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Salary / IRP5 Posts in Tax Q&A

Maintance plan of pvt car

  Written by Neo  

Can I claim maintenance on a plan for my car (I do make use of the car for work purposes)?

This query relates to question 4437 "Please enter the amount spent on maintaining or repairing the car. This includes vehicle services." in the Travel Allowance section.

Source Code Changes

  Written by Neo  

My IRP5 only shows code 3699 and not 3697 & 3698 anymore.

Commission earner and IRP5

  Written by Neo  

I'm a commission earner. I joined a company in January and I didn't earn any commission from January to 28 February. My previous IRP5 shows me working at that previous company for 10 months.
Do I need an IRP5 with zero income on it for the 2 months at the new company? Would anything need to be submitted to show that I was employed for the 10 months at the first company and 2 months at the present company = the full 12 Months?
Also, does the new company have to upload anything so that...

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Directors of company with no IRP5's

  Written by Neo  

My wife and I are directors of our company. We have not paid ourselves a salary as such, but took money against a loan account during the year. We are provisional tax payers. We don't have any IRP5's as we haven't issued any in our company. How do we rectify this or account to SARS?

Unemployed for a short period

  Written by Neo  

I haven't worked for the full year, how does that affect me and my tax return?

Employed on Contract Basis (PAYE)

  Written by Neo  

I've gone from working for an employer to freelancing and now I'm working on
a contract basis. I'm not taxed on my contract income. All I do is send an invoice and they pay me and deduct nothing off that. I'd like to still pay SARS the PAYE, is that possible? (I have my own retirement fund).

Tax on my foreign salary

  Written by Neo  

I work for a company based in China and they pay me a monthly salary in US
dollars. I won't be getting an IRP5 from them. So, how do I pay tax and how do I complete my tax return?

Severance benefits and estate duty

  Written by Neo  

Do severance benefits received from an employer at death, form part of property or deemed property in your estate for Estate Duty purposes?

New Employment

  Written by Neo  

When does tax season begin and when does it end? I started working at a new company on the 1st of January 2017, do I only submit the IRP5 of the new company?

Working for a salary that varies

  Written by Neo  

I am starting a career as a tour guide and the company will require us to
sort our own taxes out. The amount of money I will earn per month will
vary. The salary will consist out of a salary paid from the company per
trip, as well as tips.

How do I go about tax when your salary will vary per month?

Petrol and travel allowance claims

  Written by Neo  

How do I claim petrol on tax? For the previous tax year I've kept a detailed petrol log through your app and I've been using my own petrol card and claiming back. I do receive a travel allowance. The company has now given us petrol cards, do I still need to keep a log to claim or can I not claim because the company is paying?

Help with past tax returns

  Written by Neo  

I've been working for the past 5 years and have never claimed back tax. I have all my IRP5 certificates since I started working. I have no travel allowance, I usually pay for everything with my own finances. I'm registered for tax with SARS, but I'm not sure if I'm registered on SARS eFiling.

Registering for provisional tax for start-up?

  Written by Neo  

Does a start-up company (dormant pty company) with zero income for first 2 years, have to register for provisional tax?
The director does earn a normal salary from employer, but created company name to work on part time. The director is busy with research before there will be any taxable income. The director created the company name to reserve the name before it is taken. ( the company also needs tax number) Do not want to go through the admin for provisional tax before it is needed. Only ...

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My tax fluctuate every month

  Written by Neo  

Why does my tax fluctuate every month on my payslip? I'm a fully employed with a monthly salary- no overtime or shifts. I saw that you've already said it should not fluctuate. How does one go about rectifying it?

Can I claim if not reimbursed by my employer?

  Written by Neo  

My employer doesn't reimburse me for traveling in between the office and our sites. I don't have a company car but I drive about 92KM per day between the office and on of our sites. Would it be possible to claim KMs from SARS for the use of my private car? And the company doesn't provide a cellphone allowance but I'm required to use my phone a lot at work. I receive no allowance and I'm not a commission earner. Can I claim for the contract I was forced to take?

PAYE for hourly paid employees

  Written by Neo  

Is PAYE calculated differently for hourly paid employees ? And if so How ?

Tax on income paid in US dollars

  Written by Neo  

I'm a South African citizen. Currently living and working in Argentina, but I'm considering taking a job that would allow me to move back home. The job would pay me in US dollars on a monthly basis. How would I pay tax and what amount is taxable and how does this all work. (Let's say the salary would be 4000USD per month).

How to make changes after submissions?

  Written by Neo  

I submitted my 2016 tax return using my actual cost on my travel expenses. How can I have it changed to fixed cost as my business travel was about 16000km whilst my actual cost was only R399.00? My tax return was audited by SARS and I've disputed on these grounds several times as well as gone to SARS twice. I've been told that it's possible to have this changed and the consultant at SARS has requested it be done on their system but no change so far. The latest statement still reflects only R217,...

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Minimizing tax liability

  Written by Neo  

At the end of the current tax year my taxable income will exceed R1.5 million largely due to income from an employee share option scheme. My income comprises salary only. And from the normal statutory deductions I contribute to a retirement fund and retirement annuity. Apart from maximizing my contribution to retirement funds, how else could I reduce my tax liability?

Capital gains tax or income tax - forex trading

  Written by Neo  

What's the difference between capital gains tax and income tax? Which of the two does retail forex trading fall under?

Legal methods for reducing commission tax?

  Written by Neo  

I work in IT and I get paid my normal salary every month and on occasion. I'm also involved with projects where I earn commission. I don't actually know how my commission is calculated, but I'd like to know how I can get more of my commission paid to me instead of being taxed so highly. My Minimal expenses are i.e. calls and some driving around but I don't claim for it because it's usually a very small claim.

Income Tax on Dividends

  Written by Neo  

When receiving a Dividend from a Company (as a Shareholder). The Shareholder is taxed at 20% of the value on the dividend paid. If you're also earning a regular salary and paying PAYE monthly, would such dividends paid, be subject to additional Income Tax?

So, basically, would regular Individual Income Tax also apply on the dividend again after paying the 20% Dividend Tax?

Incorrect Tax Code

  Written by Neo  

My employers incorrectly submitted my 2016 tax return with a code of 3601 instead of 3616. I'm a contractor with a fixed term contract and end dates and receive no company benefits. They refuse to submit an EMP601 correction which SARS has asked for, I think they are concerned they will be audited. I am therefore having to pay a tax bill. Is there anything I can do?

Is the Package Correct?

  Written by Neo  

I'm filling out my 2017 tax return for Individual Return. My income is covered in part by an IRP5, and in part by a foreign deposit. Can I declare both on TaxTim?
I also just bought the TaxTim Ultra package because of the foreign income, but the email says I should only use the voucher on July 1st. Have I bought the wrong product?

Resubmitting A Tax Return

  Written by Neo  

On my 2016 tax return SARS says that I owe them money. I think that this isn't accurate as I was with a full time employer and I'm sure that they took care of all my tax issues. Is it too late to resubmit a tax return for 2016 via TaxTim?
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