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Commission Posts in Tax Q&A

International transfers and disability income taxed in the UK

  Written by Nicci  

I am living abroad and get a disability income from Discovery Life every month paid into my South African account. If I want to transfer the money over a UK bank account, how do I do it? Also, are there tax implications in the UK then as well as South Africa when bringing it in?

Non-Pensionable income

  Written by Nicci  

May you please advise what is a non-pensionable allowance and how does it work.

Tax Directive

  Written by Alicia  

How long does SARS take to issue a tax directive?

After a tax directive is issued, how long can it take for funds to be paid into one's bank account?

Car allowance calculation

  Written by Nicci  

How is the car allowance calculated if the car cost the business R165 000 (excluding VAT) when it was bought last year (tax year ending 28 Feb 2015) Purchase price did not included a maintenance plan and the employer expected him to use the car equally for business and private. Monthly value of the use of the car for tax is 3. 5% of VAT inclusive cost of the car.

Can SARS hold a vendor liable for VAT prior to being registered?

  Written by Alicia  

My B&B started trading in Aug 2015, it's year end is Sep so the first set of Annual Financial Statements will be dated Sep 2016 (14 months). Our management accounts dated April 2016 reflect our revenue is already around R650,000. We are not yet registered for VAT but we'll be doing so very soon. My concern is do we now have to register, submit and pay all the VAT from Aug 2015 to current, OR do we just register, submit and pay from now going forward? I read somewhere that according to the VAT Ac...

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SA pension taxed in Mauritius

  Written by Nicci  

According to the SARS website if you are a resident of Mauritius you can apply for a directive to have your income from a South African pension to be taxed in Mauritius provided you supply proof of being a registered tax payer in Mauritius (part of the DTA agreement). Please can you confirm this as the difference in tax rates between the 2 countries is huge.

Source Code Travel Allowance

  Written by Alicia  

Can a company included both tax codes 3701 and 3702 on the IRP5? How will this affect the tax payable on the income?

Tax due on ccma award

  Written by Alicia  

Hi there I am due to receive R97000 from my ex employer for unfair dismissal was awarded from the CCMA how much tax would one pay on this amount thank you in advance.

Taxation Rate of Retirement Benefit Lump Sum

  Written by Alicia  

At the age of 58 - if I retire from a provident preservation fund and receive the benefit as a lump sum - at what rate will I be taxed?

Over-taxed on pre-retirement preservation fund withdrawal

  Written by Nicci  

I started working in Jan 2012 for company. In Dec 2014 I was retrenched and paid a severance package. I preserved my provident fund contributions in a preservation fund and haven't touched it since(about R100k). I started working for company Y in Apr 2015 and ended my employment with them on 31 Jan 2016. I again preserved my pension fund contributions in a pension preservation fund (about R35k). In March 2016 I ran into some financial trouble and decided to withdraw the entire pension preservati...

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deductions on salary increase

  Written by Alicia  

My company would like to offer me an increase. I have the choice of a straight bump-up or I can choose if there are specific benefits I would like that will have a benefit for me (additional money in pocket) and that will be beneficial for them (perhaps less tax they need to pay). I earn a straight salary without any travel allowance or any other benefits that is deducted. Please advise on what would be the best for me and for them?

Independant Contractor - deductions

  Written by Alicia  

Can I, as an independant contractor, pay my unemployed spouse a minimum wage salary and deduct this from my monthly taxable income? I do have a payrol service provider and get issued a payslip with my income, travel allowence, UIF, medical aid and Tax after the deductions from them on a monthly basis.

Supporting documents for capital gains tax deduction

  Written by Alicia  

I have sold my primary residence which was bought in 2002 and there will be a profit of more than
R2 000 000 subjected to Capital Gains Tax. There were a few small improvements (not maintenance) done over the years which I believe can be included in the base cost for example Paving, Blinds, Towel and curtain rails, cornices and garden landscaping. However, I do not have documentary proof for some of the older improvements anymore. (Improvements still form part of property)
My question...

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PAYE on a salary below the tax treshold

  Written by Alicia  

I am currently working at an NPO and earning R 6000 per month. Currently the organisation is taxing me R300 per month (although this often fluctuates randomly). There are no further deductions, apart from UIF. As far as I am concerned, and according to all research I have done, I am not meant to even be paying tax on this amount. Could you please clarify if this is correct, and if not, who can I approach with regards to this money that seems to be going missing?
Thank you in advance.

Do I have to record all kilometers travelled?

  Written by Nicci  

Does my travel logbook have to include private kilometres travelled? Do I need to write down KM's (business and private) every time I get in the car for the rest of my working days, while claiming?

What is an effective logbook method for tax?

  Written by Nicci  

I would like to know what is the most effective way to log your work travels in order to be able to claim it for tax?
Is it really necessary to write down every destination I go to and who was seen, etc? Or do they need to have an odometer reading every day and night (opening and closing?) Or as some say, can it just be based on the reading from 1st March to 28 Feb?

I have downloaded an app which acts as a log book (feulio), would that be sufficient?

When do I charge VAT?

  Written by Alicia  

As a VAT Vendor, can I charged vat to a recreational club for services rendered to them, even if they are a non profit organization?

May a sole proprietor have travel allowance and must retirement or providend fund be deducted monthl

  Written by Alicia  

I would like to know if a sole proprietor may allocate a travel allowance to himself?

In regards to a retirement or provident fund may I do payment once a year up to 27. 5% of my earnings or must I do it monthly?

Your help will be greatly appreciated


Full time salaried employee or Independent Contractor?

  Written by Alicia  

I work part time ad hoc shifts as a doctor at a private hospital, where I am paid an hourly rate and my hours of work are between 0 and 30 a week. In terms of tax deductions (specifically MPS - medical malpractice insurance, travel expenses, training course fees); would my work be classified "full time salaried work"?

I understand this is important in terms of which items one can claim back.

How to calculate the Doubtful Debts allowance

  Written by Nicci  

If provision for doubtful debts balance in 2015 was R120,000 (2014: R60,000) relating to a specific debtor. In 2014 income tax return the taxpayer claimed a doubtful debt allowance of R15,000. What is the income tax adjustment in 2015?

Maximum Tax deduction for retirement fund under new tax dispensation

  Written by Alicia  

I am a government employee contributing towards the GEPF. I and the employer make contributions based on my pensionable salary which is 70% of my total cost to company. I contribute 7. 5% and my employer contributes 13% of my pensionable salary. Under the new streamlined retirement savings dispensation, I want to know the per annum value of my remaining tax deductable allowance, should I choose to contribute towards a RA in addition to my current GEPF contributions.

CGT on sale of business

  Written by Nicci  

What CGT will be payable if you sell a business that you started in 2004 with a R3,000 loan, you now sell it for R5. 5 mil and pay a 10% commission.

Travel claim against commission income /vehicle claims

  Written by Alicia  

Can you claim depreciation as well as finance charges on a travel claim against commission income?

Must commission earners register for provisional tax?

  Written by Nicci  

Hi Tim,
I earn a basic salary and a commission. The total commission earned is more than 50% of my total earnings. Do I need to register for provisional tax?

Employee tax - earning R 6773.76 per month

  Written by Alicia  

I have recently employed 8 people, who each earn R5376 basic salary R 1397. 76 overtime allowance per month. When I enter these figures on the payroll system that I'm using, tax is calculated at R 94. 28.... I'm confused - Is this correct? I thought only people earning above R120 000 pa pay tax?
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