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What does SARS mean by auto-assessment?

  Written by Neo  

I saw something in a news article about SARS issuing auto-assessments this year from 1 August. I tried to research but couldn't find much and this is all very new to me. Please can you explain what this is? Are there any new changes which I need to be aware moving forward? I have been filing my own tax return for the past years, but I hear that I might not need to do so this year.

Why am I being auto-assessed on SARS eFiling?

  Written by Neo  

I received an auto-assessment from SARS. My husband did not receive the SMS but my friend also received an SMS saying she has been auto-assessed. Why have SARS introduced this new process? Why are there some being auto-assessed and not others?

What happens to previous late/incomplete tax returns after a penalty has been paid in full?

  Written by Neo  

I have been working abroad permanently for more than three years and I reside outside of South Africa. I have never fully understood the tax rules and see that I have some penalties (fines) for late/incomplete submissions. I do not have any way of receiving all information needed to submit old tax returns, so I want to know what will happen when I pay the penalties? Will it just start racking up again for the same infringements or will I have a clean slate to do things the right way going forwar...

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SARS sent me an SMS about auto-assessment? Is this legit?

  Written by Neo  

I received an SMS from SARS which mentioned something about an auto-assessment. I have not heard of this before. I don't trust anyone these days, and because of that I just want to ensure that this is legit - do you think this is a scam?

Can I reject the SARS auto assessment and fill in my tax forms?

  Written by Neo  

I received an auto-assessment from SARS and I am not certain how to work around it. What I do know is that I would prefer to complete a tax return as normal, like I usually did in the past years. Would this be possible? If I reject it, what will happen?

Income tax on drop-shipping

  Written by Neo  

I am currently doing drop-shipping, the products which come from over sea, so I would like to know what income tax would I need to pay. What do I need to know about this if I am doing it for the first time? Could you kindly share tax material with me which I can use to also work my way through this.

Individual Tax Consultation

  Written by Neo  

In January 2018 I stopped working as a full time employee and for the 2018/2019 tax year I did various things (including foreign travel and work) and earned different kinds of incomes. I did not register as a provisional taxpayer as at that stage I really did not know how the year was going to pan out and if I was going back into full time employment again. I would like to settle any tax I may owe for the 2018/2019 year, however with my different incomes, working out the country for more than 18...

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What is cut-off date for tax return submissions?

  Written by Neo  

What is the cut-off date for submitting a tax return this year? I am struggling to get a hold of my IRP5 from my previous employer and I am therefore concerned that I will miss the submissions cut off date.

Tax deductions exceeds the tax paid

  Written by Neo  

What happens if my Allowable Tax Deductions exceeds the tax paid in the same year. Logically I should only be able to claim back the actual tax paid? It will be Additional allowable Medical claims which will not be covered by the medical aid. These amounts plus smaller deductions will push the claims to over and above the tax payable amount.

First business tax submission date?

  Written by Neo  

I have a Pty Ltd that was registered in February, the Provisional Tax payments must be made in April and October. SARS says I must make tax payments from the 2021 period. The date of liability for provisional tax: 2020/05. When, according to that, is the first time I have to submit tax reports, was it this past April 2020 already? Also, when is the "major" tax submission due, not the provisional one, but the annual one? I would like to do it with TaxTim as my company is small.

I was...

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How to check available funds at SARS

  Written by Neo  

If you have never filed for a tax return before, how do you go about checking if there are funds owed to you at SARS? I would like to start filing my tax return for this year as I have been unemployed for a long period, but now I am back in the workforce.

Learning disablity claimable from SARS

  Written by Neo  

I pay for a scriber to assist my daughter that has a learning disability, I would like to know whether I will be able to claim this expense from SARS. I did not register my daughter with SARS or SASSA. So, I do not know what process to follow regarding this matter would be.

Voluntary sequestration and eFiling profile

  Written by Neo  

I just had my voluntary sequestration of estate approved by the high court on the 24th of March 2020 and I now need a new tax number. SARS say I can do that through SARS eFiling and I would like to know how I can do this? The problem I have experienced with trying to register a new SARS eFiling profile is that after I input my name and ID number the system tells me to login with my existing profile number.

TaxTim Filing before tax season

  Written by Neo  

I have registered on TaxTim and have also granted you permission to get my information from SARS. Should I wait till tax season begins before I complete all the questions on TaxTim? I am however still waiting for my IRP5 from my employer. I also have property that I am renting out and have a logbook. Please advise.

