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Foreign employment income Posts in Tax Q&A

I am from the UK, but will get permanent residence in SA, but I have money overseas, will I pay tax

  Written by Marc  

If i bring funds into SA and earn interest do I have to pay tax on it, what is the free allowance and then how much is it thereafter please?

How much can I deduct for expenses from money I earned in Saudi Arabia?

  Written by Marc  

Hi, I taught a two-week course in Saudi Arabia, and they paid me straight into my bank account. Do I have to pay taxes on the full amount, or is there some fixed amount per day I can deduct for expenses?

What happens if I've earned foreign income?

  Written by Marc  

I qualify to have my income classified as foreign income, but am unsure of the disclosure of this on my tax return.

How do I know if I am a tax resident of South Africa?

  Written by Marc  

A burning question people often ask tax professionals is whether or not they are a tax resident in a certain country. The question is important because it distinguishes between tax residents and tax non-residents – both paying tax in South Africa.

    • Tax non-residents are people who do not ordinarily reside in South Africa but do business here and thus pay tax to the SA government ONLY on what they earned from South African sources.


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