How to calculate travel expenses?
Posted 7 June 2016
I will be claiming tax back on travel for business use for the first time. I have maintained a logbook since starting my new job in the middle of the current tax year 2015/16. Please advise what the "fixed cost" is, and how I can calculate what tax rebate I should expect to receive from SARS in July.
Multiple IRP5's received for one tax year
Posted 7 June 2016
I received two IRP5. The second is for the Lump Sum I received after retrenchment, however no tax was deducted. I tax directive number was provided. Should I enter the information as well when submitting my tax?
Tax implications if one receive a subsistence allowance
Posted 7 June 2016
We travel for work purposes, and are considering getting a daily allowance paid instead of submitting our expenses. What is the amount allowed per day / other amounts subsistence amounts, and are there tax repercussions on this method.
Tax deductibility of vehicle lease payments for independent contractors
Posted 3 June 2016
I am an independent contractor. I do not earn any salary. I currently have a vehicle on which I claim a travel deduction. My vehicle requires replacement. I would like to know if I can claim lease payments as a tax deductible expense should I lease a new car. I have not come across any prohibition on the SARS website. This surely is in the production of income as without a car I would not be able to carry out any work at all.
Can I be considered an independent consultant?
Posted 3 June 2016
I am currently an independent consultant, however at the moment 80% of my income does come from a single client. This is because I have not yet found more clients. I am not sure if I am to be treated as an employee based on what I have found out so far. I would strongly prefer (for client and me) to be treated as an independent consultant for tax purposes. Can I register for provisional tax as an independent consultant?
Some more information:
- I'm on retainer with one client for an average of 2 days per week (16 hours per week) since March 2016. - I bill monthly as a sole prop, highlighting the work I have completed and invoice a set amount as per the retainer agreement...
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Can one claim Uber back as travel expense for a business
Posted 2 June 2016
As a freelancer, can I use my Uber receipts as mileage for work?
Which proof of expenses should I hold onto?
Posted 2 June 2016
Which receipts should I take a picture of?
Or, which expenses should I note down in preparation for tax time?
TaxTim logbook query
Posted 1 June 2016
My phone was stolen, and with it my logbook :( How do I get it onto my new phone?
What allowable deductions does a Pilates instructor qualify for?
Posted 30 May 2016
I am a Pilates instructor and earn a commission from the studios I work at and I do my own invoicing for clients I see outside of the studio. The later I am self employed as I understand it. I only started working in South Africa in Aug 2014. My 2015 tax return was done by an accountant. I understand that being self employed and a commission earner I can deduct expenses directly related to earning an income such as:
- Vehicle expenses
- Phone expenses
- Education and training...
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Employed by a foreign company, and need to pay over my own tax, how much will it be?
Posted 30 May 2016
I've recently become a contractor to an overseas company, I've been informed, that I have to pay my own income tax. I send them invoices. My monthly invoice fluctuates between 22000 and 30000 as I get paid on a daily basis. I don't get an IRP5, and I pay my own medical and recently setup my own RA contribution. I need to pay my tax. When and how much do I need to pay. I've been a contractor for them from January 2015 to now May 2016
Can I claim for travel expenses without any records?
Posted 26 May 2016
I am a freelancer which I started in June 2015
I did not keep a log book
am I still able to do any sort of travel claim as I spent most of my time driving out to clients
Am I really an independant contractor?
Posted 25 May 2016
I am soon to start with a company which has listed me as an independent contractor. - I will be working from home after my initial 6 week training/trial period. - I will go to business meetings. - My main earnings will come from this company
- They reimburse for internet, phone and training course up to a certain amount. - They say in the contract that they will not pay PAYE, UIF or anything like that. - I am to invoice them at the end of every month
- I have no indication of leave days in the contract...
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Business tax assistance
Posted 24 May 2016
I have a small company in the travel and tourism industry. I am the sole owner/director and also am running things by myself at the moment. Do you assist with company tax and submissions as well?
