Tax on standby allowance

Written by Alicia
Posted 23 June 2016
I receive a standby allowance every month that is being taxed on. It is a fixed amount of 14% of my salary to basically be on standby for any breakdowns. Can I claim tax back?
How can I pay tax ovr to SARS for my investment income?

Written by Alicia
Posted 23 June 2016
I would like to know how do I pay my tax when I receive mi IT3B CERTIFICATE am I suposse to register as a PROVISIONAL TAXPAYER how do igo about doing this it is my first time and is it possible to register as a PROVISIONAL TAXPAYER on EFILLING if so please provide me with steps how to do so.
How do I obtain an ITA34 from SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 20 June 2016
Good day I need SARS assessment letter
How much will I get as refund

Written by Alicia
Posted 17 June 2016
I am a temp in my work,i have worked for 24 weeks from march 2015 to february 2016,i have earned 156000 and I was taxed R19650. I would like to know will I get the refunds n approximately how much
Vat implications on mobile apps

Written by Alicia
Posted 14 June 2016
are there any vat implications on mobile applications in south africa? please make reference to the vat act if possible. if not, how are the mobile applications currently treated?.
How many "Trade and Professional Income" sections on an ITR12 does a freelancer need?

Written by Alicia
Posted 14 June 2016
I'm a freelance creative in the television industry. I work with many clients throughout the year, some deduct PAYE and some pay me the full amount on the invoice. The first question is for those clients who don't deduct tax. I've been working on my tax return on the SARS E-Filing. On my ITR12 I've added a "Local Business, Trade and Professional Income" section to the form, do I create a section per client or per job type? As I'm trading different services for different clients, but I may have 3...
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I'm unemployed, can I get a tax number?

Written by Alicia
Posted 14 June 2016
Can I be able to get the tax number if I haven't been in a workplace?
old nil returns

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 June 2016
my wife would like to use your service. Her scenario, she used to work up to 2009, then became a housewife till mid 2015 when she started working again. Before, she never earned enough to file tax returns (dunno if that's still effective). She does have a tax number and would need to do her tax return this year. Se started working 1 July 2015. Would the lite or smart package be sufficient and is she most likely looking to have some penalties?
May I deduct medical aid contributions as a non-principal member

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 June 2016
I am listed am listed as a dependent on Discovery health with my wife as the principal member. However I pay the contributions for my wife, my son and myself. She doesn't earn an income and is therefore not liable to pay tax. The tax certificate from Discovery is in her name, can I claim the medical expenses and premiums as medical deductions on my IT12. I reference these articles and would like to know if the information in these is still valid as at June 2016
1) South African Institute of Accounting Professionals article from 2012:...
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Completion of income forms for the CIPC

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 June 2016
I am full time employed and have started a small business on the side. The business is registered with CIPC and has its own tax number. I needed help to do the tax return for the business and I would like to find out best to cover my business costs and what is the CIPC annual tax return?
Tax number needed for unemployed person

Written by Alicia
Posted 10 June 2016
I wanted to to make a international payment to fund my international forex account, but at the bank they told me I need a tax number in order to make the transfer. So is it possible to get a tax number even though I'm unemployed?
Am I able get a tax refund?

Written by Alicia
Posted 9 June 2016
How do I know if I qualify for my tax return
Renewal of tax clearance certificate?

Written by Alicia
Posted 7 June 2016
What must I bring to SARS if I want to renew my tax clearance while the physical address is not in my name?
Multiple IRP5's received for one tax year

Written by Alicia
Posted 7 June 2016
I received two IRP5. The second is for the Lump Sum I received after retrenchment, however no tax was deducted. I tax directive number was provided. Should I enter the information as well when submitting my tax?
How to apply for a Tax Clearance Certificate

Written by Alicia
Posted 6 June 2016
Do you need to be audited first in order to get a tax clearance certificate? What is the quickest way and process to obtain a TCC?
How to confirm foreign banking details with SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 6 June 2016
Hi, Could you please let me know the procedure to confirm my Indian Bank Details. I am an Indian Citizen and working in South Africa in Work Permit. I would like to register my Indian Bank Details for tax refund. Please guide me on the 1. Fees, 2. Documents Required
And also, I would like to know the pricing for tax filing for this year.
I am married in community of property, how will I be taxed on an investment?

Written by Alicia
Posted 3 June 2016
How will I be taxed as I am now retired an have invested the money and draw monthly interest we are married COP monthly 13k
Submission of old tax forms

Written by Alicia
Posted 31 May 2016
How do I go about submitting a tax return that was for the 2014 year of assessment?
Will SARS penalise me for outstanding tax returns?

Written by Alicia
Posted 30 May 2016
I'm not sure if I disappeared under the radar for some time now due to generating my own income for years barely surviving and then going bank. At that stage I was a provisional tax payer. Years down the line I did contract work making ends meat. I eventually got a secure job since 2013 - probably not earning enough to register as a tax payer in order to submit tax returns? However I think this might be a different scenario now.
Employed by a foreign company, and need to pay over my own tax, how much will it be?

Written by Alicia
Posted 30 May 2016
I've recently become a contractor to an overseas company, I've been informed, that I have to pay my own income tax. I send them invoices. My monthly invoice fluctuates between 22000 and 30000 as I get paid on a daily basis. I don't get an IRP5, and I pay my own medical and recently setup my own RA contribution. I need to pay my tax. When and how much do I need to pay. I've been a contractor for them from January 2015 to now May 2016
Can I still update my new address with SARS?

Written by Alicia
Posted 27 May 2016
I worked at one company up until September 2015 and started at a new company in September 2015, when I moved to my new company I also moved house so on my previous employers IRP5 submission it has my old address and on my new Employers IRP5 it has my new address. If 2 IRP5's get submitted to SARS with conflicting addresses to SARS will this have any implication for me?
Can I still pay UIF if I dont have a tax number?

Written by Alicia
Posted 25 May 2016
I have been working for 2years now and my employer gave me a Employee Income Tax Certificate(IRP5). I don't have a tax number but there's deduction for UIF,I would like to know where is that money going to
Not a South African resident, but have a local investment, do I need to pay tax?

Written by Alicia
Posted 25 May 2016
I'm a dual citizen having both South African and British citizenship. I have worked all my life in UK and am in full time employment under a contract with UK employer. I tax return to South Africa once every year and stay for a holiday between 4 to 6 weeks. If I invest in a fixed rate account of some R500 000 over 5 years, am I liable to pay any tax on that investment product as I'm not ordinary resident in South Africa for tax purposes not indeed even have a South African tax number
Rental income allowable tax deductions

Written by Alicia
Posted 22 May 2016
I am currently in the UK and need some help regarding various tax related queries before I tax return to South Africa within the next 2 months
Including my tax return I did online before I left. (needs to be finalised)
A bank account change at SARS. (do I have to do it in Person)
I need to register a SA company for VAT. I would like to know how long I must be in the UK to have a tax benefit in South Africa. I have been working here since 1/1/2016 and have to tax return before 31/07/2016...
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TaxTim and present SARS eFiling status

Written by Alicia
Posted 19 May 2016
If I register with TaxTim how is my present status as an SARS E-Filing tax payer affected?
Do I need to de-register as an SARS E-Filer?
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