be in a consulting business - would my time be the cost? Would it be paper, laptop etc?
This query relates to question 4216 "Please enter the cost of sales incurred." in the Self Employed/Independent Contractor/Freelancer section.
Submit a return with medical aid claims on

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2017
I wanted to enquire approximately how much it would cost for me to do my Tax Returns?
Just an estimation.
It would be just for me. Straight forward Gross Salary plus medical aid. No other claims such as commission, mileage, petrol etc.
I received two assessments from SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
I submitted my tax return and received a refund outcome, I later received another assessment with a different refund amount, can you explain this to me please?
2 IRP5s and commission

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
Before paying the fee I just want to make sure you'll be able to help me. From March to July. I earned a normal salary but from August I earn a basic and commission. As I sales rep I'm able to write off wear and tear on my
vehicle but obviously only from August. Same goes for my laptop etc. will your system be able to take this into account?
Is RA and pension the same?

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
I'm not sure how the deductions for my pension works as my employer has been deducting pension from my salary under code 4001. Do I still enter any amounts under annuity contributions?
Declaring other income to SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
I am full time employed but I have earned additional income by lecturing a couple of hours during the year at a different employer. This employer did not deduct any PAYE. The employer has paid me according to the hours that I have invoiced them. Should I answer the question about whether I'm an Independent Contractor as "Yes"?
View already submitted ITR12 on TaxTim

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2017
Where can I find my SARS tax return I submitted for 2017 via Tax Tim to go and validate the info I captured?
Rental expenses, capital or running expenses?

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2017
Please assist on the below as I cannot find additional
information within the current questions on your blog:
While not a monthly expense - it is mentioned that any expenses incurred in
earning the rental property income can be set against the rental income for
tax purposes. Does the following apply to that reasoning:
1. Installation of Prepaid electricity meter (about R1400)
2. Separating the electricity flows for sectioning off the electricity
for the rental portion of the property to the main house (we only renting...
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Company cars and travel claim

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2017
I work for a motor car company and drive many vehicles, which registration number should I use?
Edit an already submitted return

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 July 2017
I submitted my tax on the 03/07 and a couple of days after that I got a new
tax statement
from my medical aid stating that the previous one is incorrect.
This regards the amount that is an additional medical expense
not covered by the medical aid, the initial amount was overstated.
How do I resubmit my tax with the new amount as I don't want any issues
later on.
Rental income for a room

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2017
I have earned rental income from renting out a room in our house. How do I calculate the electricity, rates and taxes (and bond interest) deductible against this income? The room does not have a separate electricity meter, and also keeping in mind that we use prepaid electricity.
Debit interest

Written by Alicia
Posted 8 July 2017
I receive an IT3(b) Certificate from FNB but there's no credit interest earned only debit interest paid.
Does that get included on the tax return?
Saving the TaxTim Logbook

Written by Neo
Posted 7 July 2017
I need to submit my logbook to SARS, I used the TaxTim logbook. How do I
save the logbook so that I can upload it?
Previously unemployed: Should I still file?

Written by Neo
Posted 7 July 2017
I wasn't employed from May 2013 till July 2015. Should I still file my tax return even if I don't have an IRP5 as I wasn't working?
Tax Clearance Certificate for business

Written by Neo
Posted 7 July 2017
How do I obtain a tax clearance certificate for a business that has only been registered but have not received any income?
SARS Verification Audit

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
With regards to tax returns, if SARS does a verification audit can TaxTim assist with this too?
Medical Aid Expenses for previous tax years

Written by Alicia
Posted 6 July 2017
I was retrenched April 2014 but continued paying for my medical aid in my
personal capacity. I only claimed for out of pocket medical expenses and
not what I paid in my private capacity. I'm not sure If I could claim for
that and if I can now with 2017 submission claim for 2014 / 2015 medical
Can't get my IRP5

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
I'm unable to get my second IRP5 from my part-time employer - would I be able to access it on the SARS website?
Business Tax Return

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
I just wanted to find out if you deal with business tax? I've recently started a company and would just like to know what SARS will want to see in respect to my accounting when I file a tax return? Essentially, what is the bare minimum if they audit?
Capital allowances written off

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
"Capital allowances written off" I do not understand what this statement means.
IRP5 changes

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
How come my IRP5 is different from last season? there's no code 3697 and 3698
Which option do I select on eFiling?

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
Which field do I select on eFiling to add income (in dollars) earned from freelancing?
Deleting banking details

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
I've submitted my tax return and I'm due a refund, without any audit done. However, SARS said I need to delete two of my three banking details as they wouldn't know where to pay the refund. On the correct banking details it has a status 'Outgoing', is this fine or should I continue to delete the old banking details?
And will this delay the refund due to me?
Travel Allowance Claim

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
I get a travel allowance, but I use my wife's vehicle for business purposes
as we work together. Can I claim travel expenses?
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