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Medical Posts in Tax Q&A

Med deductions

  Written by Marc  

Med expenses R29227. 00 for year 28/2/15
Income R150000. 00
78 years old
What can I claim for medic

Can I still log Notice of objection after more than 30 days

  Written by Marc  

Hi. I submitted my tax in July but only claimed disability however did not put in my expenses. Like school fees. Can I still log a Notice of objection

Where to put things on tax return

  Written by Marc  

I worked for a company for two months last year and then worked for myself and invoiced out work. This means I have a IRP for the 2 months and then have to declare my income and expenditure on the balance of the year. When I populate the form I say yes to other income (trade). Where do I declare my expenses - such as computer, printing stationery, vehicle, medical, telephone, bank charges?

Those who pay own medical - where do I input Medical Tax Credit (MTC) on efiling?

  Written by Evan  

If you pay your own medical aid (employer contributes nothing) and you wish to get your Medical Tax Credit (MTC) do you input the MTC on e-filing under code 4116? Or is that only for when an employer contributes. If not where do you put it or does SARs calculate it based on your medical deductions section?

Foreign service income exemption

  Written by Evan  

I was hoping to pick your big tax brain before I submit my tax return and cause chaos at SARS.... I qualify for S10(1)(o) in terms of foreign services rendered as I meet the requirements in this regard. My dilemma is I don't know which part of my income I can use to claim the applicable portion of this exemption i.e. Income (3601); Annual payment (3605) etc. To further complicate the situation I had share options exercised in the same tax year!

Would you mind confirming which source codes I can use in the claim?...

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Incorrect medical expenses, can I correct my tax return that is already submitted?

  Written by Evan  

I calculated the incorrect amount for my medical expenses, but I see my tax return is already submitted. Can I still change the amount? And how do I upload my documentation?

Supporting documents for capital gains

  Written by Evan  

I just got notified that you submitted a revised ITR12 which records the primary residence exclusion of R2000 000. The new ITA34 I received now reflects an amount of -R14 290. 15. But now I am being audited. They are not clear on the documents that I have to submit. They ask for my IRP5, medical aid certificate, IT3B tax certificate. With regards to the capital gains part, there are no specific requests. Should I submit the final statement of accounts for the purchase and sale of my former resid...

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No tax certificate for medical insurance

  Written by Evan  

Hi Tim. We don't have a medical aid, we have a medical insurance. They don't provide Tax Certificates. Can we still use the monthly deductions as medical expenses?

Medical costs for operation not paid out by Medical Aid

  Written by Evan  

Hi I have a question regarding medical claims not paid by the medical aid. I had a c-section operation in 2014. The Doctor put in a claim of R13k and the medical aid made a payment from the scheme of R3K, leaving a balance of R10K. The amount for unpaid claims on the medical aid certificate for the 2014/2015 tax year is only approx R4K.

Should this R10K amount of the c-section be added to the medical claims not paid by the medical aid? Tax Code 4020 becomes R4K R10K = R14K. What abo...

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A Earns R60Kpm & pays R7Kpm to medical fund,A is married with 2kids,Wat is his tax credit for 2016

  Written by Marc  

An individual aged 45, married with two small children, is a member of a medical aid fund. He earns a salary of R60 000 per month. He pays R7 000 each month to the medical aid fund throughout the year of assessment ending 28 February 2016. What is the monthly amount of his the medical scheme fees tax credit for the year of assessment ending 28 February 2016

Should pensioners submit a tax teturn?

  Written by Marc  

My parents are 84 and 78 respectively. They receive a monthly pension income of R140 000 /a and a contribute to a medical aid of R 22 500 /a. They dont have They have limited medical expenses not covered by the medical aid. Do they need to submit a tax return?

How can I find out why I'm being audited?

  Written by Evan  

I've done my tax return Ok. I received an SMS that I am being audited and that I will receive the amount of refund on 1 Dec. Why must I wait so long, and how can I find out why I'm being audited?

ITA34 form

  Written by Marc  

How do I obtain a ITA34 form if I am not registered for tax? Earn below required income to register. For my medical(Boncap) aid say they need it to register me for 2016 membership, although I sent them all the proof of income

Can I claim gap cover on my tax return?

  Written by Evan  

I had depleted my savings last year on my medical scheme and had a self payment gap to cover and then annual threshold benefits would kick in. Can I claim the self payment gap on my tax return?

Amending your tax return after submission

  Written by Marc  

I'm a first time tax payer. I only completed my tax return for the first time this year. I used e-Filing and already submitted my tax return, and received the assessment. I realised that I had to add my Medical Aid tax certificate (My company is not paying for my medical aid, it comes from my pocket). What should I do now, seeing that I already filed my tax return? How am I going to fix this?

Claiming medical expense not covered by medical aid

  Written by Evan  

My partner has no medical aid & is a full dependent of myself.

A) How do I claim her medical expenses?
B) How do I claim medical expenses not covered by my medical aid for myself?

SARS wants me to submut income tax documents from 1991 to 2003. I dont have these. What can I do?

  Written by Marc  

I filed my tax return on Friday 30 October 2015 and SARS said they are now using a new system and said the they need me to file tax returns from 1991-2003. I can not get these IRP's or medical certificates. What must I do? When I went to file my tax return in 2013 they asked me to get the documents from 2006-2013 and file for each year. I got that documents and filed and paid a R500. 00 penalty. They did not ask for anything else and said I was up to date. This year they ask for 1991-2003. Pleas...

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Is it possible to re-submit my 2013 tax return?

  Written by Marc  

Is it possible for me to re-submit my 2013 tax return cause I have been overcharged due to the following documents not submitted, medical certificate and retirement contribution certificate presently those documents are available.

Who should submit additional medical expenses - main member or spouse?

  Written by Evan  

I am the main medical aid member (cover for myself and my spouse). We ran out of our MSA and we incurred some expenses that my spouse paid for herself.

My Question:

Who should submit additional medical expenses not paid for by our medical aid when doing our tax returns, myself or my spouse?

What is the taxation on the gratuity lump sum and on the annuity for medical retirement-GEPF?

  Written by Marc  

I belong to GEPF and was medically boarded. What is the taxation on the gratuity lump sum and on the annuity?

Structuring of ctc package

  Written by Marc  

My question is how to structure your ctc package for tax purposes, for example my employers has only the following guidelines
Ctc=657 918 per annum. 70% must be taken as salary , the remaining 30% may be structured in a tax efficient manner. I'd like to add a car allowance, as well as a bonus 13th cheque to the value of +- 25 000, and I'd like the company to contribute 12% of package as pension. What should I also consider for tax purposes

Never submitted a tax-return

  Written by Marc  

I have always been horrible with tax and have never submitted a tax-return. I was unaware that is was a "must-do", as I paid tax as per normal. What will happen to me?

Why can't I sign in for a tax certificate?

  Written by Marc  

Why can't I create an account when I sign in to my medical aid. I am trying to get a tax certificate. Every time I put in my membership number I get the message that the code is invalid.

Gross salary IRP5 code?

  Written by Marc  

When you ask in the Income Tax Calculator "Your gross salary is the entire amount, including all benefits, that your boss pays you. " What code should I be looking for on my IRP5?

Verification documentation

  Written by Marc  

I Submitted my tax return but made a mistake on my dependents, I received a letter for document verification. Immediately after that I saw the mistake and rectified it. On that notice it said 'N' by verification. Now I received a letter again to ask for supporting documentation. What should I do?
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