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Commission Posts in Tax Q&A

SARS mistake or are refunds done per assessment

  Written by Nicci  

I was audited and asked to submit supporting docs for logbooks, vehicle ownership/invoices and medical expenses. My assessment was calculated at R49k refund initially. When submitting medical exp I realized I had entered some expenses incorrectly so made changes to the ITR12. This resulted in a refund of R58k. In the new assessment SARS deducted the R49k under source code 4102 in the line "Previous Assessment Results", with net refund of R9k. Will my refund be both assessments ie R59k or are the...

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Net pay determination

  Written by Alicia  

If I have a R3000 petrol allowance added to my salary, will the provident fund contribution be deducted as well, e. G. If on 10% contribution, then the net income before tax will be R2700?

Section 10(1)o - Any 12 month period

  Written by Alicia  

I started a job out of SA on 1 August 2014 and traveled regularly from SA to my place of work out of SA on rotation up until the end of the job on 29 February 2016. For the 12 month period 1 Aug 2014 - 31 July 2015 I exceeded the 183 and 60 day requirements. I therefore claimed my tax exemption on my 2015 tax return (for the income earned during Aug 2014 - Feb 2015). For the period 1 August 2015 to 29 February 2016 I exceeded the 60 day requirement but not the 183 days. However, if I calculate 1...

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Please clarify if I can get a tax directive and how they work

  Written by Nicci  

My estimated gross income R670 114. 00
My estimated expenditure R306 081. 00
Estimated taxable income R364 033. 00
Please show me the calculations to get a tax directive of 20%

Section 10(1)o - successive tax years and overlapping 12 month periods

  Written by Nicci  

Hi Tim,

When working successive years out of SA on a rotation basis (regular travel to and from SA) am I able to overlap my 12 month periods I use when calculating the days worked out of SA?

Section 10(1)o makes mention of the 183 and 60 day periods being part of any 12 month period which may start or end in the financial year in question. There is no mention of not using periods 'twice' ie If I do a 60 day period out of SA in June and July 2015 I could use this sti...

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Do I need to keep a logbook?

  Written by Nicci  

My monthly salary is split up into salary and travel allowance. Therefore my PAYE is calculated accordingly. The company pays for all my petrol, whether business or private. Do I still keep a logbook and can I still submit a claim?

Why aren't I getting tax rebates on all my work expenses?

  Written by Nicci  

I contract for a UK based company and and paid in Rands each month - a salary, and all my expenses. Currently I pay a tax person in SA to do my tax (I am paid in full and then it's my responsibility to sort my tax out), however I haven't received any rebates from SARS for 3 years despite all my expenses, including travel, office rental, parking (all business related). Wondering if you can help? Would TaxTim be able to deal with my provisional tax?

Tax Directive CCMA settlement

  Written by Nicci  

Hi there, I recently won a case of unfair dismissal and the commissioner stated I would be taxed at my regular income rate. I have been taxed at 41%! Is this normal?
Second question - I need someone to do my tax. And it's in a mess. Do you do this?

Business mileage when working from home

  Written by Nicci  

I am employed as a service engineer, receive a travel allowance and own my own vehicle. Our company is embarking on a work from home initiative where we will no longer have to come to the company offices every day before going out to see clients and repair equipment. In this new scenario where my administrative work would take place at home and I drive directly to my first client, then to the next etc before eturning home, what would be counted as business mileage and what as private?

Wear and Tear claim for home office equipment for sole proprietor

  Written by Nicci  

Can a sole proprietor claim wear and tear on home office furniture, equipment, computers? What is the allowance?

Do I qualify for Turnover Tax?

  Written by Nicci  

I work as a sole proprietor in the travel industry where I earn commission. I work from home and have to look for my own business but I work through a travel agent who collects the money on my behalf and they pay over my commission monthly. Can I register for Turnover Tax? My income is below R1m per year but I am worried that I may be classified as a personal service provider as more than 80% of my income comes from one source namely the travel agent and not the individual clients.

