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Independent Contractor Posts in Tax Q&A

Return completion?

  Written by Alicia  

What are this code for 3696, 3697 & 3698?
where should we put the amount from certificate for income tax purposes from SANLAM?

Tax directive withheld due to tax debt

  Written by Alicia  

If tax payments to SARS is outstanding, why won't SARS issue a provisional taxpayer with a tax directive

Tax on inheritance received by an individual

  Written by Alicia  

I have recently inherited a sum of money from two sources. One, my late mother's estate account via a will and the other, a pension claim from my late mother's pension fund(GEPF). Both these amounts were taxed before they were paid over to me. Both the executors and GEPF submitted tax directives to SARS in order to facilitate the tax payment process before making payment to me. My salary income falls within the necessary category in order to be required to submit a tax return. How will I be taxe...

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How to complete the IRP3(a)

  Written by Alicia  

In terms of the IRP3(a), how does one do the manual calculations of the taxation that should be deducted if ''other''(X) is ticked under the directive reason, as there are calculations available for the retirement and severance benefits.

VAT to be (not) charged to a EU company

  Written by Alicia  

We are supplying product to a company NOT registered in South Africa. Invoices submitted will be paid to the entity in Europe through a forex payment. THe installation of the product and services will be done in south Africa through. Do we charge the Customer VAT and include the VAT calculation in our EU invoice to them.

2014 Tax Deductions Not Claimed

  Written by Alicia  

A few years ago (in 2013) when I submitted my tax returns I omitted to claim for a large amount of medical expenditure. Can I rectify this situation, or, is it too late?

Is my income taxable if I only spend on average 3 months in a year in SA

  Written by Alicia  

I am almost 70 years old and receive four pensions from the Government Employers Pension Fund (GEPF). The pensions form 98% of my income, the other 2% is derived from annuities. I have two children, one lives is Australia and is an Australian citizen and the other lives in London and is a British Citizen. I spend most of my time visiting my children for six months periods and only spend about 3 months of a year in South Africa. Am I liable to pay personal income tax in these circumstances. I hav...

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Tax implication on provident lump sum fund benefit

  Written by Alicia  

I've been unemployed for the past six years. My tax number with SARS has been deregistered. Insurance company requested an IRP3 directive on my behalf from SARS. This was declined as I needed to re-activate my tax number. I'm awaiting for re-activation of my tax number. Presently I'm unemployed, will I be taxed and how much?

How do I claim my travel expenses against my allowance?

  Written by Alicia  

I'm a commission earner, started on the 1st December 2015. I have been using my car which I bought in July. I had a log book but some of my petrol receipts have faded a bit. When I started working as a commission earner my km where 6780, at the end of Feb they were 16956

I want to claim for travel allowance, should I use the deemed cost or the actual cost.

Additional income, and when do I register for Provisional tax?

  Written by Alicia  

If I do freelance work and get paid via Paypal what are the tax implications of withdrawing the funds into an FNB account, this would be a second source of income

Tax Directive

  Written by Alicia  

How long does SARS take to issue a tax directive?

After a tax directive is issued, how long can it take for funds to be paid into one's bank account?

Can SARS hold a vendor liable for VAT prior to being registered?

  Written by Alicia  

My B&B started trading in Aug 2015, it's year end is Sep so the first set of Annual Financial Statements will be dated Sep 2016 (14 months). Our management accounts dated April 2016 reflect our revenue is already around R650,000. We are not yet registered for VAT but we'll be doing so very soon. My concern is do we now have to register, submit and pay all the VAT from Aug 2015 to current, OR do we just register, submit and pay from now going forward? I read somewhere that according to the VAT Ac...

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SA pension taxed in Mauritius

  Written by Nicci  

According to the SARS website if you are a resident of Mauritius you can apply for a directive to have your income from a South African pension to be taxed in Mauritius provided you supply proof of being a registered tax payer in Mauritius (part of the DTA agreement). Please can you confirm this as the difference in tax rates between the 2 countries is huge.

Source Code Travel Allowance

  Written by Alicia  

Can a company included both tax codes 3701 and 3702 on the IRP5? How will this affect the tax payable on the income?

Tax due on ccma award

  Written by Alicia  

Hi there I am due to receive R97000 from my ex employer for unfair dismissal was awarded from the CCMA how much tax would one pay on this amount thank you in advance.

Taxation Rate of Retirement Benefit Lump Sum

  Written by Alicia  

At the age of 58 - if I retire from a provident preservation fund and receive the benefit as a lump sum - at what rate will I be taxed?

Over-taxed on pre-retirement preservation fund withdrawal

  Written by Nicci  

I started working in Jan 2012 for company. In Dec 2014 I was retrenched and paid a severance package. I preserved my provident fund contributions in a preservation fund and haven't touched it since(about R100k). I started working for company Y in Apr 2015 and ended my employment with them on 31 Jan 2016. I again preserved my pension fund contributions in a pension preservation fund (about R35k). In March 2016 I ran into some financial trouble and decided to withdraw the entire pension preservati...

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deductions on salary increase

  Written by Alicia  

My company would like to offer me an increase. I have the choice of a straight bump-up or I can choose if there are specific benefits I would like that will have a benefit for me (additional money in pocket) and that will be beneficial for them (perhaps less tax they need to pay). I earn a straight salary without any travel allowance or any other benefits that is deducted. Please advise on what would be the best for me and for them?

Independant Contractor - deductions

  Written by Alicia  

Can I, as an independant contractor, pay my unemployed spouse a minimum wage salary and deduct this from my monthly taxable income? I do have a payrol service provider and get issued a payslip with my income, travel allowence, UIF, medical aid and Tax after the deductions from them on a monthly basis.

Supporting documents for capital gains tax deduction

  Written by Alicia  

I have sold my primary residence which was bought in 2002 and there will be a profit of more than
R2 000 000 subjected to Capital Gains Tax. There were a few small improvements (not maintenance) done over the years which I believe can be included in the base cost for example Paving, Blinds, Towel and curtain rails, cornices and garden landscaping. However, I do not have documentary proof for some of the older improvements anymore. (Improvements still form part of property)
My question...

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PAYE deduction from Independent Contractor

  Written by Alicia  

I am a bookkeeper new to the film production industry and need some clarity on freelance artists. My understanding is that unless they have a registered company the deduction is 25% from their earnings without fail. If they claim they have a company then I am to ask for the company registration certificate for audit purposes and not deduct PAYE

Tax liability for an Independent Contractor

  Written by Alicia  

My son started as a independent contractor March 2015 and has not paid tax. He earned R10k for 2 months and R5k for the rest of the year. He got paid a lump sum of R80k when the job was done. He is going to SARS but what tax or penalties can he expect

Do I have to record all kilometers travelled?

  Written by Nicci  

Does my travel logbook have to include private kilometres travelled? Do I need to write down KM's (business and private) every time I get in the car for the rest of my working days, while claiming?

What is an effective logbook method for tax?

  Written by Nicci  

I would like to know what is the most effective way to log your work travels in order to be able to claim it for tax?
Is it really necessary to write down every destination I go to and who was seen, etc? Or do they need to have an odometer reading every day and night (opening and closing?) Or as some say, can it just be based on the reading from 1st March to 28 Feb?

I have downloaded an app which acts as a log book (feulio), would that be sufficient?

When do I charge VAT?

  Written by Alicia  

As a VAT Vendor, can I charged vat to a recreational club for services rendered to them, even if they are a non profit organization?
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