Contract worker and Tax

  Written by Neo  

I was retrenched at the end of 2017. My last Tax Return was done in the year 2018. Since April 2019 I have been receiving income for work done on a contract basis and the company indicated that I need to see to my own tax affairs. How do I go about filing my tax return for 2020? Your assistance is highly appreciated.

IRP5s and companies paying RA for employees

  Written by Neo  

If a company is paying into a Retirement Annuity (RA) for employees when preparing an IRP5, using source code 3828 as income, would we then need to use source code 4006 for the same amount? In other words, source code 3828 for the amount paid by company on behalf of employee (this amount will be added to the income total) and code 4475 for the same amount. If an employee has not contributed anything code 4006 will be 0, but will still have to appear on the IRP5?

Financial Emigration

  Written by Neo  

I have recently moved to the United States. I am now living and working there. I would like to financially emigrate. However, I also still have to file taxes for the year 2019, but as soon as this has been finalised I would like to become a non-tax resident in South Africa. Would TaxTim be able to assist me with this process or would you please be able to recommend some avenues I could utilise to complete financial emigration process, as soon as possible?

Foreign Employment and Tax Implications

  Written by Neo  

I am a South African resident currently employed full time. I earn a monthly salary of R23000 (before tax). I have recently started consulting part time for a foreign company that will pay me in dollars. On average $2000 every 3 months.

Provisional Tax and Rental Income

  Written by Neo  

I have filed and completed the 2017 personal income tax for myself. I started receiving rental income from my property in March 2017. Where do I declare this income? Is it part of provisional tax and will I pay penalties for late submission?

1. The property is owned by myself and my wife. Will we both need to file tax returns for this Rental Income?
2. Does this mean a whole new tax return must be submitted, or is it only necessary to complete the IRP6?

Company Income Tax Due date

  Written by Neo  

My company was registered in April 2019 with a year end in July 2019. I submitted a provisional tax return in August 2019. When is the Company Income Tax tax return due? I have checked my tax compliance and it says that my 1901 tax submission is not compliant but my understanding is that my company wasn't registered then. So, should I submit a zero provisional tax return for 1901?

Outstanding Provisional Tax

  Written by Neo  

I think I needed to submit my last tax return for year ending 29 Feb 2020 as a provisional taxpayer. I have now unfortunately missed the two provisional opportunity windows, but am hoping I can submit and if I need to, pay all the money/penalties owed in the third and final window. Will I be able to do so even though the time has passed? And if yes, would there be any other information which I would need to know before I begin with my filing process?

Provisional Tax and Annuity Income

  Written by Neo  

At the start of the 2021 tax year I will be earning a monthly income from my living annuity [LA], however as I understand from the provider of the LA, that tax will be deducted by them before I receive the monthly amount. I am registered as a provisional taxpayer and will be earning additional income on top of the LA income. So, I therefore assume that I can continue being a provisional taxpayer and declare the additional income only in the IRP6, or would I have to declare both incomes and then ...

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Company car fringe benefit.

  Written by Neo  

I had a fringe benefit of R6799. 72 company car 3. 25% FB. Company cancelled the Fringe Benefit and I bought the car in August. Up to today, company still have R6799. 72 on my payslip as fringe benefit. How will this influence my tax return? How much tax am I paying monthly on the fringe benefit that should have been cancelled in August already. Please note that we have advised payroll department regarding this matter.

New company and tax forms

  Written by Neo  

I have a new consulting firm and I completed an IRP6 twice, for the two SARS documents, as provisional tax. Note that on the said form there is no provision for any deductions of expenses to set-up my company.
I am not sure what to do next.

Do I need to complete a ITR12 form?. If so, where can I get this form? Currently, it does not show on my SARS e-filing, only the two completed IRP6 form are indicated.

Declaring the cost of building a rental property

  Written by Neo  

I had rental income in the 2019 tax year, I converted part of my house into a 1 bedroom apartment as well as converting my old garage into another, so I currently have 2 flats now on the property. The apartments represent around 34% of the squares of the buildings on the property. Should I then declare 30% of the costs of the property (I.e.: Interest, Rates & Taxes etc as the costs) as the costs?

Also, where do I declare the cost I had incurred in building the units? (Does it come und...

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