Independent consultant and expense claims

  Written by Nicci  

I am an independent contractor and would like to find out how to calculate my salary due to me taking expense claims into account. Total salary = hours worked x Hourly rate
Expense claims = cell phone, internet and travel claims

To calculate tax amount you take your total salary less expense claims. Then when calculating amount payable, do you

A: (Total salary amount less expense claims) less taxable amount plus expense claims = amount due to you


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Should there be a PAYE deduction from my sole proprietor invoice?

  Written by Nicci  

I operate a sole proprietor providing services to various companies on an "in need" basis on short and medium tem basis. I operate at my client place of business however the latest client has started deducting PAYE from my invoice at a rate of 33. 3% although I am not on a fixed contract and will not derive more than 80% of my annual income from them. Are they entitled to do this and how do I reconcile these deductions as a provisional tax payer?

SARS, bitcoin wallets and disbursement of BTC funds

  Written by Nicci  

However, there are a number of issues that I cannot get to grips with regarding the storage of BTC in a wallet and the further use of BTC outside the fiat system:

1) If I moved my BTC to a wallet provider outside of SA (blockchain, based in Luxembourg but servicing globally) does SARS see this as an offshore transaction? as:
a) The wallet provider is not a registered global institution as such. b) No interest is accumulated to this wallet / amount, so no income is generated.

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Business mileage for off site visits

  Written by Marc  

Can I claim business mileage from home to another site (belonging to the company) which is not my normal place of work?

What are business related expenses if you are a bookkeeper working from home?

  Written by Marc  

What are business related expenses if you are a bookkeeper working for several clients from home?

Employing a relative

  Written by Marc  

I pay provisional tax and have 2 contractors to whom I pay FEES (commission) on sales leads that they generate for me. My question is: I wish to use the services of my daughter-in-law (same surname as mine) in a similar capacity so will SARS see this as shifting my tax burden to avoid a higher bracket or will I be allowed to book this family member as a legitimate earner in her own right?
I would maintain a payments register and her fees would be paid over periodically to her banking accou...

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Travel allowance exceeding 8000km

  Written by Nicci  

How is the travel allowance taxed if you do not receive a car allowance, use personal vehicle and exceed 8000km for business travel? Company pays the standard rate per km, and no other allowance is received in respect of travel.

New tax law on pension funds

  Written by Nicci  

How will I be taxed according to the new pension fund law? Salary R27,000 House subsidy R700 travel allowance R10,735 Alexander Forbes Provident Fund R2,077 Company contributes R5,004
New tax law 27. 5% pension rebate -Interpretation there of My contribution R2077 only or 2077 5004=R7081

How much tax to pay from R120 000 investment?

  Written by Nicci  

How much am I supposed to pay to tax man when I withdraw from an investment my mother left me

What does "outstanding tax directive" message mean?

  Written by Nicci  

"Please note that your tax return cannot be processed immediately due to an outstanding Tax Directive. Therefore, manual intervention is required. SARS will advise you as soon as your tax return has been assessed" this is what my SARS eFiling tax summary has been saying from the 28/01/2016. What does this mean?

Can I use my personal car for work and ask for a travel allowance?

  Written by Nicci  

Can you use your own car (double cab ) for your work ( not your business) and ask for a travel allowance?

Outstanding tax returns and arrears for commission earner

  Written by Nicci  

I have outstanding tax returns for 2012/2014/2015 and the subsequent penalties outstanding PLUS an arrears amount of just short of R20 000. I am registered for e-filing but find expenses I can claim for and their relevant codes very confusing so have saved the tax returns without any expenses claimed. I am a commission only earner in property sales and have IRP5's for the relevant periods. I have not kept a log book for petrol and kms but have slips for petrol, car expenses, data costs, client ...

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Tax on commission paid to 3rd party

  Written by Nicci  

We for example pay a 3rd party whom can either be a business or individual an incentive/commission to generate more business. So for example, if I go to a dealership and ask them that if they sell a car and they use our product with the car they sell, I will give them R200 per deal they do as an incentive/commission. So they are not employed by us. Do we need to tax them first? Or do they just need to send us an invoice or what is the correct process to follow? Thank you!

I paid too much tax and need clarity?

  Written by Marc  

If I earn 6500 on a monthly bases why has may tax deduction been over a R1000 during the months of Jan and Feb 2016
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