Can I deduct the commission earned by the attorney on a deposit?
Posted 24 May 2016
We bought a house and gave a large cash deposit to the attorney to hold. The transfer of the house took a while so the interest accrued amounted to some R65000. However, the attorney took as a commission about R10,000. Both amounts are shown on the IT3b. SARS included the total interest on my tax return but disallowed the deduction. Is there any way to get the deduction?
Return completion?
Posted 24 May 2016
What are this code for 3696, 3697 & 3698?
where should we put the amount from certificate for income tax purposes from SANLAM?
Tax directive withheld due to tax debt
Posted 24 May 2016
If tax payments to SARS is outstanding, why won't SARS issue a provisional taxpayer with a tax directive
Tax on inheritance received by an individual
Posted 22 May 2016
I have recently inherited a sum of money from two sources. One, my late mother's estate account via a will and the other, a pension claim from my late mother's pension fund(GEPF). Both these amounts were taxed before they were paid over to me. Both the executors and GEPF submitted tax directives to SARS in order to facilitate the tax payment process before making payment to me. My salary income falls within the necessary category in order to be required to submit a tax return. How will I be taxe...
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How to complete the IRP3(a)
Posted 20 May 2016
In terms of the IRP3(a), how does one do the manual calculations of the taxation that should be deducted if ''other''(X) is ticked under the directive reason, as there are calculations available for the retirement and severance benefits.
VAT to be (not) charged to a EU company
Posted 19 May 2016
We are supplying product to a company NOT registered in South Africa. Invoices submitted will be paid to the entity in Europe through a forex payment. THe installation of the product and services will be done in south Africa through. Do we charge the Customer VAT and include the VAT calculation in our EU invoice to them.
2014 Tax Deductions Not Claimed
Posted 19 May 2016
A few years ago (in 2013) when I submitted my tax returns I omitted to claim for a large amount of medical expenditure. Can I rectify this situation, or, is it too late?
Is my income taxable if I only spend on average 3 months in a year in SA
Posted 19 May 2016
I am almost 70 years old and receive four pensions from the Government Employers Pension Fund (GEPF). The pensions form 98% of my income, the other 2% is derived from annuities. I have two children, one lives is Australia and is an Australian citizen and the other lives in London and is a British Citizen. I spend most of my time visiting my children for six months periods and only spend about 3 months of a year in South Africa. Am I liable to pay personal income tax in these circumstances. I hav...
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Tax implication on provident lump sum fund benefit
Posted 19 May 2016
I've been unemployed for the past six years. My tax number with SARS has been deregistered. Insurance company requested an IRP3 directive on my behalf from SARS. This was declined as I needed to re-activate my tax number. I'm awaiting for re-activation of my tax number. Presently I'm unemployed, will I be taxed and how much?
Can i setoff my personal rental against the rental income of my only property?
Posted 19 May 2016
I built a home, had to move for work and am currently renting out my primary and only property for R16500 per month. In the area to which I moved for my new job I now rent a flat for R10 000 per month. Is there any differentiation in SARS for this scenario or is it regarded as an income of R 16500, I don't mind paying tax on the difference, but it feels like exploitation if I need to pay tax on the full amount of rent earned, I spend R 10 000 on having a place to stay!
How do I claim my travel expenses against my allowance?
Posted 18 May 2016
I'm a commission earner, started on the 1st December 2015. I have been using my car which I bought in July. I had a log book but some of my petrol receipts have faded a bit. When I started working as a commission earner my km where 6780, at the end of Feb they were 16956
I want to claim for travel allowance, should I use the deemed cost or the actual cost.
International transfers and disability income taxed in the UK
Posted 12 May 2016
I am living abroad and get a disability income from Discovery Life every month paid into my South African account. If I want to transfer the money over a UK bank account, how do I do it? Also, are there tax implications in the UK then as well as South Africa when bringing it in?
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