I still have source code 3697 and 3698 on my IRP5 for 2018

Written by Marc
Posted 23 October 2018
Question: Where can I input source code 3697 or 3698 from my IRP5? I do not see a place for this anywhere?
Answer: Those codes are no longer applicable for 2018 IRP5s, if you have 3697 and 3698, add them together and include that total amount for source code 3699.
Everything you need to know about Pay Periods on your IRP5

Written by Evan
Posted 12 October 2018
What are Pay Periods?
Your IRP5 has two fields on it that relate to Pay Periods:
- Periods in year of assessment
- No. of periods worked
- Period employed from
- Period employed to
A Pay Period describes an amount of time within a year that you were employed by your employer.
This can be an amount in:
- DAYS - maximum 365, or 365.0000
- WEEKS - maximum 52, or 52.000 (can show a partial number, e.g...
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Bitcoin and Tax

Written by Neo
Posted 8 January 2018
Are the earnings from Bitcoin taxable?
No time to go to SARS

Written by Neo
Posted 20 July 2017
I cannot get the time to go to SARS, is there a service that you
offer to get my SARS eFilling account active and then also submitting my IRP5s?
SARS does not want to pay me the money it owes me.

Written by Neo
Posted 18 July 2017
Good day, SARS owes me money, had to go through the ombudsman to prove this, successfully did so however, SARS now requires that I prove that I actually did pay an amount I owed 2 years back before they refund me. My question is: is that even legally allowed/required of me or is it foul play from SARS? Thank you for your assistance
Difference between provident fund and retirement annuity?

Written by Neo
Posted 18 July 2017
There is no code 4006 on my IRP5, but I pay into a provident fund via my employer. There is an amount with code 4003/4473 (the same amount). Do I need to enter this amount anywhere?
This query relates to question 6806 "Do you have a %nextpass% Retirement Annuity Fund that you want to enter?" in the Retirement Annuity section.

Written by Neo
Posted 18 July 2017
Kindly advice me on tax deductions regarding RAF maximum amount that ca be
If a person is on Salary range of 280 000 to 300 000 p.a.
The employer and contribute each 7.5 % of the basic salary p.a to pension
The employee currently contribute R405 per month towards retirement
annuity fund per month
The question is how much can be deducted or get refunded from SARS annual
or how much can contributed to RAF to ensure that he/ she is not paying too...
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Old 2009/2010 efiling returns

Written by Neo
Posted 17 July 2017
SARS say they upgraded their system and have now seen i did not file a tax return in 2009,2010 and have fined me for each year. Both years i was under the threshold but they are insisting i file these returns. I do not have the IRP5 anymore and the company no longer exists. They advised that I open the return on efiling and can then submit as it should have all the info, I have done this but there is no earning/medical aid information etc.
How do i resolve this now as both returns are now sitting open on efiling and i am getting fined R250 per month now that i do not resubmit....
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Penalty for non-submission

Written by Alicia
Posted 13 July 2017
I received a notification from SARS indicating that I have admin penalties
indicating that ITS outstanding tax returns for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
What does this mean and can you help rectify?
Submit a return with medical aid claims on

Written by Alicia
Posted 12 July 2017
I wanted to enquire approximately how much it would cost for me to do my Tax Returns?
Just an estimation.
It would be just for me. Straight forward Gross Salary plus medical aid. No other claims such as commission, mileage, petrol etc.
2 IRP5s and commission

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
Before paying the fee I just want to make sure you'll be able to help me. From March to July. I earned a normal salary but from August I earn a basic and commission. As I sales rep I'm able to write off wear and tear on my
vehicle but obviously only from August. Same goes for my laptop etc. will your system be able to take this into account?
Is RA and pension the same?

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
I'm not sure how the deductions for my pension works as my employer has been deducting pension from my salary under code 4001. Do I still enter any amounts under annuity contributions?
Declaring other income to SARS

Written by Alicia
Posted 11 July 2017
I am full time employed but I have earned additional income by lecturing a couple of hours during the year at a different employer. This employer did not deduct any PAYE. The employer has paid me according to the hours that I have invoiced them. Should I answer the question about whether I'm an Independent Contractor as "Yes"?
Previously unemployed: Should I still file?

Written by Neo
Posted 7 July 2017
I wasn't employed from May 2013 till July 2015. Should I still file my tax return even if I don't have an IRP5 as I wasn't working?
Can't get my IRP5

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
I'm unable to get my second IRP5 from my part-time employer - would I be able to access it on the SARS website?
Capital allowances written off

Written by Neo
Posted 6 July 2017
"Capital allowances written off" I do not understand what this statement means.
IRP5 changes

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
How come my IRP5 is different from last season? there's no code 3697 and 3698
Travel Allowance Claim

Written by Neo
Posted 5 July 2017
I get a travel allowance, but I use my wife's vehicle for business purposes
as we work together. Can I claim travel expenses?
How does it work when you worked 2 post in the same fiancial period

Written by Alicia
Posted 5 July 2017
I have been working as an intern at George Municipality from 1 March to 31 December 2016 and on the 1st of January 2017 I got a permanent post,i received 2 IRP5's and on them reflects that I worked 12 months in this tax period on the old one and worked 1 month on the new post and I think it is supposed to be 10 months the old post and 2 months the new posts to make it 12 months. . . Am I wrong?
Indemnity insurance tax deduction claim

Written by Alicia
Posted 4 July 2017
Can a pharmacist working for the government claim as a tax expense professional indemnity insurance? My income source codes on my IRP5s are 3601 and 3605.
Depreciation on a cellphone

Written by Alicia
Posted 4 July 2017
I have a pay as you go cellphone that I bought cash. Thus I unfortunately do not have monthly statements to determine an exact break between business and personal use. I spend about R300 pm on airtime and I receive a cellphone allowance of R750 pm from my employer. How do I calculate and show the depreciation amount and do I need a letter of consent if the allowance is shown on my salary slips?
When you pay an RA directly

Written by Alicia
Posted 4 July 2017
I personally paid money into a retirement annuity fund, and not via my employer - where do put this in my tax return please?
Claim travel without a logbook

Written by Alicia
Posted 4 July 2017
I have source code 3802 on my IRP5 but I did not keep a logbook, can i claim for the perks tax paid via source code 3802 if I don't have a logbook?
Package for a commission and salary earner

Written by Neo
Posted 4 July 2017
If I earn commission and a salary as an employee, which package should I select, Ultra or Smart? I also have a travel allowance and a medical aid contribution.
Leased company use and tax

Written by Neo
Posted 3 July 2017
I don't receive a travel allowance, but I'm on a company vehicle lease scheme. It assumes I receive fuel, which I don't. I also do business mileage and I have source code 3802 on my IRP5. What should I do